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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. people that are mad at other people being mad make me mad
  2. If I think the soundtrack of a given game is shit, I'm not really thinking very highly of the director in the first place.
  3. 5400 rpm drives are slower, but they aren't that slow I've actually got a 1.5TB WD green for my external storage and streaming stuff off of it is just fine
  4. because you're seeing hate in disinterest
  5. because every sentiment that isn't joy is rage
  6. :angry face: That sounds like a TWEWY reference, even if it definitely isn't. cod blops
  7. too much work I just have foobar2000 in the background and have global hotkeys to control it without alt-tabbing out
  8. would you happen to have his Elements mix that's the only one that I'm aware of that I'm missing
  9. I didn't like using 4x Cut as much as I liked 2x Cut since I also liked to combine an attack elemental on a character with one of the absorption armlets (e.g. Ice element, Aurora Armlet on Cloud) and attack myself to heal instead of wasting time and MP on Cure 3 or whatever. It was quick, and almost always healed the character up to full health in one go.
  10. wat I beat it on the second try, with both tries totalling less than ten minutes
  11. I have no idea what IDM is supposed to be, so I'm just going to post a
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