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Everything posted by anosou

  1. I'm basically on the fence because it's incredibly loud and compressed. It's stylistic but the drums are really TOO loud, the style could've been pulled off without damaging ears. If I'm the only one who thinks this is an issue worth going conditional on I guess I'll let it slide... but damnit, is this really ok? Sets kind of a bad example with Fishy saying "it's tefnek" when we could've bashed pretty much any generic techno remix for sounding like this. No offense to Jack ofc, I love your music so much it hurts sometime. Arrangement. Tricky. Palpable pointed out that 0:45-1:08 isn't that connected to 1:10-1:18 of the source after all. The connection I find is the guitar mimicking (somewhat in the beginning) the vocals and the "SEPHIROTH" and after talking this through with Palp we're both pretty sure that can only be counted as roughly half of the chorus.. Well, after counting that it's still above the bar but it's definitely closer. (see Palp's vote below) So, I don't really want to pass this without the drums being toned down a LITTLE bit but if I'm the only one I'll let it slide. Good track, I want your babies, keep doing music or I'll kill your family. Nice work YES(conditional on being LOUD if I'm not the only one here...)
  2. SEND ME ALL YOUR GAMES TOO PLZ MR. NEVERSOFT MAN! The guitar sounds gated, it cuts-off when you're not playing. This sounds very unprofessional and you could probably clean up the recording with a de-esser, noise reducer such as SoundSoap or any similar tool. Also, don't gate it. Other than that it's very close-mic'd and sounds like it's in a completely different room than the piano. A shared reverb would make the instruments blend together much better. There's also some pretty bad clipping during the solo at 2:05-09. That should not be there. Make it go away! The performance was quite good, a little loose but that's how we like it! Creative source usage, especially the new chords and harmonies. When just listening too it there was no question about enough source usage here and since Larry says 50%+ GO! I won't go into that further. I think the production needs to be streamlined for this to pass. Since the arrangement is solid and the recording probably doesn't have to be redone (depends on the clipping really) I will go conditional on this. Fix it and you've could a pretty damn cool arrangement right here. If you can't fix it I can't apss this but then I urge you to do a new recording, if it adresses the issues I'll YES it in a heartbeat. EDIT (7/6)): New version is improved. Still some minor issues like the difference in "space" is still there and some minor clipping during the guitar solo if my ears doesn't decieve me. Nothing major though, this one's ok with me now. YES
  3. I'm glad to see some galaga love! This is a tough one for me. On one hand the sounds are very basic (that organ especially) and the arrangement feels like you've put together a bunch of your own loops, adding one at a time. On the other hand the counter melodies and general feel of the track was pretty well done. I think I'm going to go with Palpable on this one though. Mostly because of the cut-and-paste feel of the arrangement and the rather dull sound design. While I can appreciate the retro feel you could definitely have mixed these a bit better. It sounds quite cluttered during the final parts. This shows potential and you handled two very simple source in a creative way but you need to develop your ideas and your craft a bit further. I'd love to see a resubmisison of this one because damnit, it makes me want to dance! NO(resubmit)
  4. See if you can trade with the store you bought it at. Other remedies include waiting a day or two, polishing the disc, trying to install to harddrive and crying. Honestly, this is the reason I install all my most-played games to harddrive! Not only does it remove any disc noises, it keeps it from being scratched AND makes the games load faster (generally speaking).
  5. Absolutely! Anyone who wants additions in brackets after their blog, just say so and I'll add it. Also bring some people around here! NEED MOAR BLOG TRAFFIC
  6. Formula front is basically very much like the last PS2 releases but with an AI battle mode where you basically plan your crafts AI and parts and battle it out. Actually controlling the craft is entirely optional through the game. I think it looks hot and it's a great game. Lumines is a puzzler by Q Entertainment and it's beyond awesome. Youtube it and admit defeat!
  7. wasn't there a thread just like this a week ago? PowerStone Collection - portable crazy Armored Core: Formula Front - portable awesome R-Type Command - portable hardcore Valkyrie Profile Lenneth - portable epic
  8. Yet another part in the "How I spend my money"-series. Some questionable purchases this time, agree? http://anosou.blogspot.com
  9. Awesome, this might be my next browser then..
  10. and I'm the only Blanka! Wanna start a not-the-cool-good-characters-club?
  11. Learn to MP+MK ~ 6,6 ~ counter and/or repeat.
  12. just updated my blog with a new addition in the oh-so-interesting "What I spend my money on"-series. Read it and weep! http://anosou.blogspot.com
  13. Beyond awesome. Jaco AND McDonalds in a Contra remix bass solo? Who can possibly resist that?
  14. Pretty much. Also I don't really like FPS but gotta love that ID supports Mac ;P
  15. Thanks :3 In my defense re: vanilla synths I went for vanilla electronica sound so this vote is a victory for me!
  16. Q3 is the only competative FPS I've ever played and this alone make me want to play. Sign up in progress for great justice! also, free gaming by experienced developers? you know it's cool.
  17. I'm a FF mac user but it's always late on updates so Safari 4 might be cool.. Can you import firefox settings? Too bad there are no plugins.. I love my add-to-netvibes button
  18. You said it, you can't un-say it!
  19. I'm now considering voting No. just because you brought that up. It make me unique Thanks for all you've shown us, this is how we feel.. COME SIT NEXT TO ME, GRAB YOURSELF SOME TEA, JUST LIKE GRANDMA MADE WHEN WE COULDN'T FIND SLEEP. THINGS WERE BETTER THEN, ONCE BUT NEVER AGAIN, WE'VE ALL LEFT THE DEN LET ME TELL YOU 'BOUT IT!
  20. lots of good reading can be found here, I'm with alexis: MOAR BLOGS! Also, to keep this thread from dying, if you write an especially awesome post or a part of a recurring series you could post a note here so anyone interested but not RSSing can find the good stuff. I've just started to chronicle all my game-related purchases, first post up today, so that could be interesting to see what kind of taste I REALLY have. :3 As you were.
  21. This is one of the most personal arrangements I've heard in a while. While it's still rather close to the source you have a unique approach, great counter melodies and one of the most beautiful voices I've heard in a while. I am a sucker for folk-influenced singing I must admit but damn, this is fantastic. Beautiful lyrics, as a big FF-fan I appreciate the way it really portrays a character. There are some issues that needs to be sorted out though, I'll steal Larry's idea with a list: 1. The voice is panned hard left but the reverb is stereo, giving an unfavorable effect. I'd prefer non-left panning to make the track more focused but at the very least fix the reverb if you want to keep it. 2. Everything's quiet and distant. Interesting effect but pretty much everything should be louder and perhaps a bit compressed when better balanced. The harp is especially thin which is a shame when it's so beautifully played. 3. Track name and (pleasepleaseplease) your artist name should be changed. Believe me, you will want to have a name you can keep for a long while, I partially dislike my own remixer name already so I know the importance! 4. Filesize and encoding needs to be lowered. As I said, this is wonderful but needs some fixes that are in my opinion fairly minor. Do them and you will most certainly make a huge impact on OCR with this one. I will listen to it on repeat for a while now.. be back later. YES(conditional)
  22. representing abusers of power everywhere since '09!

  23. Okay, this probably won't be as big as I'd like it to be BUT I will from now on keep a list of OCRemix forum user's blogs in the first post. Alphabetically and generally pretty. Woo!
  24. hmm.. Should I add all blogs posted to the first post in an oh-so-handy list in this format: Forum user name - blog url ?
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