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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. makes me wonder what it would take for the Mega Man IP to actually get transferred
  2. well I'm not buying it because I don't buy fighting games
  3. I wasn't even going to buy it anyway, so yeah
  4. I I don't I just aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaarrrrrrgghhh
  5. sorry that would not dissuade me at all
  6. well I think it's pretty obvious that it's going to be a divisive game either you'll love it or you won't
  7. [東方] flap+frog - 構造と意匠 what the heck, this sounds like it uses that Otomata thing that was floating around
  8. owned gonna have to pull out that copy/paste thing of mine one of these days
  9. welp, either someone can go through the thread and recompile the list or I can, later I'm busy today
  10. uh, dude, that's exactly one pixel bigger in either direction
  11. it was kind of ruined by the fact that the op already inadvertently made it
  12. dude, I copypasted that into firefox and it redirected immediately
  13. hint: it's the only word (besides Thread, obviously) that can be pluralized
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