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Level 99

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Status Updates posted by Level 99

  1. Voluptuous Cauliflower

  2. Wait, you have a birthday? And it's today?

    Mega-edit: HAPPY BIRTDATY

  3. We all are, it's understandable.

  4. Well, I have Sampletank 2.5 XL, Miroslav Philharmonik, and Sonic Synth 2 (couldn't resist the buy one get two free deal). I have some general interface questions as well as any tips you could provide on how to effectively use something like Sonic Synth. This is my first time having a real sampler engine like this and I'm a bit lost for functionality. I'm going to read the manual for sure but next time we have a jam session do you think you can give me some tutilige?

  5. Well, we already have our own private project forums that we use. I was hoping to use the social group as a way to gather speed and enthusiasm, but if they're not working out as planned, no worries. Good to know things are getting geared for internal project forums hosting!

  6. Were there any other WIPs you wanted me to listen to?

  7. What do you mean? The associate producer stuff? It was decided a bit ago that anyone who works on the album on the OCR staff side gets credit for their time and energy, hence why ToN, Palpable, Willrock, Gario and myself are listed.

  8. What is youre sig from?! I want to say it looks like one of the guys from Always Sunny, but I'm not sure. It makes me laugh every time though.

  9. Whoa, Wes. At the moment, half the remix reviews thread bumps on the page are from you. You going through some massive remix-reviewing-spasm or something?

    Nice to see the reviewing love getting out. :-)

  10. whoa.

    whoa whoa whoa.

    you're THAT protricity?

    Dude, you suck.

  11. Will do, also may need you on another track if you come through quickly on the other one.

  12. WOOOOOOOO! Thanks, dude. Now stop making a little tent out of my jacket.

  13. Yeah, if I can dig it up in my Mom's storage room whenever I head back to the 'rents house next. Or I could just bring the Xbox with all them games already on it 0_0

  14. Yeah, that inbox present made my morning AND my day! Thanks to both of you many many times, cause seriously don't know how happy it made me.

  15. yeah, well, at least I have a passion...and chicken.

    We better still be on track for you to visit next weekend, or I will be so sad I won't be able to make musics. Do you want that, Shaun? DO YOU?!

    Edit: Also, apparently my beard makes me look like Ailsean now. Scruff scruff!

    Edit Edit: Also, I see the Humans + Gears Director title is in your name now. Wait til everyone finds out every single song on the project is you just playing a kazoo while shaking a tambourine and stomping on the ground really really hard.

  16. Yeah, whatever you say Brad...who booked the room? Who's got the keys?

    You'll sleep on the floor and DAMN WELL LIKE IT! Or you could fight Shaun/Sebastian for who sleeps with me ^_^

  17. Yelling "SLUT" on IRC and having someone respond is just extremely satisfying after a long day at work, just thought you should know.

  18. Yes yes, of course of course. One of these days I'll actually spend more time at home than just 7 hours (6 sleeping, one getting ready for or up from sleep) and then music will be made!

  19. Yes, indeed. When you get older, all you are is exhausted and working, sleeping, or cleaning. It's a cold-hard fact they don't teach you in school because if they did the child-suicide rate would skyrocket.

    More work on pokemans this week, I'm hoping!

  20. Yo, change the thread name to something like "OverClocked After Dark Other Official Podcast (Sorta) - Episode 1 fully released!" or something.

    Respectably yours,

    Countess Balconsky

  21. Yo. I gotta have my thing, man. GOTTA push this out. SEND SEND SEND.

  22. You = The Man. The Coop. The coop des gras...I'm on to you, frenchie.

    Thanks for the sig gif, I owe you a six-pack of new pepsi.

  23. you already signed the agreement, sorry.

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