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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Interesting style, never heard anything this jumpy before. The intro is a bit drawn out without much (if any) source usage. The general 909 sound is a bit bland when used on it's own. So, after the intro the bassdrum is just out of tune. Check that out, always make the bassdrum in tune with your track when it comes to synthesized kicks. The sampled screaming and guitars is decent but gets kind of grating. What follows is more source usage though and that's all well and good. Still, it's a bit too easy and empty here. Two synths? One melody line? Try expanding your writing a bit, make use of variation! The production isn't half bad. It sounds like the presets or synth patches used were higih-quality. The mixing is not flawless though. Pretty much every element of the drumkit except the kit gets drowned. A bit too much reverb too, as Vinnie pointed out. This is not over the bar just yet but keep refining your skills, make use of #ocrwip and the WIP forums and maybe some day we'll have jumpstyle on OCR. NO
  2. Cool track. Very modern, very Amon Tobin. I liked the chopped up drumbeat and the general sloppiness of the bass. They both really helps to set the vibe. It does sound very intentional and groove-based and not like an error. The drum-loop could use some more low-end if this was a big beat track, but in this case I don't think it's nessecary. Very cool to let the saxophone take the lead, superb tone. I thought the strings was so-so but it's a minor. The arrangement otheriwse is plodding along quite good. Some interesting expansion of the source and generally very true to the mood of the original, something I can appreciate. This is good enough for me and conceptually a great arrangement. The low-end could've helped to aim this to a larger crowd and give the loop more impact but I think that would've taken focus from the chill arrangement. So I'm gonna go with YES
  3. Going to be a lot of echoing in this post because a lot has been said.. The introduction is mixed very bright and covered in reverb and that makes it hard to focus on the main melody. As other Js pointed out, the main melody is not really the 'main' thing and this really hurts the track. The overall mixing suffers some too much reverb and muddiness, zircon's advice here were spot on. As BGC pointed out, the lack of low-end is also hurting this track. It could be much more dynamic with some low strings, low brass or such. Percussion would also help the general static feel. It IS a good arrangement, not the most daring but we don't require that either. It works and is up to our guidelines, that's enough for me. I, as many others, enjoyed the guitar and also the laid back vibe. I still feel you could've done more, I know you're talanted. Yeah, sorry for the hold-up. Def not for DA, I was on DA too. We've just been lazy/busy. So please, keep submitting songs Alex. You have talent. NO(resubmit)
  4. So's your face. Also, OCG ftw. Wonderful takes on classic VGM themes, leaving out everything that is Halo and WoW :3
  5. I agree with bgc here too, I thought it would work but well.. seems like it doesn't
  6. Just a quick thing, 'Jojo's Bizarre Adventure' is also a manga and an anime. Make sure the track your remixing didn't appear in the anime before the game (the anime dates 1993 and the beat'em up game for PSX dates 1999) as that would keep it from getting posted on OCR. If that's the case, you can always try AnimeRemix.org though
  7. It DOES take away the fanboy-ism. But then again Radical Dreamers is a pretty cool game to be obsessive about.
  8. I can't afford to risk that, can I? I'm a one-trick-pony!
  9. Might I add that when you have a nick and you're a remixer you better stick with it. Another Soundscape sucks ass but if I change it now I'll lose my e-penis!!!
  10. lol :3 Honestly though, don't fiddle around with nicknames.. and certainly not by popular demand.
  11. The intro is wicked awesome. The strings have a pretty mechanical attack and sequencing but I don't think it hurts the track since they're exposed for such a short time. Otherwise the instruments worked well together and were very cinematic. Nice work there Brian. And nice rawking Joren! Good counter melody at 0:36 and your playing is tight but still has a pleasing human feel too it. Loving the synth that enters at 00:57, pure gold. The glitchy nature works well with the warm 'real' sound of the guitars. Sweet break at 1:35 although the string sample here sounds a bit dry and exposed.. is it reverbed? If so I can't tell. Thought the snare at 2:03 was a bit ugly sequencing-wise. Lovely synth arpeggios, sweet bassplaying and change-ups. Sweet soloing in general, even though the guitar-solo could probably be a bit tighter with a bit less fret-noise. Works for me though. Also, fantastic ending. Way to get me to rise from my chair and go 'Dude!'. Yeah the arrangement is spot on. On the production side, all's well and good. The guitar sounds very clean and well EQ'd. The backing guitars are a bit too loud compared to the lead imo but it's not a dealbreaker. Some more separation in the breakdown part at 1:35 would've helped, but again this isn't a dealbreaker. There's no way this could get anything other than a YES
  12. The intro does, as Larry pointed out, seem very bright and also a bit too much reverb. The notes seem to be clashing more than they should because of it. The beats at :22 was a good idea but they do feel a bit unrelated, again like Larry said. Try using some light cymbals, triangle, shaker or something light that fits the mood. Larry was spot on once again when he said the supporting beats in the new section was too loud. The lead doesn't have enough meat or volume to really work as a lead when the backing is that loud. The new lead at 2:14 sounds a bit too wide and muffled. I do like what it's playing but the sound in itself sounds very strange together with the rest of the track. Evolving some of your beatwork in this track would also help it get over the bar. The simple pattern you have going does change up sometimes but the snare and hi-hat sounds sound very weak compared to the massive kick and bass you have. Some changes from the ongoing 16th pattern you have would also help it feel less repetitive. Try making some 32nd notes or just skipping a few 16th once in a while, it makes the track feel less static. The arrangement is pretty creative all around but bringing in the out-of-key notes in the 3:58 section really took a lot of the mood you had built up with the rest of the track. Feels out of place using those notes that are more commonly associated with a minor key. The same issue at 0:50->, it just feels very out of place with the minor key-change. This is quite promising though so keep at it while keeping this advice in mind. NO(resubmit)
  13. The arrangement was above the bar, I'm happy to see someone pull off trance without making it horribly repetitive. It IS still repetitive but not enough to make it a real issue. You brought in some interesting instruments too, the guitar-type thing playing the prelude melody works very well. Some nice harmonization with the strings too. Still, it's not much added or evolved from the original track. As for the mixing, I somewhat agree with Larry. The different sounds are fighting over the same mid-frequencies and that does muddy up the soundscape quite a bit. Just a little bit of careful equalizing could probably separate the different instruments more. Now you've just panned them which is a good start but when this isn't playing on headphones it will still sound really muddy. You should also take it easy with the pad (1:38-2:35), it's very loud and occupies a fairly large chunk of the soundscape. In general, try cutting away unwanted frequencies in most 'large' sounds. I did think the arrangement and choice of instrument showed some skill. I do however think the arrangement wasn't really enough to excuse the production since it lacked some melodic creativity. I'm going with YES(conditional on separation) but in the event that the project file is lostor the artist is otherwise unable to meet the conditions, I feel I can ride with this.
  14. Congrats Dave, live long and prosper! I still can't believe she can stand OCR and everything you do for us :DDD
  15. It's almost as fun as Honestly. How can I have missed this wonderfully mediocre series of games? I'm in love!
  16. I'm guessing upcoming information from and about bLiNd and the album will be posted here?
  17. Anyone knows if Tales of Vesperia will work on European consoles? Don't think it has a PAL release date :/
  18. The chiptune at http://www.ocremix.org/game/donkey-kong-country-2-diddys-kong-quest-snes/chiptunes/ links to the Donkey Kong Country 3 .rsn That is all.
  19. Two RV-7000 patches after eachother in a combinator with a harp and a glockenspiel layered as the main sound. The RV-700 patches are one reverb patch by Tom Pritchard (Stompp) with unlimited decay and a reverse delay that I took from one of the Flatpack ReFills and modified a bit to suit the rhythm of the track by syncing it to tempo and making it 1/3 long. Wow.. there should have been a pause in there somewhere.. but now you know
  20. XII was different enough from the general franchise that most people got a chock and hated it. I haven't played it for long so I don't really have an opinion atm but I like some of the ideas and the general feel of it.
  21. Cool Being the XBL-nutter that I am, I'm looking forward to it. Now give me one of those gigs!! >
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