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Everything posted by Scufo

  1. Oblivion didn't even let you kill certain NPCs! I forgot about that. If I want to kill the Count of some town, let me do it, damnit! Oblivion is a game that tries to be immersive, but nothing is more un-immersive than seeing some NPC go "unconcious" when I stab them in the back, only to get up, completely unharmed 30 seconds later. I don't care if the game deems that person important. I don't care if I break the main quest. You let me loose in this massive world, and then prevent me from doing stuff for basically no reason? This is supposed to be an open-ended, non-linear, player-driven experience, not some on-rails story-driven bullcrap. Skyrim better let me kill, loot, and pillage to my hearts content.
  2. This...isn't really an argument. Any game can be about "mind games". I made them think I was going to do X, but then I did Y instead!! Hell, you could say rock-paper-scissors is all about mind games.
  3. While the nostalgia factor is definitely there, you really can't deny that some kinds of games just aren't profitable anymore. I'm going to buy Skyrim, and I will almost certainly enjoy it. But I will probably still wish I was playing Morrowind.
  4. So, I guess KH has totally migrated to handhelds, huh? I hate it when series I like do that :/
  5. I kind of thought this thread was going to be about Smash Bros for the 3DS.
  6. HD remake of Blitzball awwwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaahh
  7. So, I decided to play through this game again. Uh, wow. I don't remember ever liking this game as much as a kid. I'm absolutely loving it. I'm talking like, staying up late to play it, dreaming about it, then picking it up again immediately in the morning. It has been a long time since I have felt this way about a game. final fantasy vii, what have you done to me
  8. little did he know, jiggs is amazing.
  9. Only time I ever got any of my pokemon to level 100 was in Red. Mewtwo, Venusaur, and Mew (got it from some crazy glitch involving Pokemon Stadium that I could never replicate). Endless elite four grinding.
  10. I still watch and like ZP, and adblock is your friend.
  11. Welp, just started playing again after a long hiatus. My goodness free-to-players are fun.
  12. The system was, "spam Trinity Limit"
  13. I've got 100% in both Kingdom Hearts. So much grinding was involved in KH2. Got the Sword of Kings without trying to in Earthbound. I was ecstatic. Minimal run of Ocarina of Time. 3 hearts, no shield (for as long as possible), no capacity upgrades or anything, and um no Zora Tunic I think? Also did Wind Waker but I don't think I got to the end. 100% in Donkey Kong 64. I now have a powerful hatred of that old lunar landing arcade game.
  14. Oh, wow. I never knew about that.
  15. yeah...I'm gonna stick to saying it with a soft g for the next forever.
  16. but is the g hard or soft? edit: also, someone at my work has a 3DS and this game and is making me want it
  17. Saria as Sair-ee? How does that even happen Then again I always pronounced Farore as fay-OR-ee so whatev.
  18. When I was a kid I pronounced it Doo-koo No idea why
  19. I am glad no one is nominating TP as the best Zelda game. Although that might just be because it is the newest.
  20. WW has by far the best representation of Ganondorf, which in my eyes is worth a lot.
  21. Okay that one is fun too
  22. There is only one Brawl mod for me and it is Project M
  23. Less waggling is always a good thing I donno, could be cool.
  24. I hope they take out tripping and maybe make the game a little less floaty? And put hitstun back in too? Who am I kidding, I'll probably buy it regardless. It's gonna be a long couple years of waiting. edit: I want Tetra/Toon Zelda
  25. I would be surprised if all the old characters didn't come back anyway via time travel, or some shit
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