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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. The other day, I finally got my credit card through the mail. But I have always been a bit skeptical of buying things over the internet, general security issues. To be more accurate, buying things from lesser known sites. I've had luck with Amazon, eBay, half.com, Barnes & Nobles, Newegg and certain other retail stores. What I'm more interested in is gaming/electronics/music related online stores. Most of the time, they have some pretty good prices when compared to your old fashioned brick and mortar stores. But, several factors (including organization of the site) just make me feel uneasy about purchasing anything through them. I'm not too sure whether I'm being too conservative... as though some sites might look unprofessional their service and reliability can be quite good. From my friends, they said they have had good luck with Outpost, TigerDirect, Overstock and CDJapan as well. Does anyone have any recommendations for quality online sites/stores?
  2. Yeah. I had a friend who used to work at Circuit City and it's the same there too. But whatever may be the case, there's never any games at the Best Buy or Circuit City in my town. I doubt it would be different if I go to a location in Manhattan. From the looks of it, I don't think anyone is having any luck. =(
  3. Yup. That's looks to be right. I don't think I'll be able to swing by there at all. Besides, I think people just ransack the place and then sell on eBay or whatever where I live.
  4. Just wait until you get to that part where you have multiple aneurysms. That's where the difficulty spikes up a bit.
  5. I missed it as well. =( If I heard about this earlier (or if the deal lasted longer), I would have ordered this and a PC gamepad for myself. >_<
  6. Apparently, my older sister got a DS lite for her birthday. She got NSMB with it. Even she said it was easy and for her, that's saying a lot. She stopped playing video games back in the NES era, more or less, but plays those flash games online every once in a while. It's kind of cool though, knowing someone else has a DS lite that's close by. Let the multiplayer goodness begin! NSMB has fun mini-games but it gets a bit boring after you play stage after stage. I also find that the 'shuffle' feature isn't as random as I would like it to be. Card games are selected a bit too often if you ask me. I am contemplating on either getting Tetris, or Mario Kart. Those seem like staple games I should have in my library. That and my sister has a 50 dollar gift card to Best Buy. It would have been better if it were at Gamestop or some place where it sells used games though. Oh yeah, does anyone own Super Princess Peach? It might seem random, but I want to know how it is as a whole. I played a demo of it and it wasn't bad. It was kind of like your normal platformer, but I want to know how the difficulty progresses throughout the game. My sister doesn't like hard games like I do. (But if she got it, I would play it.)
  7. Good work! ala.. Good work guy.. That's pretty freakin' big news. I'm sorry to hear that you like band better than choral music though. Well, keep us posted. I'll be glad to help you decide on what colors, patterns and so on you will be using for the wedding.
  8. Welcome to my world. I haven't touched it in a long while though. I'm pretty sure I can beat it in an hour. Despite people putting down the game a bit in the Megaman ZX Advent thread, I really like this game. I haven't played a Megaman game ever since X3, and it made me love Megaman all over again. I like the tiny things they put into it though, like the different metal pitches. Very cool. The map sucks, though, I will agree with that. But if you know where you're going, then it's all good. I'll probably beat the game this weekend since I've gotten sick of Brain Age.
  9. I've yet to find game album by Uematsu that has taken my breath away. He does have good stuff though, and it is possible to find a gem or two in each game that he has composed. For FF7, I liked Tifa's theme, the Main theme and Jenova. But I can't say I the same for the rest, but they do help me reminisce. Also, by preference, I can listen to piano collections for most of the FF games but that's only because it's piano. It's important to be able to take the music out of context. Do you like FFX music simply because of how it was integrated into the plot or some moment? By itself, I don't like the song, "Isn't it Beautiful." But I can see how it can tug some heartstrings for people who have played the game.
  10. Racing games hardly have good plots, just like fighting games. I really don't think it's something you have to put against a racing or fighting game nowadays. It's always been less important versus the mechanics of the game but as long as there are no contradictions or holes, then I'm perfectly fine with it. Does anyone have any good prospects for upcoming DS games? Right now, the upcoming games list posted on Gamefaqs doesn't look too appetizing. Most of them sound like horrible titles. But then again, the popular systems usually get a lot of them just to ensure some number of sales. Apparently, there's a frisbee game that's coming out in March or something. I'm probably in the minority if I say the concept interests me, but I'm almost positive that it won't really target the hardcore ultimate frisbee player and that disappoints me.
  11. Yeah. And in the worst case scenario, if I were pixie, I would be like "As you all know, this is my boyfriend and these are his shady friends that I'm just meeting for the first time." =D
  12. This just sounds funny. MEET UP IS ONE DAY AWAY!
  13. ^Whoa. That's a pretty weird dream all right. B3 organs are crazy old school... (but apparently, according to wikipedia, there's a new one that was released in 2002.) I've only seen the older kind though... they smell kind of musty. Just make sure for next time that you don't let zircon push you around.
  14. Before your 21st birthday? So I guess you'll be busy after your birthday, eh? (Possibly drinking alcohol?? =0) But I agree, the first round was pretty intense. There were a lot of submissions, but I think that might also scare away some other people too. More competition, the harder it is to win. But it should just be about trying your best and having fun.. though winning a cash prize doesn't hurt either. ;;
  15. More like... nostalgia is super effective.
  16. As far as I know, FFVI is only on GBA due to an inaccurate prediction made by Nintendo. In order to get FFVI on a Nintendo portable, they probably had to gaurantee Square-Enix a certain amount of profit or something like that. Had it been on the DS, I feel that they could have done a little more with FFVI if it hadn't already been decided to be a direct port. Personally, I don't feel that they have to necessarily cater to the GBA audience but more compatibility with more portables definitely doesn't hurt. I purchased FFV and was thinking about FFVI. But I haven't yet even started FFV. So I'll beat it and then think about FFVI despite people's gripes about it. It is after all, still FFVI.
  17. Y'know... Every single time I hear this, it never gets any less funny. (Sorry, Leon K.) ;
  18. Any software that you might use will definitely drop battery life. Not only does it have to run the game graphics, but also the emulation app as well. This is analogous to using Rockbox on an iPod if you wanted support for .ogg or other sound formats. Battery life definitely reduces in this case since the software has to be constantly used. It isn't some sort of loading program that only has to be applied once per song, but constantly when the song is playing. Big drop? I should probably not get an M3 then. I wasn't planning on it, but my friends wanted to. I should probably at least warn them.
  19. I am not going back to Chicago... ever since the incident. (and by the way, your pizza sucks.)
  20. Battery life is still okay for me. I haven't noticed anything yet, but I've only had mine for a couple of months... 4, maybe not even. I only really remember charging it about 3 times. So I charge it once a month? It only takes a 2-3 hours, I think... I don't keep track of it. As for gaming news: so far almost done with Megaman ZX. I need to complete all of the side quests though that the NPCs give you. Then off to the place where you have the final battle! Then after that I should be playing Trauma Center.. but I've gotten to a place where I think I'll be stuck for a while, so I'll probably play some other game at the same time.
  21. I don't think I'll be able to go. Any sort of impromptu travel is really not my sort of thing. Besides, I'm planning on going to North Carolina that weekend to visit a friend. Hopefully those plans will be successful... since last time they were not. I'm really lazy. Good luck, pixie! (though, I'm sure you won't need any.)
  22. Mario Party Mario Tennis Bomberman Generation (but if you already have it for SNES or something, but probably shouldn't get this one) F-Zero GX Naruto Gekito Ninja Taisen 4 (if you're into that) Worms Armaggedon or similar Worms game
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