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Everything posted by halc

  1. ahahahhahahaha omg yknow we had sorta gone out of town once so he could look at a used car, anyway on the way back we had to stop and ask this group of middle-aged women standing outside some restaurant for directions to the interstate, and as we were leaving they called us back and somehow had the nerve to ask us if we were gay a bit of a wtf/lol moment for us - take that as you will (we are both definitely straight), but your post reminded me of that and i figured i could at least liven this thread up with a funny story until i can actually post an update /ot anyway, thanks everyone for the comments. the mix is progressing, i just keep forgetting to grab the mp3 off ben's pc.
  2. boy do i wish i could've been a part of this congratulations and kudos to everybody involved for putting this together. imo, this is the best album to have come out of this community - Tepid, Skryp, Sole Signal, Fishy and Morse's tracks in particular really hit home with me. djp's mixes were 110% worth the wait, and the Dave Wise collab is simply legendary. personally i could've gone for a little more electronica but that's just a personal bias - what's here is fantastic and the artists deserve every bit of praise. gg next project lol
  3. one of my favorite tracks from the album. visionary stuff; absolutely stellar work!
  4. Congrats to OCR on it's 17th album relase and 2000th ReMix, and of course mega-props to Wise and Co. for putting together such a great closer for the project. Amazing performances on all fronts!
  5. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=33131 i lost ten pounds in three days because of this damn bot
  6. it's hard to judge because of youtube's poor quality. if you're looking for production feedback, i'd recommend uploading your mp3's to a host such as tindeck and linking us to those instead.
  7. http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=33057 bot thread: http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28196
  8. great improvements, man. this is solid. i'm glad i could help!
  9. lol thanks gollgagh HE RUlNS ALL MY FUN.
  10. you ruin all my fun! edit: blah vb removed my caps
  11. i've gotten pretty hooked on this and i think you've nailed the style. reminds me of red hot chili peppers (quite appropriate given the source ) 2:43-3:02 i think the melody could be louder, and maybe some louder backing chords from 2:43-3:21 to give it a fuller, more climactic feel. the drums at 3:12 were awesome for the first measure, but repeating that pattern there felt a bit mechanical; maybe try varying each measure up or doing a 4-bar drum break there instead of repeating the same pattern. sounding great. looking forward to seeing this finished.
  12. alrighty the bassline from the source is established as the groove from the get-go, and there's no variation to be found until 2:44 (aside from the pad breaks and piano section at 1:00, where it's not present). as more instruments are layered in, they just follow the same groove. change up the rhythm every other or fourth bar, add some unique fills or an original melody on top. it's not engaging enough - it needs something to keep the listener interested. 2:39 is a nice change of pace, but after it breaks down it just builds right back up to how it was, with a different groove. maybe try to introduce some more new instruments there to keep it fresh. 3:45-4:02 - good texture here, this is my favorite part of the song; it doesn't seem so grounded by the bassline during this section. cool drum choices, and the piano sounds nice. also, i feel like there's some headroom for volume. one thing to stress is that i think you need to find some new sounds or try out some different styles. i get this bland feeling from your music (hate to put it that way), and i don't think your sound choices in general are the most accessible to the average listener. hope i haven't been too direct with my crits - seems like you've got the chops but some things just aren't quite clicking yet. you can only improve, so keep working at it
  13. i don't really have any experience with live audio, but here are some of my thoughts the guitar is dry and doesn't really support the mix, and i think the hard panning is only making it worse. instead of panning i would try adding some stereo seperation to get a deeper sound on both sides, and some reverb to fill out the space. the same crit could probably be applied to the voilins as well, with a fuller reverb or maybe some delay. those instruments also seem a little high in the mids/highs, could be the dryness of the recording though - the guitar solo in particular is a bit piercing. drums could afford to be a little louder too. overall i think the mix needs to be turned down a bit, and the individual elements need to be beefed up. it's got volume, but it's just dry. hope this is of help
  14. the guitars have a bit of a distant or dry sound to them, and stylistically it works, but i would have preferred a fuller tone at times. the instrumentation is a little bare and doesn't evolve much over the course of the track. it never becomes repetitive, but it does begin to drag on a little in the second half. love the tone of the drums, but they could benefit from some more fills and variations. otherwise, i am enjoying this quite a bit. the arrangement is funky and you've adapted the source quite well to the style with good variations. nice work, hope this helps
  15. more like workshop fraud

  16. never heard of this game, but cool source tune. works well with the style here. the synths and percussion have a very nice clean sound, but the mix is a bit on the quiet side overall. not much to say yet, looking forward to an update
  17. as usual, continue being awesome. and stealin' mah remixes <3 i demand more.
  18. haha thanks man, glad to help :D

  19. the strings and guitar in the intro could use a little release, or a deeper reverb. i think the highest notes in the string stabs starting at :19 might sound better an octave down, but that's just a passing thought - i'm not bothered by it. the drums are pretty infectious, and most of the synths are spot-on. the bass guitar sample is lacking. i'd try to push them a little further into the background, and maybe add some reverb or stereo spread. pretty good stuff for the most part, and definitely a catchy tune. keep it up!
  20. slick production and great synths. you did an awesome job with this
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