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Everything posted by about:blank

  1. I've fallen asleep to quite a few songs from the Chrono Cross OST, like Jellyfish Sea, Prisoners of Fate, Radical Dreamers, as well as the Homeworld/Another World themes. Also, surprisingly, the Donkey Kong Country games have some sleep inducing songs, like Aquatic Ambiance from DK1, and Stickerbrush Symphony [aka Brambles theme] from DK2. As far as anime soundtracks go, the Wolf's Rain OST has some very relaxing songs such as Shiro - Long tails, Gravity, Cloud 9, Tell Me What the Rain Knows, etc. Evangelion also has a few good songs to fall asleep to like Rei's Theme and Thanatos. Also, Brian Eno is great to listen to when falling asleep. I'd recommend playing his entire "Music For Films" album on loop. I could list many more, but that's all I can think of at the moment.
  2. This is pretty damn groovy for being as minimalistic as it is. It really gives the impression of a cold, barren, wasteland. Maybe it's just me, but the style of the percussion here really makes me think of the PS1 Megaman games [8, X4, X5, and X6]. It brings back fond memories of playing MM8, while at the same time reinterprets the source material in an interesting [albeit minimalistic] way. Oh, and the "You haven't lost your touch" voice sample really adds a lot, even if it is just a small detail. Things like that really go far in minimalistic songs IMO.
  3. For a MIDI controller/keyboard, I'd recommend the M-Audio Axiom series. It comes in three sizes, the smallest has 25 keys, the middle one has 49 keys, and the largest one has 61. I've had an axiom 49 for about a year now and I've had little to no problems with it. It has a ton of features, but you don't necessarily need to know what they are at first, you can just plug it into your USB port and go to town. Once you start playing around with it for a while, you'll discover new things about it as you go. The M-Audio Axiom 61 fits right into the price range that you described. You can get one for about 300 dollars from zzounds.com link: http://www.zzounds.com/item--MDOAXIOM61 Don't stop looking there, though. I'd go to a music store and try to test out some other keyboards and see which one's really right for you. Look around, test things out, and use your best judgment. Just make sure you don't get stuck spending your whole budget on something you don't feel at home with.
  4. Thanks for all the comments, everybody! I'll try to give a response to most of them. In response to everyone who said that this sounds similar to Akira Yamaoka: I was listening to a him quite a bit during the time [espically "Theme of Laura"] when I was recording this, but I had no idea that it'd actually rub off onto the song. I was moreso expecting people to say that it sounded like "What it's Like" by Everlast, considering it has almost the same chord progression. @Tepid: I'm a big fan of Linkin Park, so that certainly doesn't offend me. I'm also a huge fan of your work, especially "Quilt" on AnimeRemix, so it's awesome to get positive feedback from you. @Geoffrey Taucer/Mustin: I'm also huge fans of yours, so again, it's great hearing positive feedback from you guys as well. @Avaris/Liontamer: This mix wouldn't be up if it wasn't for your (as well as Skrypnyk's) help. Thanks for being patient with me throughout the making (and posting) of the song.
  5. I started out almost exactly the same way you are now, so I think I could give you some help. Here are some tips/answers to your questions: - First off, in terms of budgeting, you should really plan out your purchases. You said you wanted to mix in an orchestral style, so you should mainly focus your purchases on software (i.e. sample libraries, DAWs, etc) and hardware upgrades {i.e. more RAM, headphones, MIDI controllers, etc.) You should try to make a list of things you need from most important to least important, and then that will be your buying guide. - I know you say you want to stick to Cubase, but it's good to sample other DAWs early on to see which one you really have a feel for. Don't be ashamed to use FL Studio or Reason; many professionals have used these programs. For example: Mike Oldfield and 9th Wonder are FL Studio users, and Prodigy is known to have used Reason. - I'd say that since you're mainly concerned with doing things in the box, your first priority should be finding a good DAW. After that you should look around for some good free samples/soundfonts/VSTs until you can afford some really good VSTs/sample libraries. If you don't play piano, then you don't really need a MIDI controller, but at the same time, they also don't hurt. Some mixers here (including myself) mainly mix with their mouse anyway. - I think your main concern at this point should be figuring out what DAW is right for you, getting some good sample libraries, upgrading your RAM [depending on how well it handles the software you decide to buy], and then getting some good monitoring headphones. - Also, there are many threads in this section of the site which help for specific software needs and also that offer basic tips in ReMixing. I'd definitely recommend reading all of zircon's tutorials too, they were a big help for me when I started out, and I'm sure they'll help you too. So to recap, just plan out your purchases, test out some DAWs, try out some software/sample libraries, check out all of the help threads in this forum, and when you finally get some mixes, post them in the WIP forums. That just about covers it for me, I hope I could help. ReMixing may start out challenging, but it can be very rewarding, especially if one of your mixes gets onto the site. Just remember to have fun, and to always keep an open mind about learning something new.
  6. Well... I guess I can see how someone with a username like mine could get confused with a spambot . BTW I can sign in just fine now
  7. I was browsing a Chrono Trigger/Cross fan website in search of a translated SNES ROM of "Radical Dreamers" (Which was the game made between Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross for those who don't know). Anyway, the website had a section for OverClocked ReMixes. I was amazed at this, because at the time, I'd been making Chrono Trigger remixes. Well... actually I was making MIDI rips, but that's not the point! The point is, after finding OCR, I wasn't ashamed to be a fan of video game music anymore. In fact, I'm proud of it now!
  8. I registered about two or three days ago and I keep getting a message that says that I can't sign in because I need approval or something. Does it typically take this long for approval, or did I do something wrong when registering?
  9. Looks like Metallic Mario is up for grabs! I'll put together an audition on the project forums sometime tonight. I've got some crazy ideas for this one.
  10. I know it's probably a little late to ask, but would I be able to join this project? If you want to hear what I can do, I have an Earthworm Jim mix up on the site: http://www.ocremix.org/remix/OCR01568/ For something more recent, here's an original song that I finished making about a week ago: http://boosherd.googlepages.com/Purgatory.mp3 If you think I have what it takes to be a member of this project, just hit me back with a PM or something. -Chris
  11. I can get like that sometimes, usually when I'm working on a song I listen to it all the time to see if there's anything I'd want to change. Also, I have a lot of fun listening to songs that I've made over a year ago. Either way, it's definitely a very rewarding experience to listen to your own music IMO.
  12. Hey everybody, I just made another update to my "One Who Bears Fangs at God" mix. It's the same exact link as before, feel free to check it out and give some feedback. Also, for anyone who's working on the Humans disc: If you need someone to record some acoustic parts, I should be able to help out. Just send me a PM and we'll work out the details.
  13. Nope, that's just a synth that I practically drowned with effects. Someday, I will own a talk box though... someday.
  14. The title of the thread basically explains it all. Making this track was kind of a fluke, because I only really worked on it for a couple of days and I think it turned out nicely. I'll admit right off the bat that I have trouble with transitions, but everything else I'm pretty happy with. Here's the link: http://boosherd.googlepages.com/Purgatory.mp3
  15. What's so bad about Hammersound? He was looking for soundfonts that people were willing to share, so I'm assuming that he wanted free ones, or that he was on a budget. Either way, I don't see why Hammersound would be such a laughable suggestion.
  16. For free, high quality soundfonts, Hammersound is the place to go. Their soundfont library should have everything you're looking for, and more. http://hammersound.net/cgi-bin/soundlink.pl
  17. This has always been one of my all time favorites from Project Chaos. I agree with one of the other reviewers that this does sound slightly lossier than the version on the project's site, but I could hardly notice it over the sound of Snappleman's guitar playing kicking my ass all over the place. There's not only a great performance here, but also very solid production. Also, I might be wrong (and probably am), but to the people addressing the sound in the beginning, I'm pretty sure that's what you hear on the last stage of the game, right before fighting Robotnik (Eggman?). Anyway, it's a very awesome and creative touch in my opinion, and only adds to the already high level of kickassery in the mix.
  18. I started out using Cool Edit Pro 2.0, and I still use it today for recording guitar or capturing samples from various places. I then found out about FL, Reason, and Cubase. Actually, I think my first thread on OCR asked which DAW would be the best for me to use (it got locked, obviously). I tried out demos of quite a few, and they all ran very slowly on my computer. Eventually, I discovered FL Studio 5, which also ran slowly, but the least slowly out of all the other DAWs that I test drove. I'm also not too crazy about FL's interface, and while it does get frustrating, I'll just have to deal with it until I can afford to buy a Mac. So there you have it, I basically picked FL and Cool Edit Pro because they're easy on RAM. FL isn't bad, but I don't think I ever use any of FL's default presets anymore, I just record my own parts, or download a soundfont or VST.
  19. Awesome stuff! I enjoy most of your work, but this is your best yet. "Ladder to the Sky" would have to be my personal favorite on this CD. I look forward to buying a physical copy of this.
  20. Hi everybody! I'm sorry about not meeting the second deadline. I know it's no excuse, but I've been relatively busy with school and other personal matters. However, I have still been working with music. I've composed the music for a school play, wrote a song for a music theory class, finished an album, and am now working on a second album. Anyway, I've been getting some good ideas as to where I should take my WIP for this project. If all goes well, I should have an update up on the project boards in a week or two.
  21. I second most of the recommendations here and would also like to recommend Texhnolyze. It was created by the same team who made Serial Experiments Lain, so if you're a fan of Lain, I'd definitely recommend Texhnolyze, and if you haven't seen either of them, you should check them both out. Also, I don't think it's been recommended yet, but you should check out Wolf's Rain, it can easily fall under the categories of dramatic, sad, serious, and epic. Also, if you're a fan of Yoko Kanno, she composes most of the OST, which is a definite plus.
  22. This has always been my favorite take on "Corridors of Time", with "Electric Clouds" coming in a close second. Some people reacted negatively to the distorted piano, but I feel that the song wouldn't be the same without it. When it's first introduced, everything except for the percussion and a pad is taken away. Eventually, the other synths come in again to create a truly bitersweet sound. I first listened to this mix about two years ago, when I first discovered the site. It was a relatively rough time in my life, and I would often listen to this mix, as well as many others. Anyway, time went on and it's been a couple years since I've listented to it. Just five minutes ago, I decided to listen to it again, and I was completely overwhelmed with a feeling of nostalgia. In my opinion, the fact that this remix brought up old memories and emotions is proof that video game music and remixes are a form of music that is just as powerful as any other.
  23. I think this track has a nice feel to it, as many times as I've heard "Corridors of Time", I never grow tired of it, or of the many, many remixes of it. That being said, I think this track has it's pros and cons: Pros: The sound design in general is pretty good, I love the effect you use from 0:51 - 0:54. Also, at 1:34, it sounded like you integrated the melody from "Memories of Green", which, if you purposefully did, worked well with the song IMO. Cons: The arrangement is very close to the original. There are some original sections, but for the most part this is almost bordering into MIDI-rip territory. Also, while your synths sound good for the most part, I really think the synth you're using for the bass part needs to go. It sounds way too artificial/fake IMO. Overall, this isn't bad, but you need to add more variation to the original arrangement. As I stated before, the section at 1:34 was great. For now, I'd add more sections like that throughout the song, and change the bass synth. Good work so far.
  24. Nobuo didn't work on X-2, and I'm pretty sure he didn't work on Tactics. Other than that, I think he's worked on all of the Final Fantasy titles. Also, if you liked the soundtrack to Final Fantasy X, then I'd definitely recommend checking Nobuo's other work. You won't be dissapointed.
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