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Everything posted by halc

  1. you making your track in a day probably didnt have anything to do with it
  2. damn. nice work finishing up all those wips, Lemon looking forward to hearing this!
  3. people can claim there's too much electronica on OCR, but i'm of the opinion that there's not nearly enough
  4. ya. springs, bitch.

  5. alright everyone, it's finally preview time! this preview features a 20-40 second clip of each finished track, as well as 4 wips. click here to listen!
  6. alright everyone, expect a preview track TODAY! while i'm at it, final wav deadline is JULY 20th!
  7. too bad this project is canned, because GaMeBoX just sent me a sexxxxy wip, and none of you will ever get to hear it. edit: just received a very substantial (and awesome) mix from José as well! great work coming from everyone
  8. have you already left??? i just wanted to say i love you

  9. embrace the future! ice cap remixes 4evr!!!!!!
  10. ur a shity wrkshp fagot

  11. this project is now canceled due the the advent of the ReMixinator. pack your things and gtfo
  12. okay, i had a whole post all written up and ready to go, until i accidently pressed the back button and lost everything D: anyway, as Emu mentioned, we've been discussing this one a bit and his post echoes most of my sentiments. i will mention that the arrangement here is pretty slick, and definitely treads both the conservative and liberal paths, though i'd expect the judges to be stopwatching this one for source - maybe try to fit some more direct source usage in there or hint towards the original melodies more often during the solo sections. certainly some interesting stuff. i agree that there is some good potential here, so keep it up!
  13. deadline day! looking forward to some good updates
  14. i must say i was relatively excited having seen the source (been playing that game like crazy) and this is definitely one of my favorite songs in the game now, seeing as how this was your first remix, i'm gonna be brutally honest and say that this is kind of a production nightmare (youtube's poop quality probably isn't helping - use tindeck ). that synth is way too loud and dominates the mix most of the time. the long release/reverb also causes the notes to bleed together and generally crowds up the soundscape - esp. the chorus sections at :38 and 1:38; the drums and rhythm guitar are practically inaudible during those sections. it's simply unbalanced; some elements are way overexposed, and others are hiding in the background. essentially every sound should have it's place in the sound field, without stepping on the toes of anything else. as far as arrangement goes, it's more of a cover, and a fairly simplified cover at that, but kudos for picking this awesome song. anyway, i don't mean to be harsh, but since you're looking for honest feedback i figured i'd go ahead and dig in. judging by the other mixes you've posted on the board (i'll get to those soon enough - lavender btw has some great moments), you've certainly improved quite a bit since this, so don't take it to heart. hope this helps
  15. prophet: have you gotten my pm regarding chthonic's tal tal wip?
  16. send me thing plz

  17. glad to help! feel free to hit us up if you ever need some feedback
  18. omfg

    you win this time

  19. really liked the opening sequence with the pulsing and portamento synths. i agree with emu that this needs a more expressive lead. that stuttered synth doesn't really work with the melody, though you could probably push it into the background to keep the groove and layer another synth on top. cool glitchy drums, though i think they could be a little crunchier, to accommodate the glitchy effects. perhaps try running them through a light distortion or bitcrushing plugin and see what kinds of sounds you can come up with it's a nice start. keep it up!
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