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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Sweet, I was looking for the FLMC one. If you don't mind, can I see the .flp of it?
  2. Hmm, didn't realize you're only 6 months older than I. Feliz cumpleaños and all that. Maybe I should buy Antigravity today.
  3. Well, I meant mostly in terms of direct gameplay itself. I didn't care for the prince's look in that game, myself.
  4. I'm sorry I missed the first bit, but why have we PP:Sands of Time and Two Thrones, but no Warrior Within? I thought it was the prime of the series.
  5. That would be totally sweet if you did. A torrent of the original CD does not exist anywhere on the internet, hence my question. I'm not well versed in the import shops, but the ones that I looked at had the thing going for close to $40. I like Melty Blood, but I'm not sure that I'm willing to shell out 40 bucks for it. If you do find a reasonably priced copy, I've got paypal, but would be willing to try a different form of payment on your suggestion.
  6. My question still stands. Evilhead, any suggestions?
  7. whatevs Anyway, do you have a copy of the original CD? They only have it working with the original release and not with any version of ReACT.
  8. Hey guys, mirror moon just finished their full English translation of Melty Blood. Unfortunately (for me) I'm having trouble, uhh... acquiring the correct copy of the CD to work with the patch, so I figured I might as well obtain the game legally. So... any suggestions on where to get the game from?
  9. Man, was I out of it for that match. Maybe I should try playing when my head doesn't feel like it's about to explode.headaaaaaaache Oh well, better luck next time, I guess.
  10. Sorry, I only just got the thing fixed. If you're on, any time tonight.
  11. Voted. BTW, nice WiP, DDRKirby. The layered bass was really neat. Edit: Hey, could you PM a mod to change the thread title? That might help us get a few more votes. ...Might.
  12. Bummerdude posted these a few weeks ago.
  13. How long do I have to make my game? I'm back home and experiencing crazy bad internet problems. I'm working on it, but it's absolutely no good for playing right now.
  14. Oh, it's working now, weird. I'll see what I can do.
  15. It looks subtly different from what I remember. Sharper or something.
  16. Finished. Project file (click). mp3 file (click). Once again, I have failed to actually follow the theme of the contest. It doesn't sound like a power plant at all. D:
  17. You really ought to check out the forums before asking. There's a whole forum dedicated to it here: http://www.ocremix.org/forums/forumdisplay.php?f=12 The question you're asking is about as vague as asking how to write a book. Well, anyway, there's the link, and welcome aboard.
  18. I would still like to fight one more person today, if possible.
  19. I used to have those kinds of crashes on 1.5.whatever, but I haven't had any since I'm on now.
  20. I can't believe I didn't even think of that. I'll try one tomorrow, if I think off it. Oldschool Connery or newfangled Naked Snake?
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