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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. But...But... This means it'll be totally ruining the realism associated with Goku's, like, 6-month-long training journey on the way to Namek. Or how it took a quarter of a year for Goku to run across that damn Snake Road. Or how it takes characters longer to power up than it does to make a nice stew in my Crock Pot! I could always count on DBZ to be a better gauge of cooking time: start the Crock Pot just as someone starts charging, and then by the time they're almost done, dinner is ready. Two days later. All exaggeration aside, I think this would be more worthwhile if it was more of a 100% remake: redraw in full as well as revoiced, and cut down on filler. The biggest issue I had with the original is how adding filler AND bad english translation voice acting would really test my patience with the show. On the plus side of that, however, I could miss a few weeks of it and in fact have not really missed much at all. If someone posts a comparison of how many episodes of the old show fit into one episode of the new show, then I'll consider giving this a taste.
  2. First, that image comparison is staggering. I've run PCSX2 every now and again just futzing around with stuff. I had no idea that even with upscaling the PS3 on-board support, when it had it, PS2-on-PS3 was that terrible. I didn't read the full thread, but are the ones from the PS3 from the 80gb software emu or the 20/60gb hardware emu? Second, while it would be incredible to get ps2 support on all ps3's, there's those two obvious obstacles: 1) the ability to run homebrew on the PS3 (this is an eventuality as, with all hardware, time nearly always reveals holes permitting exploits, however with the PS3 there I can't really see it happening in the near future) 2) the cross-coding needed to run it on the PS3. I guess the cross-coding has two main options, if we ever get to that point: a) if Linux support were ever reactivated, or somehow reached through exploit that also allowed direct access to the graphics core, then just optimizing the Linux build for PS3 and creating the proper plugins for GFX, audio, pads, and whatnot. going straight to the homebrew-on-exploit level and having a version coded specifically for the cell chip and associated hardware. Neither of those look particularly tasty, though I'm not an emu coder. I'd love to have high hopes for this, but...I just can't fight the feeling that it's just not going to happen. I'd love to be proven wrong, and I wish I knew more about it to make a better educated guess.
  3. Yeah, I read about this a bit ago too, and there's honestly a lot more under the surface than people may initially think about. I'll do my best to avoid ranting to the point of incomprehension: * The used games market isn't 100% taking money out of developers pockets. There are many reasons people will buy a used game, besides the fact that they're cheaper: it's a way of gambling less money on whether the game is good or bad. Example: buying Madden 2005 used because you're new to the sports game thing. If you like it, and you have friends who play it and buy it on day one, you'd probably buy it new just to play with them. Of course that's a lesser reason, but you can't say that all used sales result in only more used sales. * On the same note, used sales are the more sound "business choice". I'm playing devil's advocate here. Gamestop buys 50 copies of the new Final Fantasy game for every retail store. Gamestop buys these games at the highest premium, in bulk, from the game manufacturer. Let's say that the new game is a total flop. Gamestop eventually marks down the price by more than 50% to just move the copies out and make some kind of comp back for the initial purchase. Used games are nearly 100% profit for the company, minus repair cost and taxes or whatever. None of the initial payment goes back to the developer, which is what EA's new approach is trying to change. They don't want zero used sales: they want money for every copy sold, either new or used. The amount of people who have played a game never equates to how many people have actually contributed to the developer for playing it. * I'm talking strictly console games, as PC games aren't even really part of the trade scheme anymore. Gamestop, the biggest retail store that deals in used game trade, doesn't accept PC games and has not for a long time. Also, looking at the section of PC games at a store like that shows how the majority of PC games are either available via digital distribution or can be purchased either online OR in brick-and-mortar stores. I hate to lump the entire group of PC gamers together, but everywhere you look on the PC platform, it's shifted extremely towards non-physical media distribution. As a result, PC games are more subject to piracy, which definitely takes money out of developers pockets. And the current retail solution for piracy is trending with DRM. I'm not even going to touch on the subject of DRM and how they're punishing the paying customer for the pirates, thus further encouraging people to pirate because of inconvenience; not part of the current argument. * I see this entire approach as an extension of the popularity and profit generated from DLC usage. The nickel-and-dime approach has done wonders for making money back to publishers and, to a lesser extent, the developers. Why make a complete game when you can just sell more DLC? Why focus on getting it perfect when you can just patch it? Why not charge for horse armor? If the entire distribution of all games can't be digital, as is the case with consoles, then every method possible without losing too many smart consumers is employed to get more money. Zircon's absolutely right about the average cost to make a game today much higher than it used to be. Episodic add-ons that circumvent the retail outlets are a guaranteed way to make money and not lose it on used game sales. Because even if you buy a game used today, like Burnout Paradise, you still have to pay for all the DLC for your own account; it does not come with the purchase of the vanilla game. I'll have more thoughts later, but only after I buy the Lunch DLC for the game "My stomach on a Friday"
  4. That would be Jof, a good friend of mine and an AWESOME NiGHTSy dude. He also did a lot of the artwork for the Winter Dreamers EP last Winter. Definitely expect more from him.

  5. You have mine, damnit. YOU HAVE IT. What more are you asking of meh?
  6. Actually, you can, even though the main site is down: http://lemonsinseries.com/ocad/Episodes/ Sort by date, you filthy ape.
  7. Brushfire, Epicenter (later in the episode), Vilecat (because she was in the room), and myself were [dis]honorable guests on the most recent episode of Nerdy Show. We talked about Mario, transvestites, Shaq Fu, and Freud. We also did some My Immortal reading which will be released by them separately later on. This is a HIGHLY RECOMMENDED LISTEN, folks! http://nerdyshow.com/?p=1592
  8. For me, the reason why I enjoy Chrome is because of the independent process-per-tab feature. I'm not sure if other browsers have caught up with Chrome there yet, but the fact that I can have a tab crash and still have the rest of my browsing be uninterrupted (95% of the time, a few crashes have frozen the gui for it whole) is great. I'll admit not everything Google has done is a golden egg, but with Chrome, at least for me, they got it right on the money. If there's a linux flavor out there designed to run pretty much just Chrome, and all the features therein (playing music, email, docs, streaming video, etc.), I'd probably be much more enticed into getting a netbook with a small SSD and taking it around where I know WIFI is. Basically: if Google's OS delivers in the same vein that their browser has impressed me, I'd highly consider going for it. If/when Baltimore gets city-wide WIFI, then it'd be a must-have for me.
  9. http://www.gamesradar.com/ds/super-scribblenauts/news/super-scribblenauts-will-introduce-adjectives-upgraded-controls/a-20100517131259970047/g-20100517124653682025 quote of quote: "All-new for Super Scribblenauts, players now have the ability to write any object that comes to mind and modify it in any way they desire using adjectives to reach the goal in many levels. Adjectives can change the colour, size, style, behaviours and many other aspects of the object they are describing. Multiple adjectives can be combined together to produce incredibly creative objects, such as gentlemanly, flaming, flying zombies and purple, obese, winged elephants, allowing the player’s imagination to run wild for an even more inspired and individual experience than ever before."
  10. http://www.chromium.org/chromium-os At least I think that's the appropriate link. Looks like it's not really intended for anything more than what google's own services offerings are. Simply, and probably a little inaccurately, one can assume that the chromium OS is a lightweight hub designed to be run on netbooks so that access to the internet and internet-browser-related activities (website, flash, video, docs, web games, IM, email, calendar, etc.) is quick and efficient. I wouldn't make any bets that it would support stuff like Sonar or whatever, though I haven't fully read the documentation. Think of it this way: why would people want to run Windows, or even some flavors of linux, for doing things with their google accounts and internet browsing if google designs an OS designed specifically for those things and only those things? Edit: I was mistaken. I haven't read up on this lately. Look like there is the chromium unofficial project for making a google open source OS, while google chrome os is just a flavor of linux that will ONLY RUN the chrome web browser. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Google_Chrome_OS
  11. Spurred by the thread that involved seeing what frequencies one can hear (I couldn't hear anything above 15 kHz), I decided to snoop around and see what some common documentation of decibel exposure correlating to hearing loss existed. http://www.dangerousdecibels.org/hearingloss.cfm http://www.dangerousdecibels.org/teachers_guide/DDB_TRG_Appendices_3.pdf Maybe I'm not used to looking at this kind of thing so the thresholds are somewhat foreign, but it doesn't sit right with me. Normal conversation at 60 db with no potential hearing loss while stating a busy urban street is at 90 db, which can cause hearing damage at 8 hours exposure? Yes, they may just be examples, but I'd like to get people's input on how they feel common activities (outside of something obvious like full-blast headphones) potentially causing hearing loss.
  12. Happy Birthday, Eulogic Cleveland. Go get some grape juice and subscribe to mustache monthly.
  13. You're a little more than one year older than me. Have some Eskimo Pie, shut up, and enjoy your birthday. OA and DJP will be getting on ice floes before you, so once they start to go, THEN you know you're in trouble. HARBY BARTHDAY
  14. Fratto Fratto, he's our man, if he can't offend 'em, no one can! RAH RAH SHISH BOOM BAHRTHDAY!
  15. I've just been busy with other important things. I haven't forgotten, it's just not the biggest focus I have right now with everything else going. Your patience is appreciated, though. Go watch Sunshine a few more times while you wait :P

  16. Ouch, dude. Very ouch. You're off my ChristmaHaniKwanziDan card list.
  17. Can't get it from iTunes either? Maybe some helpful chum can upload their copy to mediafire/megaupload to help you out. I'm able to get to the site myself, but can't upload a thing right now.
  18. I believe their general sentiment is just to get something out and be done with it. When projects go on for a while, the general idea is to just get it done. I'd highly doubt there'd be any further release from the project after that. Whatever comes out, whenever it comes out, I can't wait to hear it, folks.
  19. I found this while getting your song for OCAD and figured that if you didn't have it already, you'd want it.

    Novastorm PC RIP: 320 kbps MP3


    click Télécharger ce fichier

  20. I hopes you saw mah post in our privat frums. I promiz we get bak on trak around June. I SWARE!

  21. Happy birthday, not-Halc-but-kinda-the-same-style! (Yes, I am aware that you trained him, if I remember correctly)
  22. "I am nearing arrival" Did this one as fast as I could, and then completely took down the recording apparatus. Episode 24 is here, with SNAP-RAPE!!!! Abadoss and Shojin joined. Episode 24
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