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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. Awesome. I'm excited for it. Also, I'm going to find an old Kung-Fu movie and autotune the dialog. Just for you, Josie. Just for you. Everyone else: GET BACK TO WORK Edit: AS YOU CAN SEE I MY SIG, we have a project sig banner now. Feel free to copy and use in your own sig. If you have any questions on HOW to do that, let me know! THANK YOU, JOF!
  2. $50 donation from 1/3 of OCAD for use exclusively for the following provisions: * Beer * Pretzels * Hookers in VG-related outfits
  3. While this was a good, and ambitious, idea, there definitely needs to be more planning involved AHEAD of April next year for it to possible work. Much appreciation to all who voiced an opinion, and definitely still donate a ton this month. I'll get with BGC early next year to give this another shot.
  4. I'll have a new one next week once one of my artists finishes the sig for the NiGHTS project
  5. He will not be replaced, except by Microsoft Sam. I just want his computer to be nice and not make the editor produce 45 minutes of TTS in lieu of his insanity.
  6. My name is Stevo and I endorse this product and/or enterprise. Actually, it makes a lot of sense. What's better than an awesomely trippy game that uses music dynamically? Using free awesome music from the internet that's readily available and probably makes some kickass levels! I already have the surf. Go on about your ideas for a league. Edit: at the very least, people should post the songs from OCR that they've played and which ones make really good levels.
  7. And can someone PLEASE get Deven a better computer? This is, like, the third or fourth or 10th time his side of the recording has been mangled in some way. I'm sending him a message today hoping that he just forgot to send me half of the previous podcast, but...argh, this is actually quite frustrating. No site for a few days. One recording was bongled. I found a few gray hairs on my head.
  8. It was comfy and warm all the way to Canada. They look good in a group. Especially with hats. Necessary when impersonating the site's admins
  9. We're still alive and well. I think. We've reached the "quiet" stage of the project, where people are either busy working quietly, a-la standardized testing at public school, or hiding from me in caves, a-la standardized testing at public school. Oh well, guess I should enjoy the quiet while I have it.
  10. Fixed and thank you. Monday mornings are fun.
  11. Happy day-of-coming-out-of-your-momma's-you-know-what!
  12. You know, I think we try to be as fair as possible to respective opinions on stuff around here. I don't believe we fall into that stigma of the "circle jerk" that some people associate with what we do. But if there ever is a time where we might come off as such, it's in response to comments like this. I don't mind people not liking songs, but I do mind when people assert that we shouldn't do something we enjoy doing that you aren't being forced to listen to or pay for. You could have said "This isn't my cup of tea. In terms of music, this DKC2 rap doesn't appeal to me." Saying you don't like something because of personal preferences or song quality is fine. Telling someone to keep their filthy hands off, however, is not. Thanks for the feedback! Glad the song is ruined for you.
  13. Dave, I'll paypal you the money for the damn website tonight. But only if Proto gets his stuff uploaded today so I can edit and we can have new material. You do realize that, if the site is down, our itunes is down too.
  14. And This is what happens when you get on IRC at 7 am and there are people still on from the night before, drunk.
  15. My name is Stevo, and I put the OCAD Stamp-O-Approval on this podcast.
  16. Oh yeah, I'm pretty sure this wasn't a deliberate rip-off, and upon listening again, you're right about the switched notes. Just interesting.
  17. The VERY end of the LG commercials when the have a little jingle. Sounds very very close to the end of the Kirby Victory Dance.
  18. LG's Latest Ads, about the NCAA and whatnot: http://homadge.blogspot.com/2010/03/lg-and-ncaa.html Kirby's End Level theme: I KNEW it sounded familiar!
  19. Nah dude, I understand. None of these need to be submitted or anything. On the contrary, considering the timeframe, I'm sure if many, or any, would make it in. However, if you're willing to contribute to this, that's cool. What you do with the mix after you make it is your call, I won't submit it. I'll put you in the maybe's pile for now.
  20. Huh...didn't think about that...Let me consult with the powers that be tomorrow.
  21. Made a new thread for interested OCReMixers for fundraiser volunteers. http://ocremix.org/forums/showthread.php?t=28649
  22. As everyone should be aware... APRIL IS SUPPORT OCR MONTH and this year, there might be a little fundraiser activity incentive for those who donate a significant amount or more. This would involve remix requests from the donaters for any donation over a specific amount. Now, before we go through with this, I need to gather a list of people willing to volunteer for it. You must fulfill the following credentials: * You must be a posted OCReMixer * You must be willing to remix at least one song requested from donaters, regardless of what the song may be (depending on the amount of donaters to remixers, there might be some people doing more than one song, or might be some people not having to remix a song) * You must be able to start the remix around May 1st and have it finished by June 1st (these are not going to necessarily need to pass OCR judges, they will not automatically be on the site as far as I know, but since you're already a posted mixer, quality should not be an immediate issue) The reason you won't be able to start until around May 1st is that the fundraiser, if it happens, will only be applicable to qualifying donations within the month of April. If you meet all the guidelines and want to volunteer to give your skills to the Support OCR month, please say so. I'll keep a list in the OP. Volunteers: Level 99 jmr Cyril the Warf Maybe's: Rozovian Abadoss Cerrax analoq Definitely not...or maybe: Snappleman
  23. I'll see what I can gather over the next few days. Check your PMs in a few minutes with some more details that I had in mind. :350:
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