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Everything posted by Strike911
I just bought and pieced together a new computer. Spore will be an adequate test subject. BWHAHAHAHAHA! Been looking forward to Spore forever, like everyone else. Downloading the creature creator now.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
@ Filodemo Attempting to avoid spoilers so I'll be as vague as possible. In MGS1, the Dr. Clark reference isn't exactly correct. The "retcon" isn't actually a retcon; it's a translation issue. In the original Metal Gear Solid, the original Japanese version, Naomi didn't use the term "he" like it does in the English version to describe Clark. The original Japanese script used a gender neutral term to describe Dr. Clark, which when the English version was localized, changed that neutral term to "he." It was a translation issue from MGS1. slight spoilers below (again trying to be vague, just in case, because I'm a nice guy) Also, I see where you are coming from with your analysis of the ending, but I disagree with you. I think thematically the ending fit. What happens to Snake also seems fitting, as his entire life he's been manipulated by others and cannot win, no matter who he defeats in battle. Yeah, the explanation for you-know-who coming back from the dead was crazy, but not as crazy as the rest of the stuff in the Metal Gear Solid series. And as a fan it was a really cool moment seeing that meeting, and I'll always remember that. Snake will die because of how they've created him. He can't escape that. I felt as if it was a very fitting way for a genetically engineered soldier to go. He can have his life, but it's overshadowed by his creators and and his past. He can't win. end spoilers Plus, I don't feel as if the ending was nearly as hokey as you made it out to be. IMO, it was one of the more memorable scenes in gaming. I'd go so far to call it an eventual classic. Everyone will recognize that final shot before the screen goes black. I'd put money on it. -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
It rocked my world. That was completely awesome and complete fanboy fodder. It was great. The game is just really good, but it's weird to have a Metal Gear that has a conclusion... just doesn't entirely seem right as it's never been that way before, but I like the way it ended though. Ending twist was awesome too. What about you? Did you dig the twist? AND WHEN ARE WE GETTING OUR MGO ON, OCR PEOPLE?! -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
so I was playing through MGS4 again... I guess those installs between chapters are temporary (?), because it continues to do the installs between chapters and when you change from one chapter to another. Which is weird. I mean, it's only 3 minutes, but still. eh? I mean at this point MGS4 could bite out my spleen and I'd still be happy because it's frickin' Metal Gear, but ... why wouldn't they just make those installs permanent and then you don't need them again? -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
I finished MGS4... no spoilers here... amazing. Absolutely amazing! -
wow really? I didn't know that. Note to self: Read rules.
Thanks guys. Yeah, those trance chord hits are really overdone sometimes. I think they work better as a background element than a prominent synth for a melody or something. That's just me though. They're just a little too... there. lol. Yeah, I may shorten it a little bit; it definitely could use some polish. But thanks, I may actually submit a newer iteration of this then! lol.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
5 hours, 18 minutes, and 54 seconds until Metal Gear Solid 4 is in my hands! AND A QUESTION to anthonynemer... Konami said the game would run at 60 FPS. Metal Gear Online's beta did not run at 60 FPS unless you were looking straight down at the character or at the sky. Does MGS4 run at 60FPS like they said it would or no? Not a big deal either way... 60 FPS makes it look more like a next-gen game. 30 FPS makes it look more similar to a movie. ha. -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
lucky! I'm very jealous, but I'm glad to hear you're enjoying it thus far. Makes me more psyched! Hey man, there are a ton of fantastic games coming out almost every month for the PS3 this year. While it didn't have that great of a first year to start with (man that was a slow year!), from here on out it looks like we'll see some pretty good titles coming out consistently. Metal Gear Solid 2 proved what the PlayStation2 was capable of back in 2001. MGS4 looks like it may be in that top spot for that catalyst effect too on the PS3. 8 hours, 36 minutes, and 33 seconds until Metal Gear Solid 4 is here! -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
18 hours, 57 minutes, and 23 seconds until the game launches. (You East coasters get it one hour earlier though! Darn Central time!) I can't believe the game is so close to being here! That was a really long 3 year wait! So damned excited. -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
The cutscenes are all there to add to the story. They're important, and if you're the type of person that likes a really massive, twisting story then you'll enjoy them. The gameplay has always been fun but if you've never played a MGS title, getting into the mindset of being patient and sneaking around a fight instead of taking out everyone can sometimes feel a little unnatural, given how accustomed we are to just unloading machine guns and taking out entire armies. You cannot fight a winning battle against a large group of enemies in Metal Gear Solid for very long. You may enjoy it. Try the first Metal Gear Solid, give it a go. If you find that you're enjoying yourself then you'll most definitely want to try the others (as the gameplay just keeps getting better). If you don't like it, then you might want to try MGS3 and see how you like the gameplay there. I wouldn't advise trying MGS2 unless you know the story from the first game, because the whole concept of MGS2 relies on prior knowledge from MGS1 (not necessarily the story per se, but the experience of the original). Anyway, yeah, there are some long-ish cutscenes, long codec conversations, and coming from the same camp that dislikes long drawn out cutscenes, Metal Gear Solid is one of the few games that I actually enjoy playing through with its occasional long cutscenes and long codec conversations. Take that as you will. -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
Right on. 28 hours until MGS4 is in my hands! We're almost at the 'one day left' milestone!!! Anyone else get the Limited Edition? -
Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
Strike911 replied to Beatdrop's topic in General Discussion
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. Haha. Oh man, this is rich. Because you know, data transfers the best on highways. Hahaha. I guess they didn't get the memo on that whole intertrons thing. The internet is, after all, a series of tubes. It's not a truck. Maybe their treaty needs some RIAA Draino. -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
<-- very jealous. >_< and man... I'm so excited for this game coming out. I just... *gasps for air* ... I had a blast playing the MGO beta. To think that about that type of gunplay in a single player scenario makes me really really much more excited (really, really). All the interaction with enemies and stuff. *nods* If I can just avoid another day and a half of spoilers I will have made it through the entire MGS4 launch unscathed! AND THERE BETTER BE SOME OCR METAL GEAR ONLINE PLAYIN' MEETUPS ONCE THIS COMES OUT... seriously... it'd be criminal if we didn't. In fact, a crime against humanity. Like concentration camps, torture, and Hanson. I would never wish Hanson on anyone. -
Hmm... lol... maybe I should think about polishing it up and submitting it. lol. It's just that I'm actually deathly afraid of the judges, haha. ^_~ Hmm, I need to name it! Let me think about that. Thanks for the kind words guys.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
2 days, 9 hours, 21 minutes, and 20 seconds until MGS4 is upon us. -
So I made this. I have no intention of submitting it to OCR, but was excited for MGS4 and wanted to make a Metal Gear remix before the game comes out. It's a trance remix that has a little piano action going on. I wanted it to have more of a grooving feeling thus there is a little semi-electronic-piano-solo thing that shows up, err, you'll hear it. Not traditional trance really, but was fun to make none the less. It's the main theme that everyone knows and loves from MGS and MGS2 (and the end of MGS3... probably MGS4 [spoiler, no spoiling!... yes that was a Dora the Explorer reference]). blah! Anyway, made it for fun. Hope you dig.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
Damn it. I might have to stay off of the internet for a few days at this rate. Spoilers...(to quote Peppy) "They're everywhere!" Kotaku is even posting them rather prominently now too. I'm doing my best to avoid them, and luckily haven't spoiled anything (save the information in the main trailers), so I think I'll be okay. Just gotta make it for 3 more days (less than that actually!). Crud! We were so close to Venom. 2 Days, 22 hours, 58 minutes, and 45 seconds til I get my hands on this game. -
It's one of the four horseman, manifested into the shape of a video game... pestilence anyone? Anyone? No clip? No Clip? Oh, I thought we had a clip. Okay. Okay.
"THERE IS NO CHARGE FOR AWESOMENESS... AND ATTRACTIVENESS." "SPLADOOOSH!" ... movie is worth it alone for those lines alone. Saw the movie and enjoyed it more than a lot of the movies I've seen lately. Definitely something you should see before Wall-E comes out and totally blows our minds. edit: btw, I liked Jack Black's "extreme mannerisms" as you guys put it up there. I wish there was more of it in the movie. In fact, I wish Jack Black kept the whole epic tone he had in the very beginning of the movie for the duration of the entire movie, just because epic Jack Black is hilarious. The movie shines in it's criticism (and homage) to classic Kung-Fu/martialarts movies. It's going for that cheesy, over-the-top kung-fu cliche thing, and it's chock full of kung-fu fighting animals, but I was smiling the entire way through. It's great movie. I really enjoyed it. Would I let you kids down? Of course not. So go get a ticket and watch this movie already. /working for Dreamworks
23... I go MONTHS without even turning my Wii on. HOWEVER, when at a buddies house we almost exclusively play Brawl together (maybe once or twice a week for about an hour or so). Occasionally I'll pop something into an old console if I want some old school action (screw Virtual Console and their overpriced digital goods, I can buy them cheaper [usually] at retro gaming shops around here or ebay; I'm willing to pay more for rare stuff anyway so I can have it in hand and not a pay-for rom). PS3 is the primary here though, getting about 90% of the play time. Probably all of the play time once MGS4 comes out. I'll be pretencious and list all the game consoles/portables I have: PC, Xbox, PS2, Gamecube, N64, PSX, Sega Genesis, Dreamcast, Wii, PS3, DS, PSP, Virtual Boy, and a couple iterations of the original GameBoy It was weird though. Back in the day with the Gamecube, I WOULD never play it either except to play Melee with my buddies in the same fashion, except there were more games (albeit still a small number overall [in comparison to other consoles at the time]) that I wanted to play on the Gamecube. I guess history repeats itself for me, eh? And for one reason or another, up until this year, I considered myself a die-hard Nintendo fan, but that "title" seems to be fading away in my mind... I really like Nintendo, but I just feel like I have nothing in common with the demographic they're aiming at. All the old games I loved (Zelda, Smash, etc.), but now the stuff they're releasing doesn't really seem tailored for my demographic or the type of gamer I am anymore... so I suppose that's why the Wii gets little attention from me, and I can accept that. Maybe a gold title will come out again that will justify my Wii's quiet existance plugged into my TV while sitting idle, craving for attention while it's big fat neighbor (the PS3) holds my attention for hours at a time. Love my little media sharing device and goodies.
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
I made the mistake of stopping by the GameFAQ forums just to see what was going on (I shouldn't even be there in the first place, that place is insane). And people were throwing spoilers around left and right. Fortunately I avoided them. I just about jumped out of my chair turned a flip to avoid it. *whew* Disaster Averted. I'm thinking when I go to wait in line next wednesday night for the midnight launch, I will wear some headphones for the duration of the line so that any annoying people wanting to spoil things might (hopefully) be drowned out. ... hopefully... Oh yeah, by the way, I'm sure some of you read that Kotaku post that Ryan Payton sent in. Something about releasing a surprise alongside the Metal Gear Solid 4 launch. Everyone is speculating that it's some kind of downloadable content. Any guesses? -
I play GTA4 every once in a while when I want to just mess around send a car flying through the air. I play Smash Bros brawl only when my buddies are around (weekends at night). ... I'm just trying to occupy myself until : METAL GEAR SOLID 4 upon which every waking moment of my life will revolve around playing that.
Has any one heard of the new live action dbz movie?
Strike911 replied to cfG-21's topic in General Discussion
Just in case you guys missed some of the character pics... And... DragonBall was pure cheese from the beginning in it's animated form wasn't it? haha. It had a style of its own, which is silly upon reflection, but I kind of miss it because of nostalgia. I think this movie is going to be ridiculous and over the top stupid (possibly, probably terrible), but... I'd be lying if I told you I didn't want to see what's gonna go down. No matter how crappy this movie is I will show up some time in the first week of its release to see it just because it's a freakin' DragonBall movie. Chow Yun Fat clinches it for me. And that guy from Buffy. Is anyone actually expecting this to be good? -
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
Strike911 replied to Kiyosuki's topic in General Discussion
lol. Portable Ops was good fun. It's always nice to know more of Big Boss's motivation in founding Outer Heaven... He really gets screwed over by a lot of people and has to witness some pretty crappy situations. That and Null is bad ass. You gotta love Gray Fox. And Gene's music at the end of the game is really cool. *minor spoiler for Portable Ops* I love how the psychic girl that dies in PO forsees the events of the other games. One son will bring the world to ruin and the other will save it. I wonder how that will translate over to MGS4... exciting. *end of spoiler* Haha, but I always thought it was funny that Portable Ops was like Pokemon with human beings, except instead of throwing pokeballs to catch someone, you drag them to a truck where you brainwash them into fighting for you. Gotta catch 'em all. haha. ... one week to go guys!