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Everything posted by Strike911

  1. I just... I love to play competitively, I love tourneys, but seriously, some levels are about fun, and having a random element thrown in FORCES *ahem* "good" players to get out of their little comfort zones and actually do something different for a change. Seriously, some of these tournament players I've seen lose to people that aren't at that kind of expert level because they're "not comfortable with the stage"... all they play is battlefield and they can't compensate for any small changes or hazards or elevated areas. Much less things like moving platforms. I hate this idea that you can't strategically or competetively fight in a level that isn't "tourney style." It's a really ridiculous kind of thought, imo. Really, I just don't get why you can't "competetively" play on any stage that has no damage causing elements (or damage causing elements that essentially effect all players). For instance, Pokefloats, essentially at its core, its just a bunch of platforms in known sequence that move around and disappear. There's not a set size like those "tournament" style stages, but it seems to me like their is something valuable in a player that can adapt... which, unfortunately, a lot of competetive players cannot do. I think these rules that say "well you have to be on a flat level to be competitive" are ridiculous... in fact, if some of these tourney playing gamers would branch out a little, I thinkt they'd probably perform better in tourney stages anyway. Adapting, figuring out somthing; that's more strategic. I mean, someone may have higher ground than you, how do you defend or get the advantage? I think thoughts like this are more valuable and impressive than wavedashing on a flat level, then rolling around each other until you can find an opening. Sure there is skill required, but I personally think it's an error in thinking to say fighting on an incline is unfair, merely because you have an equal opportunity to use the same strategies against the enemy. Tourney stages have their place, true, but ... well, I just don't like the idea that some stages that don't meet tourney specs are n00b levels because their's something in it that tourney players don't like, IE moving platforms, cars, etc. /rant
  2. FOR THE RECORD, I always liked the ambience and feel of that one DK stage in Melee, jungle japes! hm.. was never a fan of the ice climbers level... in fact, I don't know anyone that really likes that stage. At least its not a looping mountain image, it seems like you keep going into the air, I mean, it'll loop eventually, sure, but at least their not giving us an identical reskin of the Ice Climbers level. but... interesting tidbit that you can climb up ladders. I wonder if we'll see that implemented into any other levels that are actually fun. Hmm. I wonder if we'll see vines and things hanging off ledges so more than one person can recover from edges. That's certainly possibility, with ladders coming into the mix. That's the only substantial use of them that I can find. I don't really see the point in using a ladder when you can just jump though... seems like everything else would be slower than jumping... so what's the point? Unless you can use some attacks while you're on there... or shoot at people from a stationary position with a gun type item. There's no real reason to climb down them, because you can just drop down through the platform... hmm... interesting addition, but then again, I don't know how useful it will be... Now a level that scrolls up, with no platforms and only ONE ladder to go up with... THAT i would like to see. well, maybe there could be one small platform every 10 seconds or something, but mostly ladder action... that'd be cool. Of course this is all assuming you can jump and catch the ladder in midair.
  3. MASSIVE UPDATE!! Same link in the first post! First of all, thank you all very much for leaving comments and saying nice things. Second of all, damn!! lol!! I sadly never played Majora's Mask... ... I already updated this thing with like, a lot of additions... and started adding other songs already >_< hehe. hmm, I'll take a look at the MM song though and see if I can implement it, or if it'll help. Okay, so here's the rundown, this has become more of an acoustic guitar medley. I start the Minuet of Forest tune earlier... I thought the original version just went a bit slow, like you guys recommended. I also introduce the Twinrova melody halfway through (the Spirit Temple boss from Zelda64), and then the Windmill theme transitions from that.... and then it goes, yet again, back into the Minuet of Forest tune. And... well... actually it seems like kind of a small update when it's all written out, but it took freakin' hours and is in fact, a big addition by my own proclamations. Seriously. I also fixed the drums and tweaked them a bit. AND there's an ending too... which, you know, brings closure... and stuff... I wasn't digging the abrupt hard stop I typically have. lol. I'm gonna keep adding stuff though. What do you guys think of this version?
  4. The guy that made that very fake article is a poster on the Nintendo forums named Milox4. He's admitted to making it up. Again, he's admitted that he started a huge fake scan to cause trouble. Seriously though, the article says something along the lines that Sonic is already in Brawl and Nintendo is just waiting for confirmation from Sega. That's not how things in the gaming world work, you gotta talk a lot with the companies beforehand and settle money issues and stuff before they hand over the rights to an IP, and "confirm" stuff. *sigh* BUT, the guys over at IGN are confident Sonic will be in the game. I mean, it looks good for that, especially with the fact that Sonic+Mario at the Olympics. I mean, Sega and Nintendo's relationship seems pretty good... so, meh, it could go anyway. I bet they'll somehow incorporate Mii's into the WireFrame badguys... or those things that were in the new update... I bet they will !!! Hmm... hey everybody, look in the clouds, I see Robotnik!!!!! HEE HEE! MWHAHA. EVIL! okay... in the clouds of my mind... not the pic.
  5. you know, technically, StarCraft 64 was on a Nintendo console... soooo .... (in the spirit of the last few posts) ES POSSIBLE!!! ... with a hat on the last "E." ^_~ ^_~ ^_~ Seriously though... crackers, der ain't no sense fo realz in dis. I'm just sayin', fo realz. Okay, I can see bowser. I can even see Ridley if I try hard. But... i don't see anything else... oh you speculative cards... keep it up. It's way more interesting this way.
  6. sadly I wasn't too much into DOS adventure games. I think I remember playing Monkey Island on DOS.... I think....... but.... speaking of adventure games.... oh Sam and Max, how I miss you.
  7. wait, I had a thought.... what if Smash Bros Brawl had a really engaging single player mode that had a great story with all the classic Nintendo characters. Think of Kingdom Hearts just... Nintendo. What if the single player was so engaging that people wanted to play the adventure mode just as much as multiplayer... because its so epic, dramatic, meaningful, and life changing? Think about it. It'll blow your mind. .... then you'll come crashing back to reality. ^_~
  8. okay, its 5 minutes past when they typically update... whats up with the lateness. *cries* *taps foot impatiently* I need my Smash Brawl Crack fix, damn it! EDIT: OKAY, the update was late, but its here! BUT.... ....but seriously, WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WHAT THE FUCK!? edit 2: whatever this is about, its labeled as a game mode... and important enough to get its own little area in the game mode section. hmm. I wonder if Smash Bros will have some kind of "story" .... hmmm.
  9. That would be pretty cool actually if when you were on a ledge by pressing Z you could put your hand out where you would become a ledge for another player to catch on.... that way you could save teammates and stuff. Hehe. It'd be like 'Little Big Planet.' haha. I could totally dig hanging off of other people that are hanging on ledges, that's an awesome idea. hehe. Edit: and while I might disagree with BigBoss, I do appreciate his vigor.
  10. http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com/MinuetofForest.mp3 Okay, I'm really digging this. It's smooth. It's easy listening. I hope you like that kind of music. It's essentially two acoustic guitars with a bass part also really helps. Additionally there's some drums and a few other percussion instruments in there too. Additionally, I've attempted to pan things around so where your headphones! It could use a little work and is still just a preview/wip at this piont, I want to add some crazy soloage and maybe some more references to other Zelda songs in there, I want to add more to this one. What do you guys think so far? Your comments and suggestions and criticisms are 100% appreciated. http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com/MinuetofForest.mp3
  11. lol. So much for ending the name calling. teehee.
  12. IF A BOOK FOLLOWS THE ACTIONS OF A KILLER IT'S OKAY. IT'S EXPLORING THE MOTIVES AND WHAT IT WAS LIKE TO BE THERE. IF A MOVIE FOLLOWS THE ACTIONS OF A KILLER IT'S ALSO OKAY. It's art, we're visually seeing what happens and we're supposed to feel sympathy for the victims, even though the film might revolve around the killer. HOWEVER, if a video game does something similar, yet unique to its form of media, then its not okay... what a weird two-faced society. I think the issue here is that video games are often seen as just that, a "game," something to have fun with. These older citizens that haven't grown up and seen the gaming industry evolve haven't seen the power and emotional punching power that video games (interactive media) can provide. I think if you're looking at the game and saying, "YOU'RE KILLING PEOPLE! AND MAKING FUN OF COLUMBINE" then you're missing the point of the RPG. Again, why is it okay for us to see people being killing in plenty of historical movies, and read about them dying in books? That 9/11 film that came out didn't even get hit this much. I mean, hell, a year after the attack on Pearl Harbor we had films about it, but we didn't see them getting as much flak as this "game" has. Really, I think this all has to do with the fact that people are hanging on to the idea that video games started as an interactive children's game, but now it's a little more than that and I think this is an important step towards legitimizing interactive media, perhaps on a closer scale to film. Additionally, the cartoon-ish appearance can then be argued, but technically speaking, RPG Maker isn't capable of much more than that. Visually, if the game had a different style it wouldn't come off as trivial as it might seem to outside viewers and people that don't typically call themselves gamers. I don't believe this game is trying to be crude or to shock people, I think the creator is merely trying to express the side of the story from the killer's point of view, ironically enough through a medium that is said to have "brainwashed them" to do so. It's ludicrous. It's as if acting like people didn't kill people before video games came along. Give me a break. There were just as many (if not more) terrible things going on in societies long before video games ever came along. Ever heard of the holocaust? Oh a video game must have caused it... Oh Hitler, you card. I knew we could find a way to make you innocent in that whole mess by making your psychological issues someone's else's problem. Oh, happy day. Look at all the war related video games that came out since the Iraq invasion. Look at them. Their is a clear jump in the amount of modern middle-eastern themed war games that have been in development. Especially terrorism related. There was a game that got a lot of flak because it had Osama bin Laden as the final enemy. You remember it right? It was a terrible game. There is a FPS that updates multiplayer missions based on news stories, can't remember the name. Hell, Postal II tries real hard. Of course, most of these games (if not all of them) are terrible. A lot of games have been influenced by terrorism and news events... look, you'll see references to them. Army of Two, by EA, is about private military companies, which in an interview I heard with one of the devs, is an attempt to show the regular pubilc about private military contracting going on by the US government. We've all seen Metal Gear Solid's preachy messages, don't get me wrong I love the Metal Gear series, but it has a huge anti-war message based on events from the past, including recent events; in MGS4's case (and my best speculation judging from the trailers), western influence in the middle east. Of course, there are tons of games that are doing this. Look at all the war games. Just look at them. Modern war games jumped in production, because that's what's on people's minds. As human beings we are drawn to want to watch conflict, its terrible but true. Video games are merely an extension of this previous trend. One might say that it's interactive; that's the difference. Is it? They say in films we are pushed to show empathy to the main characters, so if we see a murder taking place, in a way we too are taking place in that murder, hiding the body, etc. Anyway, video games are just something else that's new, that septogenarians can beat into the ground and blame for all the problems they didn't have "back in the day." Oh please. Humanity has never been perfect little angels, so they need to stop being so arrogant. Slavery? Inhumane treatment? Segregation (this one might strike home for the said seventy year olds)? Geez, just a whole bunch of nonsensical finger pointing and I'm tired of it. Why can't you face the fact that some people are psychologically incapable of viewing ANY kind of media, because of the way their parents raised them. How about that? Of course, I don't think it's that violent media skews minds, its just that skewed minds tend to want to view violent media. It isn't the media's fault, its the lack of psychological will-power/brain-activity/morality that causes people to go on rampaging shooting sprees. /wall-block of text If you really know nothing about Columbine, then I'd also suggest reading about it, and researching online about it. There's a wealth of information all over the internet, as well as books and documentaries at your local library. Heck, you can probably find some documentaries on YouTube if you look there. and again for good measure... because once probably isn't enough... /wall-block of text
  13. If they make a sequel there will be no unicron or anything... it'll be a high budget movie about nothing except robots fighting each other... I kid you not. It'll have decepticons BACK for revenge ... that will be the story. . . . yes, i know.
  14. Solid logic, sir. Real solid. EDIT: The fact of the matter is that when trying to determine whether Zero Suit Samus is her own character, its nearly impossible at this point. Keep in mind that early on when Melee was first coming out they had shots of the character select screen with Sheik on it. . . remember? Those early promo shots? Yeah you do. And look what direction that went. Seriously, we don't know, my money is that she's a seperate character, but Samus happens to turn into her after a Final Smash, that's how you transform. No going back or anything. That's my guess, because I don't think they want her to be compared to Shiek from a transforming standpoint. I mean keep in mind, with the way tourney players are, IF getting Zero Suit Samus could only be done by getting a Smash Ball, then none of them would EVER play as ZS Samus. Ever. Of course, that brings up other issues with balance. If someone isn't good with Zero Suit Samus, or if she is "powered down" like Sakurai suggests, does the gain from using the Smash Ball (Giant laser) outweigh having to be Zero Suit Samus for the rest of the match? I suppose that's the other question though, are you Zero Suit Samus the rest of the match or just until the next time you die? There are so many questions I have!! lol.
  15. well, uh, I have to mention my site... it's in my sig... go... download... for vg remixes all of which are not on OCR.... http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com and for random vg joke mix things.... http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com/noodlebot
  16. nostalgia + robots + more nostalgia.... ... + robots + nostalgia + nostalgia + robots + falling off bridges + robots + nostalgia.... + more nostalgia... + robots ...... transforming robots... ...robots that are.... in disguise. THERE'S NO TIME TO EXPLAIN, JUST BASK IN THE GREATNESS THAT IS TRANSFORMERS MAN! BASK DAMN YOU, BASK!! Now lets all sit around a campfire, join hands, and sing.
  17. I read an interesting article saying that Nintendo didn't have to even show up at E3 to hype the public or show other devs their wares. Nintendo cares little at this point about hyping people up about titles at trade shows because the Wii is selling ... LIKE CRAZY. We all know that. Sony on the other hand, you see they're pulling out all the stops with all their content to try and get more people to buy their system. It's all about publicity, and the article went on to say that Nintendo is strategically waiting to show off their AAA games once other consoles have their "killer apps" move closer to their release dates. So... yeah, E3 wasn't too great for Nintendo, but then again, Nintendo didn't really need it to be good. Sony on the other hand, they NEEDED E3 this year to trying and get more support. They had a pretty damn strong lineup too. Eyecatching graphics, interesting exclusives and timed exclusive announcements. Nintendo's doesn't have to cater to the crowd to get more sales because most of the crowd already have Wii's of their own. It's good to have Nintendo stock. No lie. Anyway, yeah, E3 wasn't cool for us gamers over at Nintendo's booth... it was mediocre, but then again, Nintendo will have a ton of secrets and AAA games to show off to battle hype during strategic times. .... SSBB FTW! *scampers off to the Smash Bros thread*
  18. Neato. A few little tidbits on the new character, which is cool.
  19. Neeeeeeeeeeeeeeato! Samus's Final Smash!!!!!!!! And you can freakin' throw the armor. That's a pretty cool touch. but I still wonder about transforming from Zero Suit Samus to regular armored Samus or if the Final Smash IS the way to transform or what? cool stuff. I can dig it. That's one crazy huge laser! This is a good update.
  20. Dunno, what happened when you did that in Melee??? I never played DK enough to carry someone into a powerful attack like that. I'm actually really curious now...
  21. Thanks guys. Yeah, I'll make more. I've got most of this stuff like this hosted on my website... http://strike911.sanctuslegacy.com/noodlebot Yeah, I don't sound too much like Liquid, but ... meh. I can't sound like everyone I guess. heh. I definitely live in the US, lol. I bet people from the UK would be able to point out inconsistencies in the "accent" and see my American accent popping out everywhere. Hehe, I just tried to emulate a few specific words Liquid used, and was hoping to just wing it. lol. Glad this was well recieved. Thanks guys.
  22. I'm diggin' the arrangement; cool stuff, nice memories of the first StarFox... but then again... where's the real orchestra that helped make SSBM's soundtrack so stellar? I like the arrangement though. And yes, a different arrangement of this song was indeed in Smash Melee... particularly halfway through the Corneria music it plays as an extension to the StarFox theme. Listen to it. It's there. Although, it is a little different from the source. Can you dig? I like the fact that they're elaborating on somewhat obscure pieces of music instead of adding these songs to themes and such.... like they did in Melee with this song. From my observations, it appears at least, that this song is indeed just by itself and not tacked on to anything else, which is cool. *cross fingers for more old references to old songs* cool arrangement, digging the pumped sound, but nothing entirely special.... err, rather, nothing to piss myself over.
  23. My Hitler is really small. I call him Mini-Hitler. Although, I can't remember his official name on my Wii... I think it was just Hitler. But... he's so little and chibified and cutesy. Seriously, you don't know whether you should pinch his little cheeks or raise your hand for the Nazi cause.
  24. I wonder if there are any secret times that things happen at, really strange hours... 3:45 AM ... Tom Nook's big Pimpin' parade.... *shrugs*
  25. This is interesting. I wonder if any other levels will be affected by the time of the day... hmm. EDIT: You always need handstands. Seriously.
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