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Everything posted by Crabsmasher

  1. I'd like to avoid one, just because I am busy with work and school. I don't get to practice much for this same reason... Are there any specific books that you know of?
  2. So I am trying to teach myself how to read sheet music and play it on the piano, but I am having a very hard time doing it. Anyone have any suggestions, books, websites and so forth that might help me learn? I do practice as much as possible, but I would just like a little boost to help me get going. Any suggestions? Edit: A teacher would be nice, but I don't have time for one.
  3. For Link we could do "EXUUUUUUUSE ME PRINCESS". It's from the TV show..I am not sure if that would work though ,there are so many silent protaginists it would be kind of hard to do that. Maybe we could just have a quote for the people who say things then just leave the other out...
  4. Hey! I just found this project again.. you can expect something from me in a few weeks. I just got hired for a job so as soon as I am done with training and stuff I will start working on a few bios... plus it will help my if I write bios... Edit: Oh snap! No one has done Ryu Hyabusa yet.. I think i found my first bio.
  5. Good news Kwarp! I sent you the email
  6. HEY! Kwarp I know that I haven't sent yout he assignment yet but yesterday I had to work! I will get it in later tonight I promise.... I just need to see if I can get hold of the few people I never did get hold of!
  7. Do you guys have your own IRC channel? If so I couldn't find the server and channel info.. so what server and channel?
  8. What exactly do I need to put on it?
  9. I see you need an art assitant... I am interested in taking that job
  10. I like this mix, it seems like one that will get better everytime I listen to it. I am not surprised JJT was made a judge
  11. Just listened to the latest show and I have to say you guys(well actually...that doesnt really work...but...whatever) are awesome. This show was my introduction to the podcast and now I have subscribed.
  12. I am happy to see that there is finally a Mega Man 7 remix, but I don't like it. It's not that your mixing was bad it more because I could not stand parts of it..because I don't like techno sounding songs. But I am still glad this site finally got some MM7 remixess.
  13. Very interesting mix, the voices ad a nice touch. I cant say that this is an instant favorite, but at least I am adding to to my playlist. Overall though it is a great remix..
  14. Nice stuff, although it's not really my style I do think that it was made well and it took alot of talent to make an arrangment like this. I enjoyed how it was different, not the same as alot of remixs, for this I commend you. I love piano arrangments, and although this song is not really my style it's still a wonderful mix. Great work
  15. I really like this remix, it's very mello. It relaxes me, makes me feel like I dont have to worry about anything for a while. Great work Nes. I cant really get the tune, but I still love this jazzy remix I havent heard a good jazz remix in a while so this is very nice..
  16. Pretty good remix, I think that the begining is my favorite part, i just love hearing songs played on the piano. But still i could not add this to my favorites list..but great work none the less
  17. This remix is pretty cool. I've over listened to it so it doesn't have much lasting appeal. It's still a pretty cool mix. Nice work!
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