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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Most of all I think it would be quite awkward to "rename" some games so they would fit better on someone's iPod. If it's an issue anyone can redo the tags slightly on their own. The thing I'm stressing here is that we shouldn't alter the games original name (in this case American release-name since OCR is an american site). In cases like FFIII later released as FFVI one SHOULD go with FFVI since that is more accurate re: the games original japanese name. Pretty much. Yes. The only issue is that most MP3 players and apps sort albums by track number and not title (the latter would be stupid really). But then again I PREFER ocremixes sorted by Remix ID instead of game. It brings more awareness to every remix regardless of game and if someone wants Zelda they can easily 1. sort by title, 2. search for zelda or 3. set up a playlist. I vote strongly FOR Remix ID as Track Number.
  2. just search "kirby ocremix" in the upper right corner of songbird, make sure the little bird icon is showing so you're searching your library. You can also sort by title of track since the game always comes first (i.e. Jade Cocoon People Made of Stone where 'Jade Cocoon' is the original game). Also, since you're using songbird, please show your support for adding chiptune format plugins for songbird. http://getsatisfaction.com/songbird/topics/support_for_chiptunes_and_video_game_music_formats
  3. The mission of OCR has always been to raise awareness of game music and tribute the original game and music. Using the games original title accomplishes that. We also don't want a fanboy-riot I see no reason of altering the games original title. If it uses roman numerals it should and vice versa.
  4. IMO 1700+ different covers for EACH TRACK sounds like a waste of space. Title Screens per game, maybe, but I'm satisfied with just an official OCR Album Art.
  5. Don't remove the album tag, the album is OCR and not the game. Will cause a LOT of confusion otherwise imo, people sharing it like a soundtrack song or such. Fixing the NamesWithoutSpaces and FFVI/FF6 issues too might be a good idea. Use roman numerals. RE: the separate albums in itunes I usually check "part of collection" in itunes and they all group together. If the Album Artist field will fix this, then good, "part of collection" works good enough for me anyway. Album Artist field would require putting every single remixer down OR ocremix.org and both seems.. meh. RE: mix id, would be awesome. I always try to sort by year to see the "evolution" of OCRemixes and mix id (perhaps track number? that's the best way to organize it in my opinion but it might mess stuff up if your media player doesn't sort by different things easily) would help this a lot.
  6. What OS and version of Reason are you using? Try playing back some of these test tones to see if it's the audio output: http://www.mediacollege.com/audio/tone/download/ In other news, I've been playing various instruments since I was 10 and I've studied piano extensively together with private lessons in drums and guitar. Your first comment was horrible and offended me as a musician. It's probably people who understands audio engineering and production (i.e. people who "make beats for rap or something and cant play an instrument") that can help you with this problem since it's obviously technical. You're narrow-minded about music and that's not a good idea at an online forum for music. Tone down the attitude if you want some help.
  7. BTW I lied, I mistook the track and I blame my iPod Shuffle! Blood Inside is fantastic around 1:30-2:30 but then there are some clashing harmonies I can't take. Anyway, This Isn't Happening is probably the one track I like the most. It has a fantastic groove and the use of creative FX throughout is fantastic. Other high marks include: Revolution, Heatseeker and Air. Anyone not downloading this deserves a punch somewhere it hurts, probably right in the chest and/or the crotch.
  8. Good stuff for sure, keep it up Sam and remember that we all love you
  9. Great playing, good recording (although what's with the left-panned piano?) and a good blend of crowd noise. Fantastic soloing and improv. Too bad there's not enough Decisive Battle here.. I can hear it at 0:20-1:15, 4:22-5:57 and then I'm counting the syncopated chords during the drumsolo and as a transition as source usage. You're talanted musicians and I'm sure you could work in some more source usage in your performances. Subtle hints to the melody in the solos, backing instruments arranging a melody but with a "jazzier" chord structure during a piano solo and just.. more source in general. I'd love to see some submissions from you were the focus lies both on your skill as musicians AND the original piece of music. Then you would make OCR history. I enjoyed this sub, but it's just too liberal for our standards. NO
  10. Just wanna give a shout to Senko no Ronde (awkwardly renamed WARTECH: Senko no Ronde by Ubisoft in the US/EU). This is pretty much the best game I've played in a long time. A cross between a beat 'em up and a bullet-hell shooter (and apparently very much like the Sega game Virtual-On) it's one of the best VS. experience you can have. Xbox Live battles are a blast if you find a player so make sure you urge a few friends to buy it too. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Senko_no_Ronde Seriously. Awesome.
  11. Then go pick it up! I need to play this some more myself but I've been busy with WarTech: Senko no Ronde.
  12. Been listening to this a lot lately. It's fucking GOLD! Blood Inside is especially awesome, reminds me of a bunch of shmups in a good way.
  13. Aww damn.. eeh.. learn to .. find money? Like, on the street? Consider prostitution?
  14. Learn to use credit cards :/
  15. The EXACT same thing happened to me (including the exact same games)
  16. QFE, everything this man said here is absolute truth. I kinda wish I had 60GB though since I'd love to play some games from the HDD.
  17. I like memory cards. BTW in Culdcept Saga you can give another player a deck of cards with help from a memory card and putting your Gamer Profile on a Memory Unit doesn't hurt anyone and makes it possible to always be able to log in to your profile when palying say a VS. beat 'em up at a friends. I wish current gen developers would do something more radical with savegames though.. Like, when a game spawns multiple sequels! Make it possible to import old save game data from previous games for extra content such as gamerpics, in-game stuff or such. This would especially be cool for games such as Culdcept Saga or Enchanted Arms with the "collection" aspect! MOAR INTERCONNECTABILTIY-MAJIGS!
  18. That's always been the case with DVDs on my 360. The volume difference is HUGE. Haven't thought much about it since I just turn up the volume
  19. IMO you're stupid :'( some games really benefit from this and the loading times get shorter. Also, the noise issue could be a good reason if you're playing late at night or listening to music or something. My point is: it's not stupid, it's a good option to have for games you play alot! Same here. Though my wi-fi connection is pretty unstable so it might've been me too.. At least I took down the first boss
  20. It's okay, I still love you. Also I forgot it was new years eve and shit so Ikaruga will have to wait a while ;P sorry
  21. Hopefully I, as a JRPG-nutter, will enjoy it as much as I did Bethesdas titles.
  22. if you knew your xboxes you'd know there are tons of Red Rings. The RRoD is the one where every "area" on the xbox button is red except the upper right which isn't lit. Other red rings mean other errors including, but not limited to: no video output, faulty wire or such...
  23. You're now my new bestest of friends! JOLLY GOOD!
  24. Bitch got skills As a JRPG-nut I loved Lost Odyssey to pieces though. Mass Effect is still collecting dust in my shelf but I'll get there
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