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Everything posted by AngelsDen

  1. Taiko2 is a good example.... and also regarding the relation between quality and price its more then a hot deal. If my machine could handle the Kontakt player beneath other instances i would buy Taiko2 instantly for my new and future projects. Piracy is an insult to the creators as well to the people who honor these works through buying, donations and legaly using software of any kind. Anyway... no wonder some High Quality Plugin's and VST's are nearly unable to get for an average earner if it is pirated massively. The sales figures drop -> balooning prices
  2. Could anyone help me out with a decent Taiko Drum? Soundfont or VST.. Edit: Btw.. let me point out to a little treasure i found http://www.vst4free.com/free_vst.php?id=309
  3. Good Samples.. eww... I'm almost using any free Soundfont and VST out there in the web and there's also a thread with some decent links in the workshop corner >< But if i find something new and good ill send you a pm!
  4. Look at my Signature... years ago i was at your point too and the Community of OCRemix helped me alot to improve alot of skills.
  5. Hi Angelmei and welcome to OCRemix Regarding yor Remix i would like to give you some suggestions for the future. For Remixing break out of the Original Arrangement and absolutely make it your own Thing. The Remix you have posted sounds extremely close to its Original Source, also it could be just a remastered Midi transcription. It Sounds heavily repetetive and there is too much Reverb on some instruments. Anyway.. you have alot of potential regarding the use of instruments. They fit together so well! Keep it up and dont hesitate to try something new
  6. In Germany we had Christopher von Deylen alias Schiller who used poems in electronic Music. http://de.musicplayon.com/play?v=260471 Maybe it will help you find an answer
  7. I hear a cracking as well as a static noise within the reverb using closed neutral studio headphones. Is this live recorded? The cracking either sounds like the pressing of the piano-keys of the right Hand or the Hammerfeedback of some Plugins...
  8. Don't spit oil into the fire of an attention-whore ;D If you love creating Music, there won't be any competition to that feeling! People always act like this because of jealousy and they take even more action if you show some response. So just ignore him, lean back and enjoy his childish tantrum.
  9. White Noise on Intro and Outro >< And the tempo is just a little bit to fast. Anyway.. i love it *_*
  10. I know how hard it is to write a Soundtrack... a year ago i started to write songs for independent projects and even got the hand on a whole soundtrack. You often hit a wall or need to do changes for timing purpose, keep on balancing them or perfectly boosting the atmosphere. The outlines you made will still need alot of refinement, but its important that you've already made it this far.
  11. No, that would be to superficial... Modify one of these: http://hiphopproduction.com/free-music-contracts/ Its hard for me to explain the important terms in english, cause my foreign language is german but i will give it a try. Its important to declare, that even if the Company/Indepent Creator/etc. bought your music, that the copyright still belongs to the composer and 3rd party usage, publishing or sharing without the agreement of the composer is prohibited. Also you should get the right to be mentioned in the credits. Declare the Songs you are selling with Name and Length... Only a short number of indepentend projects are blindly trustworthy and in terms of missuse or copyrighted terms the composer has to prove that it is his work and that is a pretty complex process. Normaly a contract is something, that the independent Label/Company/ Project Creator has to set up.
  12. Make a Contract! Its very important to write down the rights of both sides, otherwise there will be alot of Problems if the Game gets an official release.
  13. Same here.. DSK Plugins are okay for basic arrangements, but they have alot of bugs and issues in the post-processing.
  14. @Ectogemia: Did you consider automation as well?
  15. You got a nice Track with this, that has a lot potential but needs some tweaking to be perfect. The slight hissing hearable from 0:01 to aprox 0:20 and appearing later again doesn't please my ears. The part from 0:22 to 0:46 has too much EQ on the high-end. The part from 1:48 to 1:55 could have a better transition.. the atmosphere gets a heavy disturbance there. I really love how u used the vocals and played with your present soundlibrary, modulation, filtering and so on.. keep it up!
  16. I know its a Necropost, but everything of this Remix fits so well to the Original mood of the Game-ending. I hope you will still continue and finish it Akumajo.. it is gorgeous!
  17. Thank you very much Dissidia.. thats what i call constructive <3
  18. *Bump* I did really hit a wall with this Track and i would still appreciate some Feedback.
  19. I actually like the style of your Song, but i think it misses something. The Vocals at the Chrous(?) "And so i fight..." seem to be purposed to get some harmonys and i think some female ones in soprano range, lower volumed would fit extremely nice. Anyway, i expect nothing less then a high addictive composition from you
  20. I'm still unsatisfied with some parts, like the Bridge at 2:10 and the Transition at 2:32 as well as the unnatural Reverb of the Piano at the beginning. For the Piano i'm using Pianissimo and the Reverb sounds perfectly clear while playing as VST in Fruity Loops. Does someone have any experience with this Problem? Also i would like to get some Feedback on the panning and loudness of the Instruments since im not used to neutral Studio-Headphones and i'm also a Fail at Mastering. >< http://soundcloud.com/angelsden/ambivalance-into-a-s Thanks P.S.: The Quality got a little bit affected thanks to soundcloud
  21. After hearing it i feel a bit ambivalent. The piano arrangement is realy good and the atmosphere is like u sit in the next room listening to someone playing an upright piano but on the other Hand it sounds extremely fake. The Volume is to low, but i fear that if u turn it up there would be more of noise interferences. Also the part where "the moon" kicks in sounds to different. Just like u have changed from the Upright to a Midi Grand Piano. the transition between he 2 different Songs is not fluid yet as well and i should also mention the ending. I think you are still working on it.. so keep it up
  22. Melodyne is one of the best Plugins of all "Auto-tune" Plugins i've tried so far. Antares tends to let the vocal-recordings sound like it adds a vocoder-effect. Melodyne itselfes is pretty expensive and has not enough features in my opinion, but the quality of what you get after editing is just marvelous and sounds more natural.
  23. pretty atmospheric and depressing song you've made there. The arrangement is okay and the vocal-recording sound good, but could have a little bit reverb and Hall/delay. Overall it sound good but flat. Keep it up.. rare to see this style with decent quality
  24. Waaah.. never knew there's something like this in the Forum. Its a dream of me to make Music for an independent RPG, but i got rejected from alot of projects because of my music style T_T I realy would love to give it a try.
  25. I just read AkumajoBelmont and knew, that behind this thread must be something gorgeous. Your Music is just my style and your Bust a Grove Remix is still in my Playlist. Sounds like there is still some space to raise the atmosphere even more by listening only to the chorus. I'm pretty excited to listen to the finished Song. For critism: on the part "just to go with the flow and keep some things inside" the intonation on "things inside" sound just a little bit like it doesnt fit. Maybe a little softer intonation on "things" would be good. Your arrangement is solid and i think critism could only move within the filigree range to get a minimal fine-tuning Keep it up <3
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