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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. The entire first post bothers me. lern 2 typ moar bettar, kid
  2. http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR00868/
  3. btw seph, when does all of this voting close? I want to make sure I have all the votes that I want turned in.
  4. TYRIAN - oh my god are you fucking kidding me YES damned awesome fun shmup with all kinds of customization, a nice story, and fucktons of replay value.
  5. yayz this is good stuffs I'll paypal you some money when my next paycheck clears
  6. Some of chthonic's stuff might suit you. I recommend Nemesis, myself.
  7. All the more reason to have multiple difficulty levels in games.
  8. The hell. I signed up for the mailing list when I bought Impulse Prime and I never got it. Oh well. More money for you, I guess.
  9. Your answer should have been no, and you obviously missed my point.
  10. Cool, cool. Well, I'm gonna try to do something myself, so I can be the token FL newb.
  11. This is totally possible btw. I did this in MGS3 on Hard in conjunction with the no kills achievement and also shot all the kerotan in one playthrough. Why the hell didn't I get a screen cap of it. I'm still working on this for the extreme difficulty.
  12. yes, but did you try playing it from C:/Documents and Settings/Whateverthehellyourusernameis/My Documents/My Music/Overclocked Remix/Albums/Final Fantasy VII - Voices of the Lifestream/Disc IV - Order/4-09 bLiNd, Fishy, pixietricks, Sixto Sounds, Steffan Andrews, Suzumebachi, tefnek - Black Wing Metamorphosis (One-Winged Angel).mp3
  13. Please don't. If it sounds stupid in your head, there's a good chance it actually is stupid and doesn't need posting.
  14. Looks like it could be really sweet. I'll keep an eye on this.
  15. As a side note, these rules are not absolutely set in stone. I'm open to suggestions to make this compo even better.
  16. Welcome to FLMC8!Yes, that's right folks, it's time for another fabulous round of the Fruity Loops Music Competition! This month's source is Dammit, I'm an idiot who doesn't know how to run things. VOTING TIME Here are the entries, both project file and .mp3, zipped up: http://www.sendspace.com/file/x4t4l2 If you want the .mp3s individually, here they are: DDRKirbyISQ - FLMC8try3 RocketSniper - KirbysCocklolfinal Smenelian - Kirby's Block Boss Bundeslang - NotinDreamland I am implementing the voting system suggested last time. Entrants get 5 points for voting, but cannot vote for themselves. First place gets 3 points, second place gets 2, third place gets 1. Votes should look something like this: ============================================== Numbar one: asdfdsads - derp d00d this song was <img src="http://remod.cakearmy.org/images/icon_awesomes.gif" /> it roxxed my sox lol bcuz of teh synths + drums! gr8 job keep up teh gud wurk. Numbar two: darkshadow31531957 - starrs sweet this was pretty cool i liekd teh way the breakdown wnet also the buildup was cool. 0 points for originality tho Numbar three: unts - unts hmm this song wuz ok but maybe sum moar beatz wud hlep. also it wuz short maybe lengthen it nice try tho. ============================================== Deadline for voting is FEBURARY 1ST at 0000 HOURS PST OR EST I DON'T REALLY CARE. (or January 31st at 2959 hours if 0000 is confusing) ========(OLD COMPO INFO)========== Here is the music ripped directly from the game. (rightclick/save as) If your music player does not yet play GBS files, OCR's own ChipAmp'll get you up and running. If you're lazy and just wanna make a MIDI rip, the MIDI's are in here somewhere. (HOWEVER, if you actually submit a MIDI rip, I will personally hunt you down and eviscerate your reproductive organs. Not to mention it will be immediately disqualified.) A quick recap of the rules for FLMC: Music entries for this competition are arranged in FL Studio, using only default synths and samples. No external VSTs or samples (except for the sample pack) are allowed. This is a competition open to mixers from all walks of life, be you the goddamn DarkeSword or someone with ABSOLUTELY no experience in doing this kind of thing WHATSOEVER. * No Sytrus, DX10, Wasp, Soundfont Player, etc. * You are allowed to use the FLMC8 Pack (provided by Smenelian). or here (Sendspace) to download it. * You may enter as many songs as you want. * You may collaborate with other entrants. * You must provide a FLP file (preferably in the form of a zipped project file). The only exception for this is demo participants (who cannot save FLP's). * Demo version submissions are definitely allowed and fully encouraged. * NO MIDI RIPS OR YOUR BALLS ARE FORFEIT You may either post your submissions in the thread, or email them to OCR.FLMC@gmail.com For anyone that does not yet have any form of Fruity Loops installed but has any inclination to remix some badass Kirby tunes should head over to http://demo.flstudio.com/ to get the demo edition of FL Studio. And last, the submission deadline is DECEMBER 31st, 2007, 11:59PM EST. Good luck!
  17. Not on the PAL version. I haven't seen the NTSC version yet.
  18. I was talking about the slowdown, dude. I own Odin Sphere as well and love it to death.
  19. This is seriously as bad, if not worse than Odin Sphere. Really disappointing.
  20. would not the protection have needed to exist before it was cracked?
  21. 1. Why? If it's only going to mimic the sidebar, you've already got that. 2. This would be an okay idea, I guess, but I'd much rather someone finish an OCR winamp skin 3. This would be pretty neat, yes. 4. are you fucking batty? we don't need anything like that
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