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Everything posted by Strike911

  1. Dude, seriously, the bad guys should be Vietnamese-Russians that live in the deserts of the middle east that hate everyone equally and seek to establish communist rule all over the world while eating babies, tripping old ladies, and clubbing seals. Add suicide bombers, a pinch of salt, and let simmer. I think it's clear.... we have a winner. EDIT: If I'm not mistaken, I pulled up to the house around 7 or 8 and when I looked over to the cab, I replied, "Smell ya later."
  2. Well, while I don't like seeing good games get bad reviews, I certainly do think that this guy is fat and ugly. ....
  3. I wonder what the resubmitted mix was that prompted this thead.... where the judges were like, "OH SHIT THIS CRAP IS PISSING ME OFF.... FOR REALZ, WE NEED TO TELL THOSE N00BS STFU WITH THEIR BAD RESUBS! BLLLARG!! BITCHES!" and then we were like "YOU'RE PREACHING TO THE CHOIR." and they were like "HAIL THE MIGHTY JUDGES FOR WE SHALL JUDGE THEE ... UNWORTHY!" and we were all like, "OMG!!!!!" and they were like "....... bitches." and then we were like, sad, and so we listened to them... and then we laughed a little. .... and then we got called "bitches" again.
  4. I'm pretty sure Kojima productions said that MGS4 would support the Dual Shock 3. There will be rumble feature. There has been news in the last 2 months saying so.
  5. I've heard horrible stories from my professor's experiences with people that got testing jobs. Video game testing is a tough job. Testers are the footstools of the game development process. By testing don't assume it's like taste testing to see if it's fun... it's all about the technical crap. But for all the hassle you go through, you can get your door into a real job at the studio. So it's kind of worth it. Sure you could go for an intern opportunity and avoid all the tester job altogether (which in my opinion is probably a better route for getting into the industry). But those poor testers, for instance, if a game has issues with people running into a wall and falling through it, the tester will quite literally spend 8 hours trying to glitch the game and report back to the devs what they experienced. It's not quite the fun every one romanticizes it to be. It rarely matters about your subjective opinion on the title, or what good feature could be added. The developers want testers to make sure there game is relatively glitch free, so they have you test any glitches and bugs that are in the game all the damn day. So yeah it is a sucky job generally. But while it may not pay great and is pretty tedious, it's a really good way to get your foot in the door with a game developer. Assuming your learning something valuable outside of the development studio that they might need one day. One day you could use that experience to jump into the development scene or even get a little experience with how the game industry works. but please, let these words stay with you... Testers are the developers foot stools. I kid you not. Testers work really hard for often very low pay and are doing very tedious, boring work testing glitches and bugs. It is a job. Video games just aren't fun when you HAVE to do it, much less when you aren't playing the game the way it's intended to be played by the consumer. Developers already know their game will probably be entertaining and fun, so they don't need "levels of fun testers" they need "functionality testers" to make sure the damn game works in the first place. EDIT: Also just wanted to say some jobs will clearly be better than others though. I would imagine fun, new studios that aren't gigantic corporate mongaloids would probably have a more lax and inviting, and maybe even fun atmosphere for testers, while others clearly would be like sweatshops where instead of sewing machines you have tvs and xbox360s. j/k j/k
  6. This is rockin'. Brawls gives the nod back at Wario Land with the SUPER SIDEWAYS SLIDING SHOULDER TACKLE!!!! Awesome. and the Bike thing is funny too. This update makes me love Wario so much more than I already do. <3 haha. I hope so much that the music changes to something similar to the Segata Sanshiro theme. That would complete this move. haha. This FS is a perfect fit.
  7. cool DK song. Good info on widescreen support and functionality. but... Haha. It's funny because it's true. I wish we were all more creative and above making Hitler's as Mii's, but even I'm guilty. haha.
  8. Thank you very much for the compliment! A little bit of PhotoShop did it wonders! hmm, well the whole AAC to MP3 thing, I personally would like it if they'd allow both since clearly we're in a time of transition, and though Nintendo hasn't indicated that they're ditching MP3 playback for games that support custom soundtracks, I think a lot of people are concerned that they'll have to convert their MP3s to AAC just to listen to stuff on their Wii when they ordinarily wouldn't need to. I think the issue is that Nintendo is, essentially, taking away functionality from one aspect of the Wii, which as users we don't like. If we had a picture viewer that did something one way and now it no longer does that, people are worried it will carry over into other areas (or other features might go missing one day). I don't think it's a huge deal, since the maximum amount of songs you can have on your Wii right now is 2gb's, so I mean, hell, converting that won't be a big deal if some game only supported AAC custom soundtracks. Hahaha, but yeah, I'm talking like custom soundtracks will show up again on the Wii. Haha, yeah right. Anyway... personally, I don't have a problem converting the few songs that I do have on my SD Card that's inside my Wii to AAC if need be. My PS3 supports playback of both, which is nice.
  9. Somewhere earlier in this thread someone said that the Japanese tend not to view MIDI as inferior to live recordings like much of the rest of the world does. But, I don't know how true that is. Possible I guess, especially since the Japanese are willing to adapt and accept technology (and forms of technology) quicker than other cultures.... I guess MIDI is technically newer than recordings thus more acceptable ?? *shrugs* I don't know. I do know that, yeah, nintendo tends to like their midi files and ... they love not to add voice acting, too. Wag of the finger, Nintendo. Wag of the finger to you.
  10. I agree Atma. I don't think having custom tracks would hurt anything; it only helps, even if Nintendo has a ton of awesome music talent. If Brawl's Music is sooooOoo great, then I'll listen to it, but having the option to listen to my own songs is always welcome if some music isn't so great (which as we've seen, some aren't up to the standards we've been used to) I've completely changed the mood of game's I've played on the old Xbox. Burnout 3 was a great game, but the soundtrack was meh. Being able to choose tracks opened the game up and really changed the mood of every race I played. The same could be done with Smash. Playing an epic movie soundtrack in the background would change the feel, just as playing a trance remix of something. It's a powerful feature that I don't think developers realize how much us gamers actually want it included in the game. And no matter how wonderful the Brawl soundtrack is, after we play the game for 4 or 5 years, having something in there to keep the game a little fresh will be a nice inclusion. Hell, even if they made Custom Soundtracks a super difficult secret to unlock, it would be worth it. Then we'd listen to the game music and have a new little toy to play with after we've beat everything. I wouldn't be surprised if a custom soundtrack option is in Brawl though. The way you pick and choose music already in the game seems very similar to the way it might work with MP3s in my opinion. I'm not holding my breath, but I could see it being implemented under Brawls current music selection system. (AND how badass would it be to play custom music in your custom stages you build? Pretty damn, sir. Pretty damn.)
  11. Okay, I made a tiny side scrolling shooter in the same vein as Einhander (albeit simple and 2D) and ThunderForce... and you guys have to check it out... if you want. http://www.koohi.com/Jason/StrikesGame.zip the game is in a zip file, and you just install it. You may need a dll to use it, so let me know. I made it in Game Factory which is completely gay, but I used some of my sketches in a notebook, drawings, and my own animations in it. I just wanted to get a concept "feel" down for it, which essentially is a side scroller shooter with experience points, and armor system, and (one day) customizable parts that add stats (speed, defense, types of bullets). I also wanted a combo multipler system, so based on how many kills you get without taking damage you get your combo times the amount XP you earn. So if you're good you level up fast. It's black and white because I'm pretty lazy for not using PhotoShop to color and animate it, and the purpose for making it is to prove to some of my Game Developer friends that the side scrolling shooter isn't dead and can be a fun indy project to work on. I think if my friends and I worked together on a 3D, color version of this it could be a killer and viable on PC or on things like WiiWare, XboxLive, or PSN. Clearly, we're nowhere near that stage, but im trying to get something off the ground. The game has a turkey shoot mode, which really does nothing, you shoot at enemies that don't shoot back. It sucks. The game also has a mission demo mode where you can shoot at some baddies, fight a mini-boss, and then try and avoid missiles. The missiles part starts to loop so don't keep playing through that forever expecting something new to happen. So yeah, again, I made this as proof to my friends that side scrolling shooters can be cool, especially if made 3D in as an indy project. I'm pretty much majoring in game design and it seems like all of my friends think that either MMORPGs or First Person shooters are the way to go. I thought that maybe you guys would get a kick out of it so I posted it. I'm only a game designer (director) and the things I wanted to implement but didn't know how to was camera zooming based on how close your craft gets to the right-most edge. Essentially I wanted the camera to zoom in as you closed in on the enemies, and zoom out when you moved further away. I also wanted to make power-ups and stuff, but I'm far too lazy to add it right now in a mere concept idea. Also wanted to use some of my remixes or original electronica as background music but the utility I'm using pretty much only allows MIDI, which is why I'm using old (but good!) game music. So what do you guys think? EDIT: oh, and if you go out of your way to try and test certain limitations in the game you can make it glitch so be careful. It shouldn't crash your computer or anything, but you may get weird looking stuff going on.
  12. Yes sir! This is very important!! Sin and Punishment is a gem N64 title by Treasure and we finally were able to play it (legally without importing) in the US just recently! S&P rocks and I guess since Treasure got their stuff in Smash Bros I guess anything can happen now... Mega Man as an AT if he's not playable. Wow. Cool. Didn't expect that. Very Cool. More S&P recognition is cool. as far as advertising games with Assist Trophies... hmm, could be a cool idea if it was downloadable content later on. I know Fire Emblem did do well, like you said, but I just hope Smash won't turn into more of a playable Nintendo advertisement than it already is.
  13. Turkey Time. My family is having a whole crap load of people I don't really know over !!! Yay!! Impersonal Holiday!
  14. I realize that, but the animal camou looked decent on the MGS3 fatigues... not the skintight MGS2 sneaking suit that it wasn't designed for. The other camous look very cool though. Nicholas... buddy... I like you, but I really don't like how you insist on being a know-it-all while using forumulaic one-liners. I mean, we have a whole compendium of your comments throughout this entire thread which show that (more often than not) you very rarely have nothing more to say that's not bitching at people and attempting to show off your "wit." Seriously man, in words similar to your own... its just a forum. Chill, no need to overreact to the way that people writing things, much less do it through the entire thread. By the way, anything I say on this forum is never actually written in anger. It's half-joking and criticism, but never an actual full-blown complaint; merely because I'm too much of a Smash Bros fan boy to do that; I pretty much appreciate anything I see in the game even if I do think there are better choices that could be made. And without Atma, let's face it, this thread would not be nearly as entertaining as it is. I love you Nicholas.
  15. Oh come now! Would it have been that hard to change Snake's hair to blonde and white for Liquid and Old Snake?! I suppose there's still hope. Maybe Dark version will be Liquid and his white version will be old snake. *shrugs* .... grumble grumble.... tiger skin??!! TIGER SKIN!?!?!?! Someone over at Sora must have been like, hmm, how can we make Snake look gay.... he's already in a skin tight suit, LETS THROW IN SOME TIGER STRIPES. UK YUK! ... geez... how about the just throw in "It's raining men" as his level music too while they're at it. HELL, they should just make all of his color schemes pink leopard print too. To hell with it all. *calm* well, his other camou's look cool. Dark Link and Fox look hella sweet. And Zelda in black looks awesome (it looks like her hair is almost a sleek white which looks really cool.) It does make me wonder what Dark Pikachu will look like ? ... maybe black devil horns and red eyes ... that would be very scary actually.
  16. We had a similar eery situation where a some teenage kid tried to cross a highway here and was killed after people saw the kid wandering by the highway. It's always weird because these roads you're driving on day after day are places where people have died... which is kind of weird if you think about it. People are scared of houses where people have died in them, I guess roads are just traveled so much we don't really think about it. I guess the moral of the story is that nothing is guaranteed and we have to cherish what we have. Nothing makes you forget trivial things in life like realizing that human life is so fragile.
  17. Yeah, it's funny how he can't swim. There's something about throwing a knife at a rooftop archer, and then witnessing him fall into a busy street below that makes me smile. Maybe it's the crowd that gets freaked out, or maybe it's just seeing him stumble off the side of the roof. I can't put my finger on it yet, but damn is it fun. haha.
  18. uhm.... I don't think I like this update. I mean, interesting feature, but seriously, if I want to watch Smash Bros I'll find good players on YouTube instead of watching random matches on my TV. I mean, sure, I guess we can unlock stuf (which essentially forces us to use the feature) .... but ... meh... I just.. I dunno, this update bugs me kind of. I kind of feel like it'll be similar to Camera mode in Melee. It was interesting, but no one ever really used it.
  19. Okay, I've played this game about 10 hours, and I'm in freakin' love. This is a great game. I don't know who gave it bad reviews on GameFaqs or whatever, this game is incredible. Chasing people is exciting. Platforming is actually fun! Just... the whole experience is great. My only gripe thus far is that I've come across a few glitchy situations that caused it to freeze twice in the time I've played it. Other than that, I've had an absolute blast playing this game. Fighting system is simple, but incredibly fun. Just... wow. Good times.
  20. I'm going to go out on a limb and say that man is compensating for something.
  21. this is the title screen. You can start the game by pressing "Start!" FANTASTIC! ........ This is the A button! You press the A button with your finger! AMAZING! ........ How grand! This is the pointer! You pick your characters with it! MARVELOUS! ........ Hey sakurai... this is my caring level! It's bouncing off zero! Yee haw!
  22. I'm totally with you, I remember back in the day when they were just a run of the mill 3rd party developer, but a lot of stuff from then in the last couple years have been amazing titles... real high quality stuff coming from them. ... plus they're not EA.
  23. Cool update, It makes me very happy and seems like a very logical and fun addition. ... but seriously, let's be honest... Fox looks like he's taking the most painful, firey crap of his life. LOOK I TELL YOU. His ass has a power level of... 9000. ... also I liked what each player was saying in the image at the bottom, especially the "SNAAAAKE!" one and "Enjoy the view." Teehee.
  24. ah! My GameStop says they'll have it in their store tomorrow morning. Good times.
  25. When I saw this Final Smash in the videos a few weeks ago I was blown away. It was ridiculously bad ass. Tons of swipes and total rapage. Sakurai makes this Final Smash seem way less epic than it is...
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