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Everything posted by anosou

  1. The version you have is not mastered. Here's the proper version with mastering. Also added some ambient guitar. melody also supplied a new submissions e-mai, please use this in the write-up: "first off i'd like to say whether this meets the bar or not, i want to thank the terrific people in #ocremix for all their help. pass or fail, it's been almost exactly a year since i've first started coming onto irc and looking back, i've learned so much from these guys. just to name a handful, tensei, snappleman, sixto, blitzlunar, dproject, monobrow, anso, you guys are great the x5 ost has always stuck out to me among the vast mega man catalog, and i love the melancholic overtones in this particular track. a big creative influence was the recently departed nujabes (rip), whose jazz-infused hip-hop style inspired me on many levels and whose passing encouraged me to re-evaluate the lack of jazzy goodness and phat beats in my own songwriting style. the title comes from x's self-doubt and his perpetual search for truth hope you all enjoy" RE-VOTE
  2. ESPER pretty please. Already idle on tons of channels there, registered and ready. Good network. EDIT: Oh, and I might just add that all pros of freenode that Iggy mentioned are also available on esper. Features are pretty much identical. Esper has more game music-related channel iirc too.
  3. ARUHGUHRG. People coming to visit all this week, can't do shit. You know I'm good for it though, right Emu?
  4. I don't know why nobody mentioned the odd clicks at the beginning. Left speaker, noisy and a click at the beginning of phrases. Otherwise I agree with what's been said, the arrangement is good but the production is dragging it down. It sounds like the whole thing's been EQ'd in a way so that both the lows AND the highs are gone. There are also something that sounds like noisy distortion, almost clipping. The strings sound mechanical and unrealistic. I hate to come off as harsh but those judges that voted YES need to re-listen to this, the production really is holding this back from passing. I'm sorry man, you're gonna have to work some more on this. Try looking up some tips on music production (EQ, mastering, compression etc.) before revisiting this. Not that I think you have no idea what you're doing but because you can always learn new things, I still do all the time! NO(resubmit)
  5. With such short votes one would think I could add a lot. I can't. This is a really, really good arrangement that does some great stuff with the source without masking the original melody. Very nice! YES
  6. Agree with my fellow judges overall. Production is pretty good, I personally thought the lead choice was a bit plain. The way it's pretty much alone with bass+drums during much of the track just adds to it feeling plain and repetitive, you could do a lot more with the lead synth. Try some vibrato, pitch bends or having another element in there that helps with the melody. The arrangement overall was a bit cut & paste, try evolving the melodies and backing. Switch up some instruments, do some other chords or counterpoint melodies. Just adding something that sits a bit in the middle, under the lead, bass and drums, would help a lot too. Some meat! This is a good start but you need to vary it up a bit more, give it some more love. NO(resubmit)
  7. I'm with most my fellow judges here. The track feels underdeveloped because of the distinct lack of variation and dynamics. Beyond that the sounds you've chosen are very dry and very center. Some brighter reverb, panning and more textural variation would've helped. Try doing some breaks, changing the drums up some more, some variations in instrumentation. Perhaps some more melodic work? Nice idea, decent execution. Needs a bit more trust, love and care to make it over the bar. Keep at it! NO
  8. This is really good. Nice resubmission, much better tone. Varied use of the source, even production and good performance. OCR needs this stuff too. YES
  9. Interesting take on the source. I have to agree with the other judges though, there are some problem areas. First it's the repetition of elements as they're brought in, this especially hurts when they're very similar to the source with no variation. Secondly the mixing doesn't do the track any favors, the harp/glock that takes the front seat are very dry even though they have a reverse effect, where's the reverb? While the drums were cool they felt rather thin all things considered, the distortion caused a lack of presence that felt odd with the other elements. The choir/string combo was pretty cool but again felt very dry and upfront. Overall this mix shows a lot of promise but you need to polish it a bit more before I could comfortably pass it. NO(resubmit)
  10. Best idea anyone has ever had and carried out.
  11. If you like it then you better put McRib in it~ If you like it then you better put McRib in it~
  12. halc sent a file for our collab, I should get around to that soon but this month is gonna be fucking horrible... final month before my bachelor's thesis is due
  13. I CAME HERE TO TALK ABOUT IT ANYWAY! ...you meanie
  14. I came here to talk about all the megabytes of sodium in the McRib.
  15. Get Resonance of Fate. Kthx.
  16. Utau Oka ~Harmonics FRELIA~ from Ar Tonelico II. Filled with goodness.
  17. Obviously everyone not playing FPS aren't real gamers and thus doesn't count when talking about who plays with wi-fi. The main platform for FPS is still PC by the way, especially considering online. Stop being on some kinda mission to be right and talk about the update yourself instead
  18. I do too. 10char
  19. lol he said Mitsuda, what a noob
  20. There's source. Wish there was more, but it's enough to make it recognizable and dominant. Vinnie's count seems correct by my count too (just above 50%). While that's not a rule it pushes this over the bar for me together with how it sounds cohesive even when the source isn't in-your-face present. Close call, good track. YES
  21. This mix really is silly amounts of awesome. If you don't listen you're a loser, simple as that.
  22. DO WHAT MR. WHELCHEL SAYS! He is indeed a wise man.
  23. THERE IS NO MIGHT NOT, REMIX 'NOWKSY NOW! Seriously though, being on the SMB soundtrack is a big deal
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