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Everything posted by anosou

  1. Side-chaining pads is the way to go. This track is a great way to prove, once and for all, that trance ReMixes also can be great arrangement with amazing production qualities. You're good people.
  2. Utterly awesome ;P But yeah, I'd kill for Mario Likes Thorazine or perhaps Trippin' on Alligators. Oh, and Bad Tuna Moar plz.
  3. Now that I think about it I think it would be good to have a smart way to access remixers remixer-page from their forum profile. As it is now you only get their ID and no link, for a link you have to click it in a post they made. It's a minor thing but it helps
  4. Wait a minute, Ultimecia's Theme? There's no such thing :/ Do you guys mean Liberi Fatali, the intro to FFVIII? That's a staple in PLAY's arsenal so I think that's what you're talking about. Though if they did something connected to Ultimecia, like The Extreme or Maybe I'm a Lion I would be extremely impressed and demand a recording. Doubt it though ;P
  5. It rocked in Sweden, both times and it was pretty cheap too. like $50 maximum
  6. nigga, u lazy
  7. "<3 Stuff we think rocks" makes me happy. Best category ever. Nice work on the new layout.
  8. OR make a thread of the sex-joke about starla and post it in announcements. It's up to you mod.
  9. Why Come? Yes, why come indeed.
  10. lol @ humiliating thread Happy b-day
  11. I heard an entry from KVR Audio, that guy was good. You're probably gonna get some pretty sweet remixes from this zirc, congrats
  12. Thanks for sharing, interesting read. and hell yeah, he's a mac user :3
  13. Happy barfday Abadoss! Woooo!
  14. Sounds sweet man! Thanks for the update (and the autograph) Now let's just hope VGF will do an essay about the thing ;P
  15. Thanks also, it was not a week it was worse! Dave e-mailed me wednesday evening and it had to be done friday Thank you everyone for the kind words.
  16. It's kind understandable that it's mostly percussion though, you try making a violin out of a melon
  17. they're going nowhere because the remixers are busy with thousands upon thousands of other projects! One more project will NOT finish the other projects. Cut the guys trying to finish up some slack
  18. NOW who's the one that makes god kill kittens!? well, bullshit :3 While not everyone IS working at full speed, most (not me) has a life too. Organizing a project is hard work too, so is getting hosting, whipping people's asses, artwork and general pimping. You're welcome to start a project btw, it's just that it will fail but still take up space and making people hope for something that just isn't happening :/
  19. can't we just keep it a not-a-project-at-all project? .. like.. don't even come up with ideas!
  20. I got the urge to quote that. For emphasis
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