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Everything posted by Katsurugi

  1. Hey, I'd like to go. But I have no idea about traveling or housing options. It'd be great if someone could I could carpool with someone. If anyone wants to share a room, I wouldn't even mind sleeping on the floor. I'm more worried about the getting there and coming back then finding a place to sleep right now. Can anyone clear up what sort of options I have? I live around NYC, but I think at the time of the festival, I'd be in New Jersey... In the meanwhile, I'll see if any one of my friends wants to come with and see if I can pressure him into driving down with me.
  2. Sure it messes up controllers. But, if you think about it, it was well worth it. I've been playing for such a long time already (ever since it was released). It's fun to play every once in a while just to mess around.
  3. Hotness. Can I end it right there? This remix incorporates different styles with a lot of thought put into transitions. I've always thought of Chun-Li's stage music as kind of bland if not stereotypical, but this spin on the music (even in the first 15 seconds) makes me really enjoy it a lot more than I used to.
  4. Congrats both of you. I guess you guys have a lot of work ahead of you now... Now I'm not too sure if it's a good thing at all. Work is usually a bad thing. But I'm sure you two will help out the site a lot. FOR THE PRETZEL!
  5. From what I understand, he doesn't have time to evaluate remixes... but he better keep remixing! And if you're reading this, Gray: YOU BETTER KEEP REMIXING!
  6. Medium for me. I have enough large t-shirts to last me a while. Anyway, I always follow the trend to wear clothes that fit me. I think that should be good enough. Just as a note, if I were to order a hoodie, it would probably be large because they are comfy. =D
  7. This remix definitely will make any Secret of Mana fan smile. In my first listen-through, there were some sections where I did not totally "get." But after listening to it a couple of times, I have a better understanding as to what the remixer was going for. I think that it'll take some time for this remix to definitely grow on me. Nonetheless, I don't think that anyone can deny that this is an amazing and equally impressive performance. Good work, Jormungand.
  8. Simply amazing. I've always liked Cammy's stage from Super Street Fighter 2 and was blown away when I heard this remix. It makes me always see rain falling in puddles of a bricklaid street. This is easilest my favorite SF remix on OCR. I'll be looking forward to your future remixes, McVaffe. That's right, you heard me. FUTURE. VIDEO. GAME. REMIXES.
  9. This is a wonderful remix by DarkeSword for Grandia 2 nonetheless. It makes me wonder why there are so few Grandia 2 remixes in the first place. A lot of the subtle nuances from the game are carried over without directly imbedding in the source audio. This is a difficult task indeed for something as mellow and gentle as this particular track. I play this song whenever I feel like I need to relax or just chill out. Sadly, the shuffle on my player doesn't bring it up as often as I'd like.
  10. As a whole, I did not really get into this song as much as I did some of the other Contra remixes. It is a bit off, but still pays tribute to one of the most memorable songs ever the NES era. If this remix were done on the fly or just for plain fun, I can see why certain liberties were taken. I personally would stick to the original sound file. Though DJP has come a long way, this is just a fair warning to other Contra enthusiats who might have unrealistic hopes as this being one of the greatest remixes ever.
  11. Does the wikipedia entry also account for the "adjustment factor" needed in, say... pipe organs? I checked out the page, however, I still don't know if it has it in there or not. Coming straight from theory, you should be able to calculate directly what the length should be. However, if you do this then it won't sound quite "right." I know this might be just hearsay, but I spoke to a pipe-organ tuner on the subway once about this kind of stuff while studying for a physics test.
  12. Don't get "beginner" books with simple songs. Of course you'll end up with a couple. But I also think that there should be an emphasis on just drills. This will help your dexterity in general. Sometimes you get used to a song or something like that and then your fingers just get to the keys. Drills usually focus on more general... what's it called..? sequences that some songs have.
  13. If you check the updates on his site, some fishy stuff happened around Christmas/New Years. He's been slowly patching it up though (though he might not even know that he is missing the sheet music to 600 A.D.). http://rapidshare.de/files/12308474/600AD.zip.html I also have original sheet music to the Final Fantasy VII Piano Collections. I don't know if anyone is interested in it though, but I don't know why they wouldn't be... Yeah, so I'll get around to that when I find the time. Is rapidshare a good way to upload these things? I don't have a server or any web hosting. If not, then give me other alternatives that are effective and free... but mostly free.
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