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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Okay, so I got the pack, and you want to do Kirby's Block Ball, right? I'll have the site set up for FLMC8 this next weekend.
  2. Fine, it was an unqualified statement. Doesn't reduce how much I enjoyed the series, though.
  3. I wouldn't really call it that traditional. Of course, I haven't actually seen very many animu myself.
  4. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa this thread moves too damn fast. And you NO'd Legend of Mana? I don't know you people. It had one of the most beautifully created worlds I've ever seen, a really effing fun fighting engine, and one of the best damn soundtracks ever. Also, there was all of the stuff you could do, like build golems, smith your own weapons and armor, raise monsters to fight with you, make your own magic spells, the list goes on. I will agree that the world creation didn't have that big of an impact on the gameplay, but that's simply because it wasn't a big part of the game, it was just that way so that you could go through the game any damn way you wanted. Now that was one of the best parts of the game. You didn't have to help the dragoons with their war. You didn't have to help the Jumi race fight against extinction. You didn't have to participate in the magic school's missions all over the world. You didn't have to do jack shit. You were free unravel the threads of story in the game any way you saw fit. That's what made this game great. The main character was basically just a catalyst. He (or she) makes things happen but isn't really involved in the stories. But that's okay. There are too damn many RPG's where the only person who can save the world is some gay teenager from a small town that doesn't want to do the work because "he can't." There are enough emo protaganists in this world. In summarium, Legend of Mana is a light hearted game that's damned fun and way too fucking underrated. (This is all I can think of for now, I may add to it later)
  5. Fallen Angel has that through like episode 26 or something. Also, it's really not funny unless you've seen the episodes. The OST really is great though. I've been listening to it on repeat since it was leaked. Every aspect of this show just exudes epic.
  6. Most. Awesome. Fucking. Anime. Ever. Period. (hence my sig) Also, the title should be more like ~ Who the fuck do you think we are? ~
  7. Well, see people started demanding that people submit their flp's and since the demo can't do that people probably assumed that you have to have the full version for the competition. We'll just make it explicit next time that they can enter. I don't mind too much running it myself again, since I generally don't disappear for weeks on end like other people are wont to do.
  8. Crisis Core is pretty awesome.
  9. When Smenelian decides what the theme of the next one is gonna be and extra packs and all that. In the mean time, what do you guys think of reopening this to people with only the demo version of FL? I think one of the main reasons that the first FLMC was so popular was that anybody who had at least the demo version (which pretty much everybody does) could participate.
  10. Aaaaaand folks, we have a winner: Smenelian The points were awarded as follows: Smenelian: 19 Rocketsniper: 11 Sosadagr8: 10 Bundeslang: 6 DDRKirby(ISQ): 3 People's votes:
  11. I'm a little busy right now, but I'll have them counted up by tomorrow evening at the latest.
  12. Well, I've gotten 6 votes so far. I suppose that's okay, but I'd like at least a couple more. We have one day (one hour, and 43 minutes) left of voting. Nah, but if you could get someone else to vote, that'd be swell.
  13. I need votes. You guys have three-ish more days to get your votes in. If I don't get any votes in the next 24 hours, I'm gonna start harassing people.
  14. PC: Commander Keen 1-3 also 4 and Dreams I never got to play 5 or 6.
  15. GBA: Mega Man Battle Network Mega Man Zero Mega Man Zero 2 PS1: Legend of Mana Mega Man Legends Mega Man Legends 2 Mega Man X4 Tomb Raider 2 PC: Doom 1, 2, and Final Tyrian I happen to like Megaman
  16. My dear audience, we have one week left of voting, then it's over! I need six (6) more votes from you all. If you have a little extra time, please give these a listen and send me a vote.
  17. k guys, I think this thread has run its course. nuffin to see here. Move along, move along.
  18. It was shitty regardless of whether or not I watched it.
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