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Everything posted by AngelsDen

  1. Marvelous! Thank you Flex! <3
  2. It was this one: I had so much fun playin with the knobs and modulation and my Mastering normaly sucks.. but everything turned out so well.
  3. Sometimes its essential to change instruments and not let the same combination play throughout the whole song.
  4. I always tend to do Mixing Stuff at the early afternoon, doing Vocal recordings on the Morning and rehearsing at the night. Vocals are fresh at the morning, i am most motivated to do anything at the afternoon and its more comfortable to listen in the night. There are also times when i can perfectly recreate pitches, but theres also the opposite...
  5. It was posted before, because i needed it too.. so here u go Takim VST
  6. Sennheiser DrumMic'a Grab it.. its free! The only beef is that its only avaiable on the german page yet.
  7. At some parts i failed a bit, but im still proud that i have finished this arrangement. Critique appreciated! :3
  8. A couple days ago i've found the project file of the Song and remembered that i've never finished it. The Independent RPGMakerVX Project vanished like alot of other projects i've tried to work for. I Know that Elemental: Cinnuit Tine will never find its way to daylight in a complete Form even if the Author says its the opposite. Anyway... i didn't want to let this Song go to waste and i did resume it on a minimalistic Way. Have Fun listening :3
  9. That gave me goosebumbs.. i could imagine a title like "I am your shield" or "Of Iron and Blood"
  10. So powerful *-* Good luck Byproduct!!!!
  11. Happy Birthday Gario!!!!!!!!! :3

  12. Do you remember the first Song that you've played on an Instrument? A Song that followed you through the whole process as a musician and had the most possible influence on you? This is my Song... that made me get as close as possible to Music. And here is my tribute to it:
  13. Phew.. where should i start >< I love the Intro and your playing with clean and distorted Elements until 1:17. The transitions into the Drums could be more softer and to be honest i dont like the drums at all, but that is just my opinion. The synth from 2:03 until 2:25 gave me goosebumps. I like the soft hats you have used from 2:49 until 3:11. At the Section from 3:12 to 3:33 you could mess a bit with the Volume of the Drums and Percussion (For Example ascending and descending Volume). Overall you have some very good Elements going and gave it your all to arrange alot of Variations to a very limited Source.
  14. At first i want to tell you that it doesn't sound too monoton. To be honest it emphasizes very well to an empty and desperate feeling. For Mastering tips... put on a bit more Volume on the voice. It is called "Lead-voice" and has a reason to be at the utmost front. Next one is a little bit of Reverb.. dont overdo it. I won't criticize your microphone, since you just wanted to give it a first shot... but i seriously hope that you will finish the Song. It is always embarrasing to listening to your own voice, but yours is very warm and fits very well to a lovelorn song. Keep it up
  15. The Flute coming in at about 0:15 sounds a bit overfiltered. Cut of a tiny bit of the mids. The Orchestration idea is realy nice and i like the pace. It also reminds me alot of "Harden the Duck up!" by norg.
  16. The ns7 kit, that was free a long time ago
  17. Transitions, Drums, Bassline and Mastering... Everything else is like a mental image i can always review. But i cant get a clear Vision of these 4 important things mentioned above.
  18. A sentence alot of people submitting to independent delevopement had heard. I know its highly speculative, but relationships do change after a certain time. A decent Project is nothing that a handful of people make in a few month. Everything you describe sounds more like a raw idea floating high into future visions then being a fully riped concept... Convince people with something stronger then just words to join you and good luck!
  19. To be honest and strict at the same time i have to say that this project comes way to early to even look out for music. There are alot of "first projects" out there vanishing at not even half of the progress. Do you want to build a game and add some Music or do you want to build your game based on the music? If the last one is the case you should mention to credit the Musician 100% of the credits length!
  20. Thats alot better then your first try Angel mei! Even if it is a conservative Mix.. i really like the changes you have made to give this song your own signature. Keep it going
  21. So sweet and Romantic... i love it!!!! And it somehow reminds me of the Lufia 2 Ending theme (to the future) As for the Feedback: - It needs at least a short Intro to build up the mood - The Overall Arrangement sounds repetetive, but there would be a huge Impact if you just change some Instruments (Mainly the Lead Instrument and leave out the Highbells) at the half of your Song.
  22. Nice orchestration *_* I would like to hear Overfly in this style as well.
  23. Made the same experience working my ass off for Projects that disappear before even getting close to completion. The Indie-game music market is somewhat unserious and i wont ever again join a project that has not made it to a puplic release.
  24. Thank you so much!!! The Takim VST is exactly what ive been looking for <3
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