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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I'm bringing my macbook and reason, you are more than welcome to sit down with me and check it out I bet avaris is totally up for it too
  2. D=!!!!!!!! You make me a sad panda!
  3. Heh, you never tried to learn Logic then XD
  4. I have to talk to avaris before I start looking for other rides gotta PM him like.. now
  5. Hahahaha yeah, that was MANY revisions But hell, it was also my first remix with a computer ever
  6. Live has one of the best GUI's I've seen It's a matter of trying
  7. God that youtube vid made my day. REALLY.
  8. Thank you very much for your kind words
  9. Very interesting to see what you are up too nice demo reel, especially the one with music. I also find Live to be killer for automation and fxs, that's why I'm coupling Reason with it. PT is great for audio, but I can't start it atm lol. I'm always up for collab man, even though I may not have a whole lot of time on my hands just now. Still, getting started early is the key to success I'll warn you though, I only have Live 5.2 atm. It's not entirely legal but I just haven't had time to upgrade live lite. I'll probably get Live 6 in a matter of weeks. Thanks for the info
  10. Wow pixietrix Way to review! I should do that too Anyway, thank you very much for your kind words. "One of the most promising new remixers". I mean wow. I can't put words on that! Again, thank you very very much. It's these things that keeps me going
  11. A whole front cover made of game glitch would rule
  12. The LE systems also has a wide variety of systems. We are now up to the digi003 (001 and 002 before that) on both rack and non-rack versions. Mbox 2 comes as Mbox 2, Mbox 2 mini and Mbox 2 Pro. I have an Mbox 2 Pro myself. M-Audio ProjectMix is probably the best choice for homestudio if you're not that picky about M-Audio. I don't really like M-audio that much and I find that Digidesigns own soundcards and system suits me better and sounds better. But for anyone not as dimwitted as me, ProjectMix is a great addition to any set-up. Remember it can be used as I/O for anything. Ableton Live jumps into my mind. And it has FADERS AND KNOBS! Tweek. I'd like to hear about how you use Reason, Live and PT for your projects since I haven't really started using that setup yet. Also, we should collab sometime. Just for funz
  13. hihihihihihihihihihihihihihihi I almost couldn't take that post seriously after that EDIT: I said almost
  14. Reason is a great source of sound in any studio, and that's final
  15. I'm really glad you like Golden Feathers! It was my first remix I ever made with a computer. Before (three years ago) I did some really bad piano arrangements but that's the first song of my new start. Thank you very much
  16. It's true tha Reason sounds Reason. but I like Reason Also I'm now trying to expand my setup to Live and ProTools too (damn PT won't start because i upgraded OS tho..) so maybe I'll loose the sounds soon. even though I don't want to
  17. probably the same, but since you can now change timesigs and and tempo there might be trouble but live. During beta most people could rewire perfectly tho. ALSO YOU USE MY COMING SET-UP nice tweek, share your production tips!
  18. Thanks zircon. Thanks djpretzl. Thanks remixers. Thanks listeners. Thanks OCR.
  19. GIMME LINKS I want more 909
  20. See, I don't even know this stuff! That's why Nutsy here rules ;P Also, Knives, two of my tracks are in the FF7 project, when you get that check it out. It's all Reason and some of Nuts's great patches too
  21. As much as I'm impressed with SnappleMan (and I always am) I'm even more amazed by Norg! Just came here and did some of the coolest synthwork I've ever heard. +100 EXP, LEVEL UP, BONUS LEVEL!
  22. One of my absolute favorites from Voices of the Lifestream. I followed this one on the WIP boards and JJT knows his stuff. Amazing playing and great sound design. Very original. And I like Flaming Lips. Wonderful
  23. I must admit I was worried since these are, honestly, my two favourite songs from the soundtrack. Glad I was wrong LuiZa rocks the house. I feel Alice in Chains and then it gets even more dirty and jumpin'. Wonderfully performed and some very interesting touches makes a great remix. Go LuiZa! (sidenote: I came up with the title for my remix, but zircon stole it and gave it to LuiZa ;P)
  24. u r liar! u r sukking up! btw just got home and listening this through. Loved your track too Fishy so far, only three tracks listened, but man they all blew me away O.o bastards
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