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Everything posted by halc

  1. halc

    Mother 3

    Sounds good, I'm gonna start playing it later.
  2. halc

    Mother 3

    I've played a decent amount of Earthbound, but I have not beaten the game nor has the ending been spoiled for me yet. I have patched Mother 3 and I am ready to play it. Should I beat Earthbound or at least familiarize myself with the ending before I play M3, or is it okay to play standalone?
  3. So Mr. Sigaty here is telling us that they will be treating these as expansions, but does that mean that the player must have Terran installed in order to play Zerg or Protoss? An expansion pack would be defined as simply that, an expansion to the original game. If the Zerg or Protoss games are playable without having the Terran installed then that would classify them as a stand-alone game in this trilogy of theirs.
  4. From the OP article: "Each game will be a stand-alone installment – not an expansion." Regardless, we still have time until the game comes out and theres really no way to say for sure what is or is not an expansion, full game, blah blah If I'm missing something here or if you have some solid facts please let me know
  5. Yes, but Brood War is an expansion set. It is unplayable without having the original SC installed on your computer. These are not expansions. Each game has it's own complete, unique single player campaign and the multiplayer is to be shipped complete with each game. When the Zerg/Protoss games do come out, the Terran game will in no way be outdated. There will be many players that buy the Terran game and choose not to purchase the other two, and probably some players that choose not to buy the Terran game at all and just wait for the other ones. This is only my speculation, of course. We'll see how things go.
  6. Brood War was treated like a completely separate game. You had bnet servers for StarCraft and those for Brood War, and the two respective groups of players could mingle in the chat room but SC players could only play SC players and BW players the same. Units like the medic were only available to BW players. I'm almost positive that Starcraft II's online capabilities will not limit each player to the respective game that they use. All Terran owners that do not buy the "expansions" should be able to play with those who do.
  7. I know I'm just jumping into the middle of this conversation (I have no idea when this argument started), but seriously it is not that difficult to be *really* good at smash bros. I would like to admit that I'm pretty damn good at it but I'm not gonna go out of my way to record a video of me playing the game, upload it to youtube, and then embed it into this post just to prove that I am. Although it's not my place to say that I could kick anyone's ass at this game. oh, and I'm not taking sides here but Arek your posts rock
  8. Will the new units be available to those that stick with the first release even after the Zerg and Protoss boxes are released? Perhaps a patch could just install those new units into the existing directory? As long as the player can have the full, complete multiplayer experience with just one purchase, I agree that many people will pirate the other two simply for the sake of the single player. Anyone that's in it for the multiplayer alone should not have to shell out x amount of money for two extra games/discs/expansions/whatever.
  9. c'mon now children this is just a video game i will kick your ass with my buggy peach
  10. I was just reading about this on 1up. exciting news, cave story needs moar attention
  11. http://www.1up.com/do/newsStory?cId=3170356 mmmhm fun stuff
  12. this is balls what the hell is wrong with piccolo
  13. Windows only is lame. Coincidentally, I used to frequent Fireball20xl every day when I was in middle school. Haven't been there in yeeeaaars. Anyway, I downloaded the game regardless. I'll play it in Parallels when I become motivated enough.
  14. cool remix, this looks fun god i love radiohead
  15. Yeah. Uh, is the tracklist on on the project forums here current? Are the black tracks all up for grabs?
  16. http://news.yahoo.com/story/afp/20080821/ts_afp/usitinternetenergychipcompanyintel imagine, no more outlets? oh shit.
  17. halc


    The thing about this movie is that it just feels like the video game. Even if the whole movie is just crazy, off-the-wall situations and violence, that makes it no different than that game, right? People who like the game will like the movie, and that never seems to be the case these days. I don't really know. On a side note, I personally hate Team America, but I think anyone who liked that movie would like Postal as well.
  18. halc


    I'm sure at least several of you have played the game. I recently saw the live-action film adaptation directed by Uwe Boll and am impressed enough to say it's one of the best video game-to-film adaptations I've seen. It seems as if Boll had a vision for this film, as the game really becomes the movie. It's funny (lots of political and super-off-the-wall humor), ultra-violent (children are shot and killed on screen), stylish, satirical and controversial. Has anyone else seen the movie? What do you think?
  19. A few nights ago on one of the news segments in between events the dude said that NBC was going to replace Rainn Williams with Michael Phelps as Dwight in The Office. Did anyone else see this? What the hell is up with that, I guess it was a joke?
  20. Happy birthday djp, and congrats on your engagement!
  21. Congratulations Audix! My wallet is a lil' dry at the moment, but I'll show my support when I get some more cash. Badass album art.
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