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Everything posted by BlackDragonSoul

  1. na most jobs dont care. just as long its nothing like for example people doing it on your arm or something. but as i said all my tats will be covered up. no one will see em unless they ask me if i can show em. otherwise then that i can go to work and be fine lol
  2. lol i'm a female and for jobs all my tats will be covered so nothin to worry about there. i will not regret it at all. it's been something i've been planning since 6th grade. so i thought of it for a long time. only thing that is stoping me is no money lol
  3. i know. i have other pics to choose from. and i know it will be there. i have a tat already. he's not the only gaming tat i'm getting. i'm getting Link on my left arm and i'm still thinking on FF8 Diablos.
  4. welcome to the OC family. i always wanted to say that
  5. ok. i'll send ya a random thought or something lol and thank you Smoke. i'll check into things around here. and as to where the tattoo will be, it will be on my thigh. only good spot i can think of casue all the others are going to be taken for other tattoos lol
  6. i'm just getting a red X so i can't really tell
  7. this pic of Vincent I want done as a tattoo but I need a little bit of help. I want to put a oval shape frame around him and the dogs. I hope you all know what I'm asking.
  8. yea thats the guy. i know i'm not missing much but it would be nice to kill the bloody core. darn thing keeps killing me lol
  9. i own the game. played it and beaten it. but i have not beaten that one boss. i dont remember the name.
  10. i use to live in spics area but that was when i was little. i now live in the hicks area
  11. alcohol Transfomers the movie cheesecake ice cream Final Fantasy 9
  12. nice sigs bummerdude
  13. how do i make a link to the shop
  14. i'll be missing it have no cable
  15. ok i had one more
  16. i think i'll stop now with these 2
  17. Done. thanks
  18. 2 more.
  19. Yeahh, but if they see one and want their name on it, why not be open to that? It is still a very different thing from the request thread when they see it before it's branded to them. I see your point... allright. How should we go about this? If photobucket's not capable of specific information for each sigmaker's directory, then a little section in the first post will probably suffice? that seems like the right idea
  20. Why does that bother you? Personally, I think sig making should involve more than just taking a picture and then putting your name on it. You have hundreds of possibilities of what to do with the original pic, if only changing the colors a little or combining it with an another image. But there are always exceptions, some images will only get worse if you tamper with it, and sometimes you can make great sigs by just cropping your favorite part of it. And since BDS could only use Paint, the possibilities of what to do are few. It looked simple at the first glance, but since it was made of a comic, the joke would have been lost if you had done anything with the original image, so leaving it as it is might have been a good choice. I guess I apologize for my comment. Thanks. it's all good. i'll get better stuff some day lol. every one has there point of veiw. i really don't take things to heart. so every thing is all good
  21. ..... Have you done anything at all with the original pic except for the text and the border? nope...can't do much on paint. wish i can find that darn photoshop disc
  22. k. my bad
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