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Everything posted by anosou

  1. This sounds awesome! Sometimes I felt the guitar was a bit dry but that was more personal taste. Feels like some sounds could've occupied a tiny bit more space (the bass was NOT one of them ;P) but overall the production on this one was good enough. Arrangement is pretty sweet too, not too crazy but in a very good way. The drum programming was varied, the playing was good and the switch between sections were smooth. Overall, this is good. Nice one! YES
  2. This is obviously the best sampled sitar ever. Now if I could only get my ass outta Reason 4...
  3. Switching between a pair of Beyerdynamic somethingsomething numbernumber and a pair of Koss Porta Pro (just because I know how stuff sounds on 'em). Works good enough for me.
  4. Actually I was wrong here, I mistook the timestamp. Sorry for the confusion! :/
  5. First and foremost: HELL YEAH DUET! I'm getting one. Also, it's not consistent because it depends on what you do with your computer. Running audio apps for example strains the battery more than surfing the web it's accurate, more accurate than you thought
  6. The battery thingy can easily be adjusted. Go to System Preferences, the lightbulb-icon (dunno what it is in english) and the "options" tab. Check the "show battery icon"-thingy box. Then click the Battery Icon in the top bar and in one of the menus there you'll find display options and you can choose showing what's left also, I hate the new MBP's for not having FireWire 400 too. Makes me want to hit somebody. It's the most stable connection for audio work directly from harddrive or a good soundcard atm. Blu-Ray on the other hand is overrated :3
  7. Oh. My. God. YES, OH GOD YES Really, there's practically nothing wrong here. Could be mixed better but it's live so I won't even go there. I love you guys.
  8. He owes me a CD too.. wanna hunt him down and beat it outta him?
  9. That makes you incredibly hot, you do realize that right? pics plz!
  10. oh oh oh ! Then I'm Gordon FreeMAN <3
  11. I'm Xion from Bloody Roar 3 because he's from Sweden too... :3 Honestly though I'd like to say Gooey, Kirby's sidekick in Kirby's Dream Land 3 because I ALSO like to eat but I'm just not as cool as Kirby and nobody really likes me. Also I have a killer tongue. Yeaaah.
  12. I want to hit you in the face.
  13. One of the best mixes on OCR lately. For real real not for play play!
  14. Damn europe, Fable 2's released tomorrow here :'( Still, I'm looking forward to starting an orgie and whatnot :3
  15. lol. :3 Minimalist source for sure, pretty but minimalist. I liked your sound choices right off the bat even though the pad had some overtones that just didn't sit right harmonically in the beginning and that pad is present a LONG time. Check that out. Dropping the source at 1:59 was a bad move that made this a bit too liberal for a bit too long. String articulations was so-so. Robo-voice wasn't half bad, I enjoyed it for what it was. The overall production is quite good though, everything could be a little more dynamic for the sake of variation though. I'm with Larry here. You need to focus on the source and how you use it to make this a passable arrangement. String articulations could definitely be better but my main issue was the arrangement. NO(resubmit)
  16. I want Tales of Vesperia too.. damn Europe and their.. countries.. and.. shit.. :'(
  17. Pre-booked the collector's edition. WHO DA MAN!? I DA MAN!
  18. Aaahahahahahahahaha Hands up for Palp and Larry in other words Then again, Darke is the king of sporadic multi-voting, gotta give him that.
  19. Never heard this one before Certainly a fresh take on the source. You handled the source pretty well here, it's down and dirty groovy. The source is quite minimal but you've added your own touch both in terms of style and interpretation. A bit liberal but not too much since the original note pattern is there most of the time. The rhodes-solo wasn't stellar but I enjoyed it still! I think the soundscape is quite clutterd here. The beefy drums are a bit overpowering and drowns out the rest of the instruments. A bit too much reverbs at times imo which made sounds less separated than they could've been. Otherwise the production is quite solid here. Overall I think this is a hard call. The production is holding it back imo but the arrangement has gone to places no man's gone before.. When it's all said and done I think the arrangement and mostly good production is enough to pass this. Good work but keep improving your production skills! YES(borderline)
  20. ICECAP ZONE! NO Okay, joke aside, I actually dig this source except the obvious electro-remix-quality... This is a pretty cool take on the source. The arpeggios certainly is a great addition and adds some much needed melodic content. In general I agree with Larry that when you used the source melody it was a bit too straight-forward and when you didn't well.. you didn't. Finding a solid balance between this is crucial for a good cohesive arrangement. Still, you have some great ideas. The solos in particular are just awesome coupled with the arpeggios. I'm a sucker for mono synths. Drums could be a bit more interesting though but that's minor. The production is a more of a problem-area to me. The pad is occupying a lot of the soundscape because it's so wide and quite loud. Pads are more background material so try pulling it back a bit. The drums are a bit weak and flimsy too, and seem panned to the left which kinda hurts the focus. Reverb is all over the place Take away some of it to make room for all the sounds. The drums in particular are very reverb-heavy, I think even the bassdrum is reverbed and that is never a good idea since it takes away presence from it. Overall this is pretty damn good but it has some problem areas (mainly reverb/balance and source interpretation) that keeps it from being a solid pass imo. I can see where the YES's are coming from but I think this needs a bit more work before it achieves it's fullest potential. But damn man, if you don't resubmit this I will hunt you down and hurt you. Ice Cap is good for OCR. NO(resubmit)
  21. PROJECT BIAS! No but really, I heard this before on the DKC2 project WIP boards and loved the style. Certainly some great personalization here Patrick. This is how I always imagined this song to be really. The arrangement moves along nicely and all elements sound perfectly in place, I especially enjoyed the guitar. Sometimes I wouldn't have minded some more percussion but then again it's a highly personal opinion. The boatcreaking was awesome. It seems quite loud though, toning down the woodwinds that gets slightly piercing is a must for me. The guitar was a bit overpowered after the first run of the theme too, it sounds a bit too wide and just.. loud! In general it seems like a lot of these instruments just feel a bit too loud and wide. It doesn't hurt the track that much but if you at least fix the woodwinds it could be a good idea re-checking your levels one last time to keep them from sounding lossy at such high volume. Bottom line; this is a great piece of music. The arrangement is lively and chock-full with ideas. The production needs a tiny extra push but was generally good too. So, fix the woodwind levels and while you're at it maybe some additional fine-tuning of the overall levels. Fantastic job Patrick! YES(conditional)
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