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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. Maybe the absolute newest of FL beginners. He doesn't even do anything to the notes.
  2. Not interesting at all. Oh boy, we get to watch someone sequence a shitty song for 10 minutes.
  3. Yes, that's right ladies and gentlemen, it's Voting time! Please PM all of your votes to me, Gollgagh. Voting ends on September 30, 11:59 PM EST. Here are the entries: Bundeslang - Red Item MP3 file | Zipped FLP file Rocketsniper - Untitled MP3 file | Zipped project file sosadagr8 - projectmetroid MP3 file | Zipped project file Smenelian - Smenelian Brinstar MP3 file | Zipped project file DDRKirby(ISQ) - 3xOSC Supersaw MP3 file | Zipped project file Choose an entry for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. 1st will recieve 4 points, 2nd will recieve 2, 3rd will recieve 1. Votes should look something like this: ========================== First place: ~person 1 - Super untstroid~ olol this mix wurz purty awsome cuz of the BOOMBOOM and the sweet synhts! Second place: ~person 2 - Super Metroid mix 2007~ this wurz purty gud too but it didn't have enough UNTS Third place: ~person 3 - Zoomers R us~ kekekek nice name but work more on the song next time kthx ========================== If you would rather not have your vote posted in the thread, simply say so. Otherwise, all votes will be posted. I reiterate: Please PM all of your votes to me, Gollgagh. Voting ends on September 30, 11:59 PM EST.
  4. I'll just pimp out my new sig some more then.
  5. Man, I wish there was a machine on-campus.
  6. We have thee votes already. Very encouraging. I got lazy with the voting banner: code: http://img515.imageshack.us/img515/32/flmc7wh3.png add to the beginning.
  7. Voting time! (Could a mod update the title to reflect this, please?) Please PM all of your votes to me, Gollgagh. Voting ends on September 30, 11:59 PM EST. Also, tell everybody to vote for this junk! I want at least twice as many votes as there are entries. Okay, voting time. Sorry it's taken so long. Here are the entries: Bundeslang - Red Item MP3 file | Zipped FLP file Rocketsniper - Untitled MP3 file | Zipped project file sosadagr8 - projectmetroid MP3 file | Zipped project file Smenelian - Smenelian Brinstar MP3 file | Zipped project file DDRKirby(ISQ) - 3xOSC Supersaw MP3 file | Zipped project file Choose an entry for 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place. 1st will recieve 4 points, 2nd will recieve 2, 3rd will recieve 1. Votes should look something like this: ========================== First place: ~person 1 - Super untstroid~ olol this mix wurz purty awsome cuz of the BOOMBOOM and the sweet synhts! Second place: ~person 2 - Super Metroid mix 2007~ this wurz purty gud too but it didn't have enough UNTS Third place: ~person 3 - Zoomers R us~ kekekek nice name but work more on the song next time kthx ========================== If you would rather not have your vote posted in the thread, simply say so. Otherwise, all votes will be posted. I reiterate: Please PM all of your votes to me, Gollgagh. Voting ends on September 30, 11:59 PM EST.
  8. I'm afraid I must disagree with this. Many of the older FF7 remixes have much more character than the ones from the project.
  9. Snapple, shut up jeez. Say something more verbose, like HOLY SHIT THIS FUKKIN ROCKS!! !!!
  10. I think djp can fully expect to find buckets of cum on his doorstop tomorrow morning.
  11. I originally downloaded this in May '03 and immediately panned it out of my keeper playlist (I hadn't gotten past the intro), but realized my mistake a couple months later when it popped up on random when I wasn't paying attention. This song has been near the top of my all time favorites since then. Well, it's been a hell of a long time since I last listened to it, so I decided to give it another play tonight to see if it's still got the magic, and holy shit, did it deliver in spades. This is one of THE staple OCR's that should be in EVERY OCRite's playlist. It's just that damn good.
  12. Yeah, but Ab56 v2 aka Ash is just retarded.
  13. I shall download the soc tunage. Free music is ace.
  14. You might try downloading the torrent and specifically directing it to the 50 or so remixes that you changed. Of course that's probably as much work as actually renaming them, plus I have no way of ensuring that it would actually work.
  15. Sweet, thanks Rama. Now it looks right when I'm actually using the sidebar. I'd been using the dated version and almost all of the images weren't linked properly. Supa-awesome The only thing left that I could think of changing is the Paypal button on the sidebar since it's still white.
  16. (I'm listening to Speed of Light right now, in fact)
  17. Naw, man. MGO is going to be a separate game from MGS4.
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