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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. All of the Persona games have a minimal amount of story overlap (excepting maybe P4:Arena), so in that regard you can start wherever you want. 3 and 4 are both fairly good places to start, actually. Persona 3 Portable also has improvements from the battle system in 4 that were not in the original PS2 release; and since you have a Vita, I would readily recommend it. 1 and 2 are very different beasts, and I would not really recommend them as starting places unless you're already familiar with other MegaTen titles.
  2. Persona 4 Golden is released in just over two weeks, motherfuckers. Who's getting it?
  3. I read that as "It's Neblix's baby!" and was like "wat, isn't he like 17"
  4. Dragon and Fantasy are swapped in the kana (so it reads Dragon Fantasy Final Quest); is that intentional? Also, does this actually have any remixes or does it just sample FFXIII and DQVIII?
  5. [4:26:49/1:50]yes, I've been listening to gummi ship music for four and a half hours
  6. I got comfortable with the first few sections, and then the section at 4:40 happened and I was on the edge of my seat again. I know it doesn't really help that much, but I haven't been this stoked for a remix in a good while.
  7. It got brought back up because Salluz wanted A-Ron to make a remix and then it got replied to with "nothing happened to music" by multiple people because people don't read shit before proclaiming their opinions
  8. I'm pretty sure David sent Uriah to his death, he didn't pay him 180 dollars for his wife.
  9. Oh my goodness, yes. This is definitely a fantastic start and you should keep working on it.
  10. A good number of the old unmod group has been gushing over it (specifically Ace!).
  11. That's why I've said 'take it as it is', not necessarily as a replacement for human singing.
  12. See, I'm on the opposite end of that. I've acknowledged that Vocaloid is a synthesizer; it is only proper that it be used as such, be that to achieve either realistic or ridiculous effect. Incidentally, I love both of those songs (I just don't try to sing along with them).
  13. As a vocalist myself, I'd have to say that the biggest reason she sounds fake is because most producers don't emulate many nuances that exist in human singing. There are a handful that do, and I have to say that the effect is pretty damned convincing. As an example,
  14. definitely not a vocaloid fan here nope :whistle:
  15. I still need to finish Revelations :c
  16. and that is why you should sync trophies as often as you can stomach if you're actually collecting the things
  17. Since you mentioned it, Prince of Persia 3D was the biggest crock of shit. It was precious little more than a terrible Tomb Raider clone featuring swords, which made me sad, angry, and confused since I was (and still am) a consummate fan of the first two games.
  18. I'll admit that in the endgame I almost always used Shiki, since she was the easiest to work with on full manual.
  19. Then why are you taking him seriously? He clearly can't be assed to even proofread his own analyses.
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