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Everything posted by Gollgagh

  1. rsn is just an archive format, you can even open it up with winrar to get the spc's out (though there's really no point in doing that) anyway, here's a bunch of foobar2000 plugins: http://kode54.foobar2000.org/ gep is the one you'll want for most stuff make sure to grab the psf and sid plugins as well If you install all of them, that should be enough to open up just about every single chiptune file except for gsf. I'm not sure why there isn't one for those yet. edit: wait, you said you couldn't do it with gep, but I just tested it with a Kirby Super Star rsn from here and it worked fine make sure you try the version of gep that I posted
  2. okay I know you're OCR's japanese consul and all, but tone it down, dude
  3. heh Duke Nukem 1 and Commander Keen are a close second and third for me
  4. I was purely a PC gamer until about... '97? when we were given a playstation as our first console so I'm fairly certain that my earliest game was the original Prince of Persia on an old 386 in '92 when I was 4 (well I guess not the original original since it came to apple first)
  5. not directly related, but some people actually have this attitude towards jpg vs png
  6. oh damn, I thought it was gonna be whitefire for a second there
  7. oh sweet, I don't know when you guys finally increased the pic limit to 10, but I approve
  8. I... have yet to try it to be perfectly honest which I think I'll do in the morning because J4th celebrations have left me somewhat tired
  9. way more memorable than darklink anyway
  10. that's exactly the right size and the aspect ratio is good I'd wear it were I he
  11. if you're looking for a traditional rpg, Persona 3 Portable is coming out in three days or so I am buying that shit so hard also, what little I've played of Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker is fantastic I've been playing "imported" jap games for so long I'm forgetting what was released over here
  12. I take it you're not taking any summer classes
  13. false I can see requests stretching all the way back to 2006 however, it does look like someone did make a request back at the beginning of last year
  14. who are you even

    if you're wondering what sorts of games I play on PSN, I'd have to disappoint you since I hardly play online these days on account of my personal ps3 dying. and I don't play on the family ps3 ever.

    and if you really just want a list of what games I own, these are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:

    Valkyria Chronicles

    Red Faction: Guerrilla



    Uncharted 2

    Devil May Cry 4

    Metal Gear Solid 4

    Ninja Gaiden Σ

    Little Big Planet

    Resistance: FoM

    Resistance 2

    Modern Warfare 2

    Final Fantasy XIII

    3D Dot Game Heroes

    Prince of Persia

  15. if I were to hazard a guess, I would say that english isn't his first language and he pieced that together with a translator either that or he slept through all of primary and secondary school
  16. not really, unless you wanna take the time to grind your weapons up on the regenerating cactus enemies in the first mission area (which I always do unless I'm doing a hard run)
  17. holy crapnuggets, this game needs more than one remix Chip here Youtube results (take your pick)
  18. I just tested that, and you do actually need to talk to her for either the reploids to move out of the way, or for the new area to be added to the trans server you have to talk to her to initiate every single mission, I'm pretty sure
  19. :\ did you try a new game cause that's totally not right at all also before you try that, try pressing up from the left side of the room, exactly opposite ciel
  20. so if you press up next to ciel it doesn't do anything?
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