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Level 99

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Status Updates posted by Level 99

  1. I regged over at OLRemix because I want to SUBBBB!!! Plz approve.

    Oh, and hi, how's it going? :wink:

  2. I remember you, when you had long hair, and did breakdancing in big rooms, and we+Luiza played acoustic sessions. We were young, we were naive, but it was awesome.

  3. I saw you have a birthday today...and that nobody has left you a visitor message yet. So, I kill two birds with one rock, yes?

    Happri basuday!

  4. I see you online, sir. Get on IRC if you're able!

  5. I see you. Looking at me.

  6. I still have your sweater!

  7. I think I may just take over your entire profile wall.

    Invisible cock flutes 4 lyfe.

  8. I think you an pu_freak may actually be wearing me down about this whole "join BadAss project" thing. I don't know how much longer I can say no...

  9. I thought that I saw something incorrect. In your event post for the FF4 live radio show, you have the dates wrong: this friday is July 31st, and Saturday is August 1st. You should probably clear up whether you meant Friday and Saturday, or Saturday and sunday :)

  10. I used an easy bake oven to make you these cookies! They're chocolate-chip, mothafuka! But since you dissed my easy bake, I decided not to give you any.

  11. I wanted to congratulate you again on the arrival of your second little tyke! Now you and OA need to start arranging playdates.

  12. I was practicing the track again last night. Should have something for you....soon-ish!

  13. I will get on doing another edit hopefully tomorrow. After that, I'll leave it to you all to clean it up any further :D

  14. I will have lyrics for you, come hell or high water, by Sunday night.

  15. I'd like to put in a request for something that should be obvious for the "Stevo photoshop" thread:


    No idea how to pull it off, but it's all there: the smile, the beard, and the thumbs up.

  16. I'll bring my Saturn or PS2 remake to the housewarming party and make you play a little then, probably. Hope your injury is recovering quickly, bro!

  17. I'll have comments about your WIP real real soon, I swear! I've been overwhelmed by stuff and haven't had the chance to thoroughly disect it, heh.

  18. I'll play tambourine, you can play the triangle, and we'll wander the country playing for food. We'll make millions, I tells ya, millions...

  19. I'll send you a message with the guests, both past and future, that we had talked about, along with all the music that we played. Do you need both showcased music AND backing?

  20. I'm on it this weekend, bro.

  21. I'm pretty sure that trainer running in your sig must be getting pretty tired. He's been doing nothing but running for days and days, while the sun never sets. It's like an episode of the friggin' twilight zone!

  22. I've just been busy with other important things. I haven't forgotten, it's just not the biggest focus I have right now with everything else going. Your patience is appreciated, though. Go watch Sunshine a few more times while you wait :P

  23. I've not heard from PR in the last three weeks, so we're going to move forward with a different arrangement. Take your pick: should I finish redoing Loner or should we focus on starting booster from scratch?

  24. I've taken up residence on your wall, and hereby claim this land as wall-onia, and independent nation.

    Also, indeed: TITS > MARIO

  25. If we can get a dialog going knowing what you have and what you need, we may be able to figure out how to get you up and running using only spare parts that I have lying around the house. I have a metric fuckton and, seeing as I have a stake in your ability to make videos, I therefore have a stake in your computer's health. I will PM you shortly after I get home today.

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