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Level 99

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Everything posted by Level 99

  1. I posted that too, on the pix of self thread. We have many things. :3
  2. http://www.gamesradar.com/pc/heroes-of-newerth/preview/hands-on-with-heroes-of-newerth/a-20100421134735620052/g-20090902144749623006 The first thing I thought of when I saw this article was all the HoN talk that goes on in these forums/IRC. After reading just a few sentences in I couldn't stop laughing.
  3. Don't remind me of my worstest fears, you jerkface! Anyways, good luck with this here project...thingy. I'm sure Emu's learning that WIP dates mean absolutely nothing. /Sarcasm
  4. I eagerly await your appearance on OCAD. Happy birthday and stay well, my friend! Edit: and the reason for the use of an old thread is obvious, isn't it? Makes you feel like you get more birthday love every year than you actually get!
  5. I think willrock will at least join me in saying this: F-I-N-A-L-L-Y! I'm so glad this is now shared on the site with everyone. It's been blasting in my car ever since last Fall when I bugged Jordan to let me have the Gradius song from his set. This mix, while a bit conservative, shows the power of a great hook and incredible production values. Parts of it sound almost cheesy-80's, like the intro rendition before Departure for Space comes in. All those descending laser FX and big digital drums set the tone perfectly. And then...BAM! In comes the hook, the song is bouncing, and it's all Gradius love. If I had to imagine Departure for Space redone, this is exactly how it would sound. If tracks like this don't get your body moving, then nothing will.
  6. I made a quick list of the bajillion things I'm doing at the moment, but I realized that would be me projecting and I don't want to do that. Likelihood of it coming out before AD is very slim.
  7. 1) they just said you smell, not HOW you smell. 2) lavender makes you smell like a lady and finally, I couldn't resist: Yo, dawg! We heard you like donating. So we put aStore in your store so you send while you spend!
  8. Ahhh finally, I have a WIP from Audio Fidelity. More orange is called for!
  9. Guys. It's done. All the parts are in, all we need to do is mix and master it properly. It is....*thrusts hips* le sexy.
  10. For some reason it never fully synced up, I swear. I'd set it to be in place in one point and then a few minutes later it's out again. I did the best I could, you Fishy Fish!!!!
  11. Okay, so I'll just leave my comments here regarding episode 2 (or at least what I've listened to thus far): 1) that one derailer with the sexual innuendo is awesome 2) I whole heartedly agree with most of your comments on video game movies. Silent Hill is in my top three favorite movies period, and Paul W.S. Anderson is also awesome (Event Horizon is another in my top three favorite movies period). 3) I'm very glad your country isn't censoring you...yet. 4) Everyone's accent sounds funny. Everyone in the world ever. Edit: 5) I noticed the production is overall a LOT better, including more audible backing tracks. And you picked some of my favorites, especially Skrypnyk - Escape into the Twilight. *nestles in his chair contently*
  12. Show notes aren't the biggest priority this second considering my life situation, but they will be coming. Since a lot of these backing songs are simply what feels appropriate, logging them in full can be a hassle no matter when it's done. Takes maybe 2 hours for full "shownotes" for any given podcast. But, I will try to make it more of a priority now that I know people are actually looking for them.
  13. Nah, Bel Air ain't that big of a detour, and depending on the day and whatnot, it's definitely feasible. Let us converse more in through private methods. *waggles privates*
  14. NEW EPISODE! Episode 21 Episode 21. This one is great. Fishy and ProtoDome joined in the fun. We LOL'd and stuff.
  15. Where are you located in the PA? If Dyne is coming, he may potentially be able to give you a ride as well. I'm all down for this on the next to LAST or LAST weekend in August. So either August 28th or 29th. I realize that weekends can see the place packed beyond control, but yeah, if it were a meetup, that'd be the best time to catch everyone being free. and I hope y'all realize that we need to take up one entire log on the flume ride, have the picture taken, and then NOT pay for it. We'll just take crappy pictures with our cell phones of the image they display of it. My pick is for the last weekend in August. Potentially Sunday, August 29th.
  16. GET OFF THE STAGE OLD MAN! Your time is up. Your day has passed. You're past your prime and will never get those days back. The only thing that awaits you now is... CAAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE! Happy birthday to one of my bestest buddies ever. I always call you during the best times. Edit: Also the big spoon little spoon picture is an accurate dramatization of what happens in our room at MAGFest. Shit you not, I have the pix to prove it...on a cellphone I can't find anymore ;_;
  17. I've been editing my teaser and, I must say, that the 1 minute deadline might be too short. Therefore, upping it to a max of 2 minutes.
  18. *throws tomato* BOO! GET OFF THE STAGE! Good luck, folks. May you not go deaf from some of the things people will now post here.
  19. The con's a week away. I'd like to open the opportunity to any project director that wants to send a SHORT audio/art preview of their project that is coming up to be played during the presentation. It should be no longer than a minute (or two) at most. Must be PM'd to me or OA by next Wednesday. NiGHTS will have an exclusive teaser compilation there that will only be played during that presentation and not available anywhere else. LUCKY THOSE PEOPLE!
  20. The next song is Rage Racer - Volcano Vehicle. This song kicks ASS! The next podcast is going to be a bit delayed. I've been super duper busy but I promise it'll be out...sometime...
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