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Everything posted by Garian
strange, i remember dying a lot
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
powerlord, there is already a remake of rock 2 called "aesop rock," but it's kinda buggy (sometimes the gas animation gets stuck on on players and they have to run around with it in their screen). also i don't know about other guys but i had the same problem with trying to buy l4d, but i had the same problem a couple weeks before that when trying to gift TF2 to my brother... i just kept trying until it went through (no bogus charges appeared on my card or anything... although i don't really suggest doing that unless you're stubborn). someone told me that there is some file you can delete that will fix the problem but i forget because i don't have irc logging turned on. also it's saturday, so i'll probably play! (but good god versus mode in l4d is so awesome... i've finally figured out how to wall jump as hunter ) -
your links are dead, i'll go ahead and host this on my storage on thasauce for now (until you say take it down, anyway). i actually really like it, Aaron, your sampling is really pretty well done compared to a lot of stuff i've heard on the internet. didn't really convince me to [re]convert or anything, but i like it anyway. link: http://hosting.thasauce.net/users/Garian/A-Ron_An_Address_To_Earth_Mixtape.zip
so i learned that i mostly suck as tank in the no mercy level... at least during the finale and in the first half of the tower level. wide open areas are usually bad news, and it controls so clunky that it's hard enough to knock people off the roof when you AREN'T lagging (dammit valve, fix the server issues already). i really like pouncing though hopefully i'll be able to get in on some H0t community action when i get home from work tonight... usually when i see a bunch of OCR guys playing the game is full, but i had a bit of fun earlier pouncing on bahamut (he joined a game i was already in, i usually just hit "quick join" when i can't join a friend's game). Oh, and i still need to actually run through a campaign, it's just so darned fun playing as infected bosses. :V :V :V
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
i will miss you powerlord! you're totally fun to play with and i hope when you feel comfortable playing regularly again i'll be tired of left 4 dead :V -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
there we have it oh, i downloaded the source sdk again so i has the hammer editor. i've got no clue how to make maps though. i've gone through some tutorials but that doesn't help with actually designing something that would be fun to play... oh well! -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
i feel you DS. i kept telling zephyr to put it up to vote because i didn't want to sacrifice fun times for experimentation... and besides, i've noticed that the server has been quite dead for most of the day so it's not like some of us can't do some playtesting during the "off-time." it is a bit of a shame that there has been a slump but it's to be expected during autumn i guess. hopefully with the l4d demo ending we'll see a bunch of guys come back to tf2 this week :S hopefully it won't be quite so much of the 'try out new maps' thing from now on during saturday lockdowns because it does turn off a few guys from playing, which is the complete opposite point to it. I remember last week we had quite a few epic games on the regular maps. oh, also, the payload map crane top causes the server to crash, so one of the admins might want to remove it! -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
yeah. wooticus says that it's a remake of a team fortress classic map, but i wasn't quite so keen on the "take their intel to their gas chamber" design... i don't think it really meshes well with the respawn waves system. was pretty fun trying out all the different maps that have been added that i've never heard of, thanks zephyr for initiating that. was pretty good for being locked down... except a bit of team stacking :V -
i dunno! atma was on irc saying it was some server setting, and not a client setting... but what you say could be truth :S
totally incredible game. i'm going to work some extra hours next weekend so i can afford to buy it. means saying goodbye to my weekend though because i'm working part time and trying to save up for magfest :S BUT OH WELL IT'S WORTH IT! also advanced feels a bit too easy and expert feels a bit too tough and atma says that there is another difficulty called 'impossible' and the very thought makes me nauseous.
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
he was on last night griping around that no one was logging on to his server to download the map, but that makes no sense since he unfriended everyone except his other steam account. i've got no clue as to what his server address is, so i guess we're still out of luck for the latest version. oh, his name should be dr. tiddlywinks again, he was trying to get the game to do some glitch where it hides the name of your killer... we saw it on atma's server when arena 2fort glitched and made abyss's name disappear, the kill notices in the top right would say "errorname" or something to that effect... pretty hilarious at the time :V -
OCR TF2: New Server forthcoming - new server IPs and other stuff
Garian replied to Bahamut's topic in General Discussion
oh, i didn't realise steamid actually meant login, mine is garianse but i appear as garian you guys start 2 hours early for me (except when i decide to hang out with my friend, his days off are tuesday and wednesday), but you know i'll be there when i can. got a chance to check out payload dustbowl, it's actually kinda weird, but i was playing with a small group so that might've been why... i haven't really encountered any maps i dislike, though... also i'm pretty sure i'll go ahead and download the other maps before i start up after work tonight, i spent like 20 minutes downloading pl dustbowl :V -
you might want to try the modarchive. there are quite a few people who've uploaded some vg covers there over the past 10+ years, and with the (well, relatively) new layout and site functions you should be able to find things you're looking for a bit easier.
how do you make music that dosn't suck?
Garian replied to Nicholestien's topic in Music Composition & Production
1) sign up to myspace 2) post a few of your sucky songs 3) friendwhore 4) sign up to ourstage and let your sycophantic friends send you to number 1 5) cause beatdrop to develop an aneurysm actually overcoat has it right. taking feedback and not getting all offended and actually applying it will probably do a lot more for you than getting all uppity when someone points out the flaws. -
minimodding anyway i didn't even know they had the soundtrack available on their website (my japanese is limited to elementary grade level stuff at best, and i'm 6 years out of practice on top of that), but i downloaded direct music producer in order to record the music myself... and i have covered moonlight dancing.ogg [click] and have been working on giants' cry off and on for a while as well. but yes i'm interested in this arrangement album as well.
You should check out Haroon Piracha's (FFMusicDJ) Corel prison mix, "String Machine," from Final Fantasy 7. I have the remastered version that was on VGMix, but the version that is on OCR isn't too dissimilar; the saws are roughter and the mixing/mastering isn't as good, but the arrangement is nearly 100% the same. PM me if you want to get the other version for comparison.
This is a bit late, but the Famicompo Mini Classical competition is in it's voting stages. I didn't participate, but I know quite a few people who did because a one of the guys in a tracker channel created an S3M module to NSF file conversion utility. Famicompo Mini Classical is run on a japanese website, so it's really neat to hear the differences between western and japanese chiptunes. It's called Classical because it is only the standard channels, in reference to the time when no one knew how to use the dpcm channel. get the songs here: http://midr2.under.jp/compo/c1/index.html the s3m to nsf convertor is here: http://ekid.ath.cx/s3m2nsf-1.0pre2.zip it comes with the required sample pack, but you'll need to use a program like MODPlug tracker to create s3m files... and if you're interested in other NSF creation utilities, there is Famitracker, NerdTracker 2 (dos based), and http://www.nullsleep.com/treasure/mck_guide/ is a guide written by nullsleep on how to get started using MCK and MML. There are also websites like www.vorc.org (video-game or chiptune) with a ton of more info as well. I hope you guys enjoy, and maybe some of us can participate in the next famicompo
Man, I just found out about this a little while ago in #modarchive on esper (Byte-smasher was offering his own words to the channel). I love his buzz machines, and I had no idea he worked with image-line and did so many other things (i tried out aodix a couple years back but it didn't make sense to me back then). it's really a shame he's gone, especially so young. Rest in peace, dude.
i had trouble a couple months ago connecting to TS, turns out my router's DNS was screwed up or soemthing, because after resetting it everything was fine
To all musicians, if you need some hosting and can spare some change, MusicV2.com is offering life time membership for $30, for new and existing members. I've had lifetime membership because I signed up for free back in 2003, but i haven't bothered to upgrade my account to titanium lifetime (not that I use my space on Mv2 that much right now anyway). I posted the E-Mail which I received on www.thasauce.net, so check it out.
m0d, the man currently running the mod archive (free music abounds there, too), is also known as RedHeat Sonic Soundscapes. His music on his mainsite, www.sonicsoundscapes.com, is excellent, but he has also been tinkering with Abyss' Highest Experience on his Amiga 1200, and has released quite a few tunes on http://m0d.untergrund.net/ also, he has a myspace if you're interested.... www.myspace.com/sonicsoundscapes
clickbeat.... or is it beatclick?! tracker musicians aymes and surasshu have been working on this for a while (i just found out about it a week ago). someone on the forums already mentioned ocremixes! http://www.thephorse.net/beatclick basically its a beaty clicky game you only need a mouse with a left click for, circles will pop up with a target spinning, once it levels out you click on the circle! the scripting is fairly simple, but tedious enough. i think its fun, but we should get more scripts from the communities around!
hahaha doug, you've already seen this, but for anyone who hasn't... CLICK HERE (possibly nsfw, 100% fun)
first time going through knytt is definitely a challenge, but once you figure out where everything is (or if you find the few hidden areas), its actually fairly quick. what i love about the game, though, is nifflas' music and atmosphere engine, he definitely poured alot of himself into it. (also he's a really cool guy to talk to!) i'm looking forward to his next game
OC ReMix officially attends MAGFest 5 festival
Garian replied to Jillian Aversa's topic in Announcements
hey... does anyone have any carpet fish photos? i don't want that to be forgotten!