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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. It's a favorites thread in name only. Besides, your post ensured that he cannot, by himself, change the thread title.
  2. Uhh... great minds think alike? That's my current comp's name as well.
  3. Sheik is also male depending on what game you're playing.
  4. Alright, the deadline has been extended due to a multitude of unforseen misfortunes including, but not limited to account merges, broadband modems dying, and broadband routers dying.
  5. Quite. You might try emailing the compo email as well since he checks that regularly.
  6. Yeah, I'm sorry. Liontamer decided to be a fucktard and merged EPD's and my accounts since we were posting from the same computer. That means that I've got all of his PM's making my box about 150% full. I can't receive any PM's and I'm afraid to delete the wrong ones. I keep telling my bro to post here, but I guess he hasn't. Try your damnedest to contact him on MSN or something.
  7. Who knows, maybe they have big feet like Bigfoot here.
  8. Congrats chth This has been one of my favorite mixes forever, and I'm glad to see it direct-posted by djp himself.
  9. I'm having a fuckin blast with DJ Max. Latest highscore: The award is for LV. 9+ 99.0%-99.9%
  10. Less japanese Peanuts more OCR3-tan.
  11. Go for it, dude! This compo needs all the participation it can get.
  12. Moggie has even been gone from from .org for some time now.
  13. I know this sounds stupid, but have you checked underneath the other icons on the desktop? I, myself, have managed to stack other icons on top of my R.bin several times effectively hiding it.
  14. Ahahaha You found molto bene's latest project.
  15. Finally remembered to submit this: Naked Snake: LT: Too blurry. Face could be centered a little better, but that's not important.
  16. If you want traditional Celtic, then go for Capercaillie. If you want a fusion of Celtic, electronic and African, then go for Afro Celt Sound System.
  17. Then use imageshack or something.
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