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Everything posted by anosou

  1. bullshit most PSX and PS2 titles that isn't orchestral is still easy to remix, it's still simple melodies, just more advanced sounds.
  2. Probably has something to do with youtube. I've noticed that the board is now showing youtube clips as viewable on the forums when you post a link.. probably not done yet.
  3. Utterly awesome. Much love Dave, much love.
  4. The soundtrack is wicked, Masafumi Takada did a great job, especially with the track N.M.H. which i suspect is the main theme.
  5. *wishes Ellywu2 well*
  6. Hey man, mad props to you. Only 13 and making sweet SWEET music nice
  7. I second that statement. Now activate my account on the forums already!
  8. Direct this question here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=11896 Review threads are for reviews
  9. Butcher away my good man, butcher away.
  10. Congrats BGC and Ellywu2 Nice work! and runner-up ain't that bad either so I'm happy
  11. It's on a 24hour cache, it'll be updated. I'm fairly certain this has happened for every new remix since the new database. Anyway, sweet arrangement. I do have an issue with some of the production though. For example the lack of mid, the strangely overhyped bass sample, the distorted kick, the lo-fi game samples and the cluttered sound that's a result of these problems. With better balance in mixing and not relying too much on game samples this would be way better, too bad with such a nice arrangement.
  12. So, incredibly, exciting! O_O
  13. I just finished watching FLCL (Furi Curi, Fooly Cooly, whatever) and it was amazing. Not so much for the story, because that was part lost in the translation and part just wack, but the animation is superb. The characters themselves are also both memorable and creative. Oh yeah, this one's deep but on a shallow level, it's magic. Since it's only 6 episodes, go see it now. You probably won't regret it.
  14. This will certainly help many remixers and midi-freaks, you deserve a nice work. Nice work! :3
  15. ooh, luminous arc! is it fun? I've been eyeing it for quite some time and if the soundtrack is kick-ass, I really need to get it. and yeah I'm thinking Mitsuda is still great
  16. Shadow Hearts 2, nuff said. That was NOT dull in any way even though he didn't do the whole thing.
  17. This seems like a bad idea. Mabye upload to youtube AND a torrent but putting them only on youtube will let the crowd see the music videos only in low quality with loq quality musc. I'm pretty sure that's not what most people want. though torrent + youtube seems alright
  18. WOO OVERCOAT, best original post ever in a birthday thread
  19. Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie's Double Trouble - Cavern Caprice Composed by Evelyn Fischer and Dave Wise. Released for Super Nintendo in 1996, ported to GBA in 2005 (without the original sountrack). Also avaliable on Virtual Console. SPC - http://www.zophar.net//zsnes/spc/ddt.rar (Track 4, DDT-Cave) MIDI - http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/DKC3cavern.mid Secondary MIDI - http://www.vgmusic.com/music/console/nintendo/snes/DKC3cavern_v2.mid YouTube - Catchy, easy to work with and not too obscure but from a game that hasn't been remixed a lot at all. No need to thank me.
  20. Sweet arrangement here, ilp0 knows interesting instrumentation. The accordion is genious together with the vibraphone and guitars. I'm thinking Russian night club. Evolving into Russian car chase Now, the lyrics.. ain't that bad? Come on, the general sound of them is kind of interesting. The actual lyrics are.. not the best and the mixing is not the coolest, but honestly I like the voice in general. And well, listen to the source In any case, ilp0 made another great arrangement and I like him. Instant classic!
  22. sweet chumble spuzz, now make Trippin' on alligators!
  23. if there are suggestions without midis (and there will be) how about those who desperately need a midi state so and they get those sources? I never use the midi anyway so it feels like a waste if I were to get a source with a midi and somebody who needs one didn't and therefor can't make a track with the quality they are capable of
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