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Everything posted by BlackDragonSoul

  1. nice work Bummerdude
  2. thank you very much o great Doulifée
  3. either TheCoop, Bummerdude, or Doulifée. can you turn this into a sig plz. many thanks to the sig gods.
  4. just needed a spot to have a sig made. i have a cool pic (well i like it) and wish to ask one of the best sig makers to make it. i think i be better off pm them or something lol
  5. bumping do we have an area that we can request sigs? i don't remember if we do.
  6. aye they are. i need to work on it
  7. i really dont care for that chick one i did. i really need to try photo and get off of paint. but 1st i need to find photo again lol
  8. thanks Bummerdude. here is 2 more:
  9. another one from the great paint. yea right
  10. make it scroll up but showing different bages. i'm tyring to make some sense
  11. I made some vids but they have no OC songs. I'll be making another vid later tonight with a song but it will be used as a bgm for a stage. Edit: Here is the video I did, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peRj9Hhu8qg
  12. how do i make like a bage scroll thing? i hope you all know what i'm talking about
  13. Class of 99 did nothing. My school sucks and I was glade to get out in 99.
  14. I know. What I have read he is doing the 2nd one in the wild west time. This is going to suck.
  15. Off topic for a moment, Uwe Boll is doing BloodRayne 2. I've seen the first one and it sucked. Back on topic, I never played the games but I have seen screenshots. If done right then it will be kick @$$.
  16. happy birthday and have a good one pixie
  17. thank ya kindly
  18. i bring you a pic from paint
  19. thank you very much Bummerdude and that bummed thing was not really a hint I really don't have any good pics of him but I thank you a lot though
  20. i would like a new sig with sephiroth in it. i don't have a pic of him...i'm bummed. but i be really thankful.
  21. i heard rumors or it might be true that they will remake FF7 for the PS3. but i'm not to sure. i need to flow around the web and see what i can find....
  22. it's all good. i was going to get FF8 Diablos on my back but didn't want 2
  23. i still have time to back out of the idea and go for some other gaming tat. i'm still going to get a Link tat.
  24. i'll keep that in mind. on that note, he's not going on my back. he is going on my right leg on the thigh. i'm getting a cletic cross tat on my back
  25. yep. i have to talk to my brother about where he gotten his two tats at.
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