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Everything posted by Scufo

  1. ohboyherewego.jpg
  2. eh, never trust an early screenshot.
  3. who are you talking about?
  4. I agree with pretty much everything that was said. Really good, but not as good as first, because it has some minor flaws. Whereas Portal has none.
  5. Phantom Dust NO ONE has heard of this game and it was one of my favorites ever. I shed manly tears on the day the original Xbox Live went down.
  6. I don't really hear it. At least not enough to say it "blatantly copies" it.
  7. I basically bought a Wii for Brawl. and that ended up being shit. so yeah my hopes aren't really high for anything nintendo does in the near future.
  8. I always thought of Dark types more as "dirty fighters" than genuine evil. Moves like Sucker Punch and Thief and Beat Up. That's why I like the idea of Fighting types beating them because they are straight up more skilled and dirty fighting doesn't phase them. But hey I guess if the ORIGINAL JAPANESE says they're evil then whatev.
  9. Okay, how about Psychic beats Posion? Ground beats Rock? Bug beats Dark? Ice beats Dragon? Fighting beats Steel? Have you ever tried to punch something made out of steel?
  10. this, and I tend to be pretty completionist and will go for 100% if I can, but I don't have so much time to dedicate to games anymore.
  11. this and Pokemon Gold/Silver introduced a HUGE amount of improvements, and it was early enough that they hadn't started to run out of ideas much. Still the best generation of pokemon IMO.
  12. One of the characters can use an exploit to make himself invisible and invincible for an indefinite period of time. True story.
  13. Fair enough.
  14. So...what? Was it too slow? Did the special items suck? Did you like the old powerslide mechanic better? Did you dislike the two-character mechanic? So far I've only heard that the tracks aren't as good. Which is fine, I guess. MK64 did have some pretty rockin tracks. Damnit, guys, I want specifics!
  15. Someone needs to explain why Double Dash always gets shit on whenever Mario Kart is brought up. Cause I never really understood.
  16. Isn't this just a reverse favorites thread? That said: aw yeah.
  17. For at least the first half I thought the game was harder than your average Pokemon and I appreciated the random NPC healers. For some reason I was able to steamroll the last 3 gyms and the endgame without much trouble though.
  18. relevant: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3EsFp16T_Sc&feature=feedlik
  19. Difficulty should not come from lousy controls. I love hard games, but difficulty should come from the actual design of the game, making it rewarding when you win. Bad controls can result in "fake difficulty", which is awful. TP was a game that was designed for the cube and hastily ported to the wii (mirrored world, lol), resulting in shit that is bad.
  20. Is...that an argument that the Wii version is better? I am honestly not sure.
  21. The only dungeon I remember having trouble on as a kid is Jabu Jabu's Belly.
  22. I got to Tap, Tap, Tap Tap Tap. this level is pretty fuckin evil. edit: kay I beat it. next one seems worse grrrr why am I playing this
  23. I am against crits and for waffle shots because if I wanted to play a game based on luck I'd play Mario Party. Although I don't mind if they're on because they don't really happen all that often anyway.
  24. Another samey MMO? Oh surely, it couldn't be
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