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Everything posted by Strike911

  1. wow. In some stages this will be REALLY devious... like those stages that have "fall-through" platforms for you to recover on. Just throw one of these little things out on those kind of recovery platforms and that's what I'd call devious. Cool item. I like it. I can see a lot of interesting strategies manifesting with this item. Really, there seems to be an emphasis on items that change the structure of the level, which is cool. There will be a lot "sandbox" type utems to just mess with, it seems.
  2. Ah, DK Final Smash. Oh, cool, so you can actually play the bongos to the beat if you want? That's cool. Not as impressive as I was hoping, but interesting none the less. to celebrate the absence of Knuckle Joe's taunting stare, and his fall from power at the top of the SmashBros.com website, I've created this image while waiting for the update.... ... it passed the time.*sigh* oh Photoshop, you card. ... its all in good fun. The only real overreaction I see here is your last post.... but that's it. I enjoy the update, and it's fun to get riled up about it, but again, its all in good fun and not serious at all... it's all playful.
  3. Knuckle Joe is the terrorist !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm fanboying my ass off here. It's hard work.
  4. hmm, just past 40 minutes. I think this one takes the cake for longest Smash Brawl website update... Hmm... well, I've devoted 40+ minutes of my life to refreshing 4 tiled windows of internet browsers from 4 different languages/regions of the Smash bros website.... I think I need to go to bed.... ..... but the addiction...... can't..... pull self...... away from.................... monitor.... gyaaaaaaahhhh!! ... and sidenote, Knuckle Joe must be sent to guantanamo bay!
  5. This show will be called... Big Smash Brother ... oh god, im sorry. im sorry, yes its a terrible one. i know. /failing at life EDIT: JOE MUST DIE!
  6. Oh, I mean it. At first, Knuckle Joe was cool. He could do different moves and kick people's ass, but... now... it's different. He's taunting me. He's been taunting me with a dead soul-less glare for 30 something minutes... ... ... bastard! edit: You should see the madness in the Brawl Website thread at SmashBoards. They're going through like 1 page every minute or so. It's crazy. lol. I'm just watching it all and all their spam. hehe.
  7. I Hate You Knuckle Joe! I Freakin' Hate You! And I Will Remember This Moment When Brawl Ships, And When I See You, I Will Say These Words: I Hate You!
  8. these last couple of posts are what make the weekends bareable; are you kidding?! I don't know how I would survive without these weekend posts since we don't get updates... you know its true. Don't be hatin'.
  9. Wow, you just reminded me of my childhood in elementary school when in the early 90's it was cool to say ... "PSYCHE!!!" ... as a synonym for "Not!" *breathes in* *exhales* Good times. Good times. Oh, Fresh Prince of Bel-Air, will your influence over me ever stop manifesting itself through internet posts? Alas. ... ... ... ... "Now this is the story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down..." *continues singing*
  10. Wow, that's a really huge compliment and I really appreciate that.
  11. at least he's not THAT knuckle joe.... I was scared there for a second! Oh, Taito, you mediocre cards!
  12. but a cool assist trophy!!! I can dig.
  13. I wonder if "fatter" characters will throw characters higher in the air... i mean, technically there's more to bounce off of if Wario is under you, than if say, Peach or Pichu was under you. Haha. Jumping off Pichu just sounds mean. lol. AND... LAWL at all the Newton's laws comments.
  14. Meh, if it's difficult to execute and you have to time the correct button push RIGHT at the correct spot then it'll be okay. I really think there is more to it that what they're telling us. There's an opportunity cost in here somewhere... I think its probably your horizontal movement. You probably can get a good jump straight up (maybe a little to the side), but probably not as much as if you would have just jumped without using someone as a footstool. And... if they make it so you can't do a triple jump after initiating it, then I don't think this move will be unbalanced.
  15. Those are some interesting points. Now that you mention it, I wouldn't be surprised if some traits from Big Boss start coming out in Snake. That seems like something Kojima would write up and throw in to the game. The whole VR thing could be a very real possibility, especially with the series emphasis on VR training and all. ... the last and final possibility (PREPARE THE SARCASM CANNON) in all the old games with Solid Snake, Snake just was too damn lazy to use CQC. They took him from his home in Alaska and he was, "Damn man, what the hell. I'll give you the silver package, but not the premium deal. No CQC. No touchie. Later." Yep. That's what happened. *blinks* Hm... well, i also thought it was interesting that the events in Metal Gear Solid 4 occur EXACTLY 50 years from the day of Big Boss's mission. Exactly 50, which I think will play into some facet of the story.
  16. Snake's age is never really clearly stated, if I'm not mistaken. But I'll take some guesses here... Early info from Metal Gear solid indicated that he was in his thirties during the events of Shadow Moses. MGS3 said that the Les Enfants Terribles project occurred in 1972. The events at Shadow Moses occurred in 2005. Naomi states directly in the english E3 trailer that it's been 9 years ago since Shadow Moses. So the year is 2014. So 2014 - 1972 is.... approximately 42, assuming that Solid and Liquid were both born in the year of the Les Enfants Terribles project's start date according to MGS3. So yeah, accounting for his month of birth he's either 41 or 42 during the events of MGS4. Err... meh, early 40s. I should calculate everyone's ages because I'm particularly bored right now.... haha, anyway. Kojima said at E3 that it was an exclusive title for PS3, but speculation remains still, especially with all these timed exclusives on PS3 as of late. My money is on MGS4 coming out on PS3 as planned, and it'll probably be ported to Xbox360 in a year or so. That's only my guess though and is based on nothing factual or official. But... again, the only official words that have been uttered are that Metal Gear Solid 4 will be exclusive to the PlayStation3. Again, MGS2 was supposed to be exclusive but after a couple months (a lot of them actually) it came on on Xbox after the PS2, so ... meh, it'll happen eventually. For MGS fanboys with Xbox360's it'll be a really long wait though... Seriously though, I just wanna know how the freakin' hell Liquid is controlling Ocelot with his damned hand. That needs some 'splaining. I'm excited though. EDIT: I have to say this, one thing about Metal Gear Solid has always bugged me. In MGS3, during 1964, BigBoss looks like he's in his mid-30s. in 1970, is Portable Ops. In 72, 8 years later the Les Enfants Terrible project occurs, but that only adds 8 years to BigBoss's original age (whatever that was.) According to Liquid's account of the Les Enfants terribles project (and why the genetic aging issues are occuring) was because BigBoss was cloned while he was in his fifties, but this doesn't line up with the timeline at all... which either means Liquid is wrong, or their's a gap in the storyline, OR... BigBoss was not in his mid-30s (EVEN THOUGH he was a self proclaimed "Rookie") and just took really damn good care of himself and not only was a super badass soldier, but he also had really good skin and some kind of miracle cure for aging and wrinkles... but that's crazy too, because during the events of the first Metal Gear which is said to have occured in 1995, Big Boss would be in his seventies.... I think old MGS info said he died in his 70s.... but.... it means Snake was 40 something in Snake Eater .... but he keeps referring to himself as a rookie... maybe a rookie in the new infiltration unit he's in... OR.... maybe... Naked Snake just has really bad self-esteem, or has such a high bar to reach that he's always referring to himself as less than he actually is, especially considering the psychological, emotional issues he had in MGS3 when he had to fight his mentor to the death... and, well, losing Eva who he says in MPO that he still loved her. *shrugs* I'm looking WAY to into this, so I'm going to stop. Later. /topic diverging
  17. You can use it to perform Meteor Smashes! -Sakurai Those the aerial downward attacks that send you straight down... in Melee DK does them, Captain Falcon could do them in their regular move sets. They're all done in the air. So this move can be done in the air also, this picture illustrates this as well... they're both airborne.
  18. oh wow. That's a cool move!!! Doing it in the air and all!!!!!! Sweet. I hope it's real difficult to do!! SOOoo cool. This is an awesome update. *jumps up and down* It could get cheap, but really, when you're trying to edge guard you have to be careful of their triple jump.... I'd imagine nearly all aerial attacks will probably negate this for balancing... That's cool though. I could see some interesting cooperative uses for this in a team match. This update gets two thumbs up from me. EDIT: I guess that's what Yoshi was doing to Donkey Kong last time.... in fact, it makes things better now that Yoshi wasn't doing the nasty to Donkey Kong yesterday.
  19. They are great captions! Couldn't you just read them from left to right? -Sakurai
  20. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *sigh* hahahaha.... man... it makes me sad that Old Eva looks like David Bowie. hmm, well, since a minor theme in the Metal Gear series is the whole concept of lineages and passing on genes , I wonder if Eva has children and if they'll have any impact on the story. So she's approximately in her 70's.... Ocelot is in his 60's (judging from the age differences [and direct references] in MGS3)... and Solid Snake looks like hell... maybe his 60s too but he's too pumped up... he just looks kind of freakish... I suppose if you were deteriorating genetically you'd be kind of freakish too, I guess. Hmm. I wonder if any other characters that were around from back in Snake Eater will make small cameo appearances... or just references... I mean, the whole cast is getting pretty old, which you don't usually see in games or movies even. It's kind of refreshing.... ... ... ... ... minus the whole David Bowie look alike thing. Hehe. Hmm. I wonder if Eva knows about Solid Snake... I'm sure we'll get some kind of obligatory "HE LOOKS JUST LIKE BIGBOSS" flashback sequence when she first see's Solid snake...
  21. Thanks, yeah, I'm hoping to throw those in soon. Song of Time fits perfectly, as I've been experimenting with it for a little bit. Zelda's Lullaby fits in too, but it gets really dark sounding... but... yeah. Good times. I also have been pondering the whole Gerudo Valley theme, since the tune is a little similar to the style of my mix. Temple of time, Zelda's lullabye, and Saria's song fit pretty well as does Bolero of Fire... I guess pretty much all the ocarina tunes fit (with a few minor adjustments)... maybe with the exception of the Spirit one... but yeah, I'll be adding all those in, and maybe, possibly, a few other tunes... I'd LOVE to add in the Owl theme, but that remains to be seen at this point. And... one a sidenote, I will be adding a little more of an intro to the Twinrova (twin witch spirit boss) part of the mix because I feel like it just takes off way to fast and doesn't have enough rising action before it. Thank you for the comment. =)
  22. I AM SO F-ING EXCITED. I'm glad I bought a PS3 a week or so ago. _^__^___^_ and on a side note, Old Eva looks like Cruella Deville.... I'm just sayin'... and little bit like Liquid Snake. hehe. The new gameplay elements are real cool... graphically the game isn't really impressing me the way the other Metal Gear Solid games did though (EXCEPT for the characters themselves). Environments look a little bland and dated, imo, as opposed to some of the other games we've been seeing lately. I realize this isn't a final version. OctoCamo looks incredibly awesome!! I'm loving the crawling and CQC moves, and how you can do more stuff like body check and all that. Real sweet. Not to mention helping out in battles. That is just ridiculously awesome. I hope they have a mode where you can just roam around and battle it out, because that looks like a lot of fun in and of itself, just as much as sneaking around!! Those wicked air bomber robo-bird things were hella tight too. Good times. Can't wait for this game. When is this game coming out? Last place I looked said March 2008, I think it was IGN, but it also said Europe would be Q3 2007. *shrugs* Weird. Anyway, anyone know the relative release date? I'd assume it would need to be around the holidays because PS3 needs some kind of killer app before 2008... seriously...
  23. he's not nearly as shiney as he was in Melee, which is good. He looks "cuter" looking, more like the old SNES days imo. =) So yoshi gets a triple jump. I think its for the best, I mean, he was one of least played characters in melee, its cool that they're giving him a little more spunk. Seriously though, Yoshi is gettin' it on. Ride that monkey!
  24. hmm, no update yet.... another strangely late update. Is it just me or does it seem that everytime we get an update that isn't on time, we get something really weird from Sakurai, IE the trophy balance, bowser in the sky update... HMM... still waitin'... I guess I can reflect on past and current events while I wait for my fix.
  25. Dear God, i don't think anyone's mentioned Space Quest yet!!! A travesty! and I see Grim Fandango mentioned up there, I have to agree wholeheartedly. That was indeed a superb adventure game.
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