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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Here is a half-assed banner I made this morning: It's a zoomer if you couldn't tell. I'll try to make a better one this afternoon.
  2. I'm there now. Those slimes are a damn pain. The only two effective ways of killing them, that I've found, are using napalm to fry them or Ice Spirits/Blizzard to freeze then shatter them. I've found a pretty easy way to level up my health quickly. I just save up a bunch of Napples and Ariel coins and go to the Pooka village and get an equal amount of Milks. Go to the cafe and order the Napple Sorbet. 2200 exp +8ish HP per. 5-8 napples should net you enough extra health to clear most bosses you're having trouble with.
  3. http://dl.qj.net/PSP-Revolution-v0.3-PSP-Homebrew-Games/pg/12/fid/11402/catid/195 Also, could you put that picture somewhere where people who don't have facebook?
  4. Competitions get put in gendisc while active, then get moved to the Competitions forum once they're finished.
  5. Wait, I missed the part where "live-action" meant "no CGI whatsoever"
  6. That and it makes for a pretty good transition instead of jumping straight into college courses and all of that stuff.
  7. Just received my copy. Awesome. edit: Standpipe Valve is epic
  8. I minor thing, I'm not sure if it's been reported yet, but in the forums when I make a top-of-page post it never registers the thread as read. For example, I currently hold the last top-of-page post in the Mega Manniversary thread, and have obviously clicked on and read the thread, yet it's not shown to have been read.
  9. That's a person's post rank. For example, I have 6000 some posts, so my rank is Big Boss (+6000)
  10. Holy shit. You rock, Douli!
  11. Welcome to FLMC7! This month's theme is Super Metroid. Voting time! Please PM all of your votes to me, Gollgagh. Voting ends on September 30, 11:59 PM EST. Okay, voting time. Sorry it's taken so long. Here are the entries: Bundeslang - Red Item MP3 file | Zipped FLP file Rocketsniper - Untitled MP3 file | Zipped project file sosadagr8 - projectmetroid MP3 file | Zipped project file Smenelian - Smenelian Brinstar MP3 file | Zipped project file DDRKirby(ISQ) - 3xOSC Supersaw MP3 file | Zipped project file Choose an entry for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. 1st will recieve 4 points, 2nd will recieve 2, 3rd will recieve 1. Votes should look something like this: ========================== First place: ~person 1 - Super untstroid~ olol this mix wurz purty awsome cuz of the BOOMBOOM and the sweet synhts! Second place: ~person 2 - Super Metroid mix 2007~ this wurz purty gud too but it didn't have enough UNTS Third place: ~person 3 - Zoomers R us~ kekekek nice name but work more on the song next time kthx ========================== If you would rather not have your vote posted in the thread, simply say so. Otherwise, all votes will be posted. I reiterate: Please PM all of your votes to me, Gollgagh. Voting ends on September 30, 11:59 PM EST. Oldinfo: I've set up a site for FLMC: click here to see it. Click here to download the SPCs. If your music player doesn't play SPCs, then follow the instructions on this page. Click here to download the MIDIs. A quick recap of the rules for FLMC: You arrange music in FL, using only default synths and samples. No external VSTs or samples. * No Sytrus, DX10, Wasp, Soundfont Player, etc. * You are allowed to use the FLMC7 Pack (provided by DDRKirby). Click here (Googlepages) or here (YouSendIt) to download it. * You may enter as many songs as you want. * You may create either a remix or an original song. * You may collaborate with other entrants. * You must provide a FLP file (preferably in the form of a zipped project file). No exceptions. You may either post your submissions in the thread, or email them to OCR.FLMC@gmail.com And last, the submission deadline is SEPTEMBER 1, 2007, 11:59PM EST. Good luck! Update: The submission deadline has been extended to September 9th, 11:59PM EST.
  12. Mine is completely unique. I'd originally planned to go through a set of names in 2005 based on the FF7 elements: fire, ice, lightning, water, wind, gravity, earth, poison, and holy. For my first, I had Archaeapyric from the latin roots archa- (ancient) and -pyr (fire.) For my second I used roots from some other language I can't remember. Hierpagos: Hier- (sacred) -pagos (ice) For my third I had picked out Tendreil Gollagagh, which means forked lightning in scots-gaelic, but as you can see, I made a clerical error in the spelling and failed to fix it. For my fourth and fifth short lived names I had were Nathaír (meaning water snake in gaelic) and Cáidh (holy, also in gaelic.) By Nathaír, people were tired of me changing my screen name, so I reverted to Gollgagh. Cáidh was an alt account of mine that I gave to my brother after the forum switch.
  13. If you need someone to collect submissions, I should be reasonably available to do that, and maybe the votes, too.
  14. Though I think zircon is a bit of an ass, he does make some damned good music. This is totally worth it, guys.
  15. http://pspupdates.qj.net/Pump-It-Up-PSP-Korean-style-DDR/pg/49/aid/71804 and http://www.play-asia.com/paOS-13-71-bj-49-en-70-1pfi.html
  16. Yeah, it's like that. I tend to use left, down, triangle, circle for ←↓↑→ Also, I looked up DJ Max and it plays beautifully. Since it's not available here yet, I *ahem* acquired a digital copy, if you will. If it ever comes over here I will try my damnedest to buy it.
  17. While that may be true, it doesn't change the fact that it's a movie.
  18. The comcast link doesn't work for me. Does anybody else have it?
  19. S'not much, but I got this yesterday and it made me pretty happy: Marisa stole the something or other from the Puritanical Penis Pack. (This is on PSP Revolution btw) Much harder than using a keyboard. My thumbs kept seizing up.
  20. Haben Sie einen guten Geburtstag, Herr Lloyd. shitty bablefish ftw
  21. I really liked Bean's OCR3-tan. Would you happen to have those pics, Douli?
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