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Everything posted by anosou

  1. As long as I'm there playing Electrician.
  2. So yeah, I pick Electrician. Nice try though.
  3. Valkyrie's really good when you get the stun timing down, especially since it stunts longer if you shoot it from a longer distance. Also, I'm partial to AP so you can pick a hero you really like D: Otherwise I prefer RD over SD because SD can result in you playing something you hate.
  4. Eat poop, poop eater! Also, nah, it's not. I prefer practicing with one hero that I get pretty good with, also AP is the standard game mode. It makes me sad that you guys want SD or RD all the time.
  5. Super sex game. Had a great 2v2 tonight. Me and Bahamut vs. Scytheful and TehDonut. Really even most of the time but eventually me and Wes (as Electrician and Behemoth respectively) won because of the better matchup we had. Opponents were Kraken and Hammerstorm, definitely strong heroes but our stun was pretty devastating. Can't stop loving Electrician btw. FANTASTIC hero, a real bundle of joy and nigh unkillable. Also re: some heroes being OP, that's not something new to HoN. Omniknight has always been straight silly. They'll add more counters for him when new heroes get in though, it'll balance out in the end.
  6. aaaaaand the prize for longest submission letter goes to...
  7. Not S, A. He's quite useless alone if he hasn't been feeded like hell. EVERYONE's good feeded as hell. While the buff is nice he's slow and frail, with so many better casters (Defiler, Thunderbringer, Pyromancer and so on) I just can't see him as S. So yeah, I disagree, I know you did great tonight but we were really feeded • • • • • *nom nom*
  8. Chronos is admittedly garbage. Also Behemoth/Magmus/Legionnaire aren't really tanks.. they're more damage focused. Armadon's a pure tank and he's the best in the game at that, you need good teamplay to really make the most out of him though but then he'll be REALLY high. Also, Electrician is definitely borderlining A. Great early for ganks and dual lanes, great mid for ganks, fucking UNSTOPPABLE late-game. You can't kill him, it can't be done. Can't say he's straight A though because he's a bit item dependent, needs to cooperate a lot and his voice is horrid.
  9. He's exactly like Bristleback. I'm saying he's a great hero!
  10. HEY SMELLY PEOPLE, IT'S-A-ME! A-tier: Defiler, Electrician A/B-tier: Torturer NOT AS LOW AS ZIRCON SAYS-tier: Armadon (he's not supposed to do damage idiots, he's supposed to initiate, run around and not die. He does that VERY WELL )
  11. Jokes aside, this is a great track. Sounds a bit like the Disgaea soundtracks, very cool sound. Arrangement nails the minor transition and spices up everything around it too. The guitar tone during the "breakdown" section is a bit sloppy imo and sounds flat, but that's minor. Production is overall great even though, like Vinnie pointed out, it gets a tiny bit crowded at times. Not a big deal though. You might be doing it wrong but damnit I don't care! YES
  12. Notes and additions: :32-:34 - arranges 0:22 from the source in the background :40-:42 - arranges 0:22 from the source in the background 1:36-1:38 - arranges 0:22 from the source in the background 1:44-1:46 - arranges 0:22 from the source in the background Like Palpable I'd also count stuff like 1:23-1:27 where the chords finish the passage, chords that are also present in the source, because it makes the track more cohesive. Beyond that there's also the small hints like at 0:23.5 and 0:47 recurring throughout the track which makes it more cohesive. Beyond that the chords are the same from 0:17 and forward, quite characteristic chords at that. Overall, I'm cool with the arrangement and it gets close enough to 50% when counting my way and considering the glue between the straight source parts. Production was solid, really love the fusion between electronic sounds and "real" instruments. There was some nice power in the track and you created a great mood. This is a solid piece of music Jorge, great work, but do throw us some more source next time YES(borderline)
  13. Think that zophar link is wrong, here's the right one: http://www.zophar.net/download_file/14304 - Track 1 Just noting quickly that this isn't for feedback, it's for submitting songs that are finished and you think have a good shot at passing. Production was lacking in this one, something you apparently was aware of. The whole track sounds thin/overcompressed and lacks punch, especially when the drums enter. The hi-hat is reduced to digitalized sizzle and the rest of the kit lacks power. Guitar tone was pretty damn good imo, with some good mixing it could really shine. Bass lacked.. well, bass and felt flimsy. Like Larry said, arrangement needs to be kicked up another notch. Practically a cover this one and that's not what OCR is about. You're a good guitar player but you need to polish the final result up a bit to really make it shine. Keep at it! NO
  14. The track is very repetitive without varying the melodic content or backing much. The main groove sounded a bit flimsy to me, bassdrum especially, that's important for a club track to nail. The buildups/dropoffs were short and crept close to the same formula used throughout the entire track. The synths weren't bad but they lacked depth and came off as simple-sounding. Mixing in general lacked power and bass. The low notes on the piano muddied up the lower mids a bit too, try scaling that back. Overall the arrangement and production both felt vanilla. You can evolve this much more in both areas. Try getting more interpretive with the source, use some of the verse sections, and polish up those sounds. Check out bLiNd's stuff for a good example of polished club productions that also handle the source in a good way. Nice base though, keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  15. ooook, things are looking good. Brushfire, can you house both me AND AeroZ for a few days after MAG? Any dates that are especially good for you? How far is it from your place to where Palpable lives?
  16. Going to keep it short because Larry and Jimmy elaborated a lot. The instruments sound a bit muffled and low-quality. The sequencing is holding them back, it's stiff and could be more dynamic. The arrangement shows how hard it is to work with a simple source, you need a more interpretive take on the theme to get through. You're also repeating a lot of motifs without really evolving. The drums (when they enter) lack power and sound distant too. Sorry man but this would need a lot more polish before I could comfortably pass it. Take some time to check out other OCReMixes and compare them to the source to see what you can do to flesh it out. Good luck! NO
  17. Gonna keep it short because some huge-ass circles already went essay You have a lot of original material, you have a lot of source but the remix needs more actual arrangement. It also drags a bit, it's really very repetitive. You need to use the source in a more interpretive way and make the arrangement a bit more ineteresting. Production was overall good except for the piano. You know what the problem is by now but you show a lot of promise so keep it up! NO
  18. I'll keep it short because a lot has been said. Arrangement is a bit simple but works. It does drag a bit because of lack of variation in the backing parts and the weak percussion. Production was a bit on the crowded side, really try to carefully balance the different elements to get the important ones up front. Even the gating gets a bit grating after a while, vary stuff up! Overall it shows a lot of promise but needs some more polish before it's solid. Keep it up! NO(resubmit)
  19. Yeah, everything's been said. Thanks for being cool about it Brian! NO
  20. So yeah, looking real good! AeroZ has some money so we can probably order tickets in two-three weeks depending on how much I get paid. Need some help planning the trip though. Mainly who can house me and AeroZ after MAGFest, for how long and can that person give us a ride to the closest airport when they're sick of us. Need some serious DATES and suggestions.
  21. It was obviously awesome, I made it in 4 minutes! Anyway, that's where we disagree. I'm not doubting it is in fact an arrangement of the source, it makes sense since this is a submitted FFVI ReMix, but I don't think it's clear enough. I think we need to sit down, have some tea and really TALK about where the line is when it comes to source usage.. I thought that particular was too liberal, it wasn't identifiable ENOUGH, that's all I'm saying. Also, I know the source like the back of my hand.. I love the living shit out of the track, I'm just comparing to other subs I've thought were too liberal. If this was some obscure track from Virtual-ON I don't think this discussion would exist :/ Tag, you're it
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