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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Yeah, this production is a step down from Rozo's other stuff, no doubt. All the instruments felt buried in reverbed and far back in the soundfield. The strings were the only thing that was in front and there only the mid frequencies, very odd, it also bled into the other sounds a lot. This need to sound much more balanced and full. I liked the instrument choices, didn't have a big problem with the piano but the strings felt both out of place and badly sequenced. The piano could definitely be changed for a mallet instrument or similar to escape some of the sequencing issues but like I said, didn't have a big problem with it. Arrangement was pretty cool and even though the pacing caused it to feel a bit dragged out it had some nice dynamics and variation within. I think maybe you can work on the key changes to sound more natural and not disrupt the flow as much but nothing major. Maybe sprinkle some more source hints, especially during the second half, for great justice. Sorry to say, this isn't quite there yet. I know you have it in you so keep working on this if you feel like it, you're off to a good start. NO(resubmit)
  2. Pretty clean sounding synths here, I'm a fan though but others could see them as being "vanilla". The main downer for me is the arrangement. It's just really repetitive and the add-something/remove-something every few measures doesn't help it as much as some proper melodic variation and changes in harmony would. The production was okay. I thought the almost electric-guitar-ish lead was a bad choice. It was heavily reverbed, way in the background and lacked movement. Most of the main synths sound similar and hog the same frequencies, making your track a bit empty in the top and bottom frequencies. Overall you need to develop this further both arrangement-wise and production-wise. Sorry man. NO
  3. Ah samples, how hard it is to find good ones without emptying your wallet. Guess why I never write orchestral! I'm with Larry 100% here. The brass was almost a dealbreaker on its own for me. It sounds extremely synthetic and the attacks are awkward. The strings also sounded strangely shrill and thin. The clarinets (especially the attack) also sounded pretty odd. The only thing that didn't rub me the wrong way were the triangles and main string arpeggio. The arrangement had some good ideas but could be expanded on more to have a more dynamic shape than it does now. You're definitely on to something but I feel more can be done to move it further from the source and to give the arrangement a more apparent form. You're off to a good start but the production is holding it back. Know that orchestral is a really hard style to produce without some serious money to back it up. It's a harsh truth but it's a style that requires the samples to sound realistic and free samples often make that hard, even commercial libraries makes it hard if you don't pay close attention to the sequencing. I wish you the best of luck with this, like I said you're off to a good start NO(resubmit)
  4. Definitely an honest effort. Also 7 minutes long? It's 5 minutes This is a very long arrangement that sadly falls short in a few areas. An acoustic piece like this relies on the samples and everything didn't really click with me. The piano was muddy and buried, it worked decently well in the background but when exposed it felt odd. The strings were pretty good but the attacks sometimes felt awkward and unnatural (i.e. the same attack numerous times in a row, clumsy legato and so on). The brass wasn't used a lot, much like the woodwinds were kept in the background so I didn't have any major problem with those. Arrangement feels like it's spending a bit too much time working with minimal changes. While I appreciate the small changes in harmony and phrasing in the strings, the first minute or two feels really drawn out and the arrangement continues in basically the same gear. When the piece changes mood for the first time it almost feels out of place because of how long the part before was without building up. This big dramatic part felt a bit disjointed and the harmonies clashed in a way that didn't do the arrangement any favors (3:51-4:07). I also felt that the ending was anti-climactic. When it comes to source usage you're expanding the source a bit but mostly building on top of it. From 0:44-3:12 I wish you'd have done more with the sources instead of relying on the piano motif as much as you did. Overall this is an impressive effort and it certainly has good sides to it. However I thought the sample usage (piano especially) and arrangement is holding it back. I'm finding it hard to articulate exactly what's the issue so I hope some other judges can chime in but the arrangement feels a bit drawn out, the finale disjointed and the source usage could be expanded. I hope you revisit this because it shows a lot of promise, keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  5. All you need is the R-Type Dimensions Premium Theme. Fuck the rest. Also, can't wait to see what's in store these last three days
  6. I got some good stuff. Snuff by Chuck Palahniuk, a geeky casio watch, some random clothes and two AWESOME video game t-shirts: http://lowrez.spreadshirt.de/buttons2 - in black with white print http://lowrez.spreadshirt.de/r-9a - in black with silver print I'm now the hottest guy in the world.
  7. OCRE ON THE FORUMS? WELL I NEVER! Congratumalations you two :3
  8. Seeing as a few tracks opened up, can I grab Plug Man?
  9. http://ocremix.org/torrents/ The link here should be accurate. If you still can't get maybe your browser is blocking torrents or similar?
  10. This man speaks truth (and makes good music)!
  11. This thread is fun, I'm joining in to guess. Though.. uh I don't have any answers.
  12. Just voted on my tenth remix today, felt good! CELEBRATION! Also, I wanted to thank Dave, OCR and (even though he smells and is less cool than Dave) Larry for keeping this place alive. It basically gave me an education and a road towards what will probably be my job in the future. All while giving anyone and everyone some of the best free music on the mighty internets. 10 years? Here's to 10 more!
  13. This still suffers from many of the same issues from the previous version, the main one being overcompression. The mix is really squashed but still very quiet, lacking proper transients. The guitar playing and solos are still really good but the arrangement is still not very interpretive. It's getting there but you rely too much on following the same melody over and over again with slightly different approaches each time, you need to vary the arrangement up some more. The intro synths felt messy and there was a lot of clashing because of the delay that sounded off. The drums (especially the hi-hat) can sound better too, the crash cymbals were almost completely inaudible and kick+snare could've used some more variation in velocity. I'm sorry man but this still has some way to go. You need to rework the mixing and try getting some additional interpretation and variation in the arrangement. It's STILL a good start but not really there yet. NO(resubmit)
  14. Do I hear an Ableton Live beat repeat preset in there? So hey, this is a pretty damn cool remix. You definitely have your own style when it comes to sound. The instruments are warm, fat and slightly distorted for that extra edge. The sound keeps evolving and changing throughout the track which is great for variation. The production overall felt a bit quiet but that's nothing that held the whole track back. I thought the first synth bass sound was a bit vanilla but the rest makes up for it. The arrangement takes a rather simple approach to the source, keeping a similar pace. The modifications to the melody, backing and above all the dynamic form of the arrangement makes it stand out though. I thought the ending was great, maybe because it sounded like something I would've loved to do.. It doesn't fade out the whole way though, not a big deal but would like a fix. Overall I thought the arrangement was creative even though it didn't revolutionize the source, the production was good and it felt cohesive but varied. Great stuff man! YES(conditional on ending)
  15. LARGE HARDON COLLISION There, I'm terribly sorry but it had to be done. I have to side with the nay-sayers here. It's a potent track but it does lack a certain polish. The drums feel like they're on auto-pilot too much and the panning isn't doing them any favors. The synths lack movement and make the track feel even less dynamic. Beyond that the arrangement's also a bit too conservative. The melody is often verbatim and the re-hashing CHz mentioned really takes away a lot from the track. I also want to emphasize how much focus the track loses when you're panning kickdrums left or right. This shows a lot of promise though, don't get me wrong. You've got a solid base with some good beats and overall good production. However this needs some more polish before it really shines. NO(resubmit)
  16. I guess the NO-jokes has been done to death on judge subs.. so I'm gonna do it the other way! YES Great production, clever and cohesive arrangement with good solos. Sequenced guitar sounds decently realistic, everything works well together, it makes you eargasm. Good stuff!
  17. Okay, seriously now. Vinnie delivers with this remix! Crisp, clean production full of tasty sounds and processing. The actual arrangement chops the source up and sprinkles it out like nobody's business, very tasteful. Pretty much everything here clicked with me, can't say much more than "I love you". YES
  18. NOW I get it. "me" means it's Vinnie's sub! NO, OVERRIDE
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