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Everything posted by about:blank

  1. I might be wrong in this, but I'm pretty sure that The Guardian Legend was the first game to incorporate both scrolling shooter and Zelda-like adventure elements, and on top of that it had somewhat of level-up system, where if you got enough points, your health bar would grow. Honestly, I've never really seen any other game do anything like this, well, except for Starfox Adventures, but even then, there wasn't really an even balance between the flying and adventure portions.
  2. I just saw it yesterday. I thought it was great, Will Smith did a great job in his role, it was certainly an interesting departure from his norm. I'm not going to spoil anything, but for a movie that was supposed to be about zombie vampire things, it had some surprisingly emotional moments.
  3. Nope, I practically live on the other side of the state, pretty much in Canada. Oh well, it would've been cool to actually have found someone that I knew IRL on OCR. It's still cool that you're from Maine, though! Anyway, I guess I kinda derailed this thread, sorry about that.
  4. Whoa, that's crazy. I could be the same person, what do you know of this other Chris Bouchard?
  5. Hey, you're from Maine!
  6. Haha this is awesome! Nobuo Uematsu would be proud.
  7. Wow, I'm really liking this. The vocal sample and the overall style of this piece makes me think of Daft Punk, and that's certainly a good thing. I agree with zircon that this would sound totally rad with a heavily phased synth or something of that nature. Great work, I'll keep my eyes open for an update.
  8. - Some more RAM, FL slows to a crawl whenever I load in any halfway decent VSTs. I mean, I guess it's fun to try to find ways to work around it (create multiple project files for one song and mix down the wav files in Adobe Audition), but it does get old after a while. Plus, I really need to get to work on some things. - New headphones! They're cheaper than monitors, and I desperately need something better than what I currently have. - Other than that, some movies and/or games would be cool.
  9. I'm pretty sure you're talking about serato, here's a video of it being discussed, and used in action: The guy starts using it around 5 minutes in. Edit: Also, if anyone here does know of any place that sells video game soundtracks on vinyl, please let me know.
  10. I'm probably around the 25% mark for my WIP, but I have been making some updates. I'll try to post another update when it's a little over 50% finished.
  11. I loved this ever since I first heard it in the WIP forums. I love the voice samples used in this, I mean, none of them fit into the context of the game, but that didn't stop them from sounding totally rad. This is pretty liberal, but as someone who wasted their childhood renting this game over and over for countless months, I didn't really have any trouble recognizing the source, and I can definitely appreciate the interpretation.
  12. Try it now, I think I fixed it.
  13. This is my first real "album release". This is also my most experimental effort to date, and has some of the strangest songs that I've ever made, and ever will make. This album is in part inspired by a widow that I know, and also by the strange habits of the Black Widow. I made this album about two months ago, so it's not as good as some of the things I've been doing lately. Still, at the very least I hope that some of you find it interesting. Just be warned that this isn't for everyone. Enjoy!
  14. This almost borders into Midi-rip territory, but still, I like this quite a bit. Probably because of how awesome this theme is in general. The percussion was pretty good, and the synths were okay. I was really digging the part around 1:57, that's where the beats and the melody were at their best IMO. Unfortunately the mix had to end very soon after that...
  15. Like many others said, this is a cool interpretation, but it's waaaaaaaaaay too short. There's not really time for any development here whatsoever. It would be very cool to hear AmIEvil perhaps do an extended version of this or something of that nature. It's short, but I like what's there.
  16. I liked the sounds in the intro, but felt that the transition from the intro to the main part was a little abrupt. From then on, things seem to get better, and some more very cool synths are introduced. I'm not too familiar with the soundtrack of this version of Shinobi (I've only played the Game Gear version of Shinobi, to be honest), but it sounds like there's some nice re-interpretation of the melody, especially with the synth solo about 3/4 through the song. Great stuff, especially for such an early entry into the OCR library.
  17. I usually try to emphasize on positive things when I write a review here, but I honestly don't think I can do that in this case. This mix consists ONLY of a repetitive piano and drum loop. I'll admit that at the end it did have some mildly cool sounds, but for the most part, I really didn't care for this.
  18. I like the strings, and the bass sounds like it could've been used in an old-school 16-bit game. However, I think the piano/saxophone clashes with this a little bit. Even so, this is very peaceful sounding, and the drums are pretty smooth. I really feel that the ending could've been a little better though.
  19. I'm gonna have to disagree with some of the reviewers that were dissing the vocal samples. I love it when there's vocal samples in a mix, even if they don't fit. However, I feel that these samples do fit within the context of the mix. It has a very hectic feel, and while it definitely wouldn't pass the judges panel today, it's just a very fun mix to listen to, and it also goes to show how far Steve Pordon has come along in terms of mixing. Oh, and big props for sampling Earthworm Jim at the end of the song.
  20. My first thought when hearing this was "Wow, this sounds very midi-ish." It's very rigidly sequenced, but somehow the percussion makes up for it. I like the part at 1:04 when the extra percussion comes in. I think I recognize most of it from a soundfont that I have. Anyway, I didn't really care for the sequencing of the musical parts, but the percussion is indeed pretty cool. Also, the strings that came in around 1:54 weren't bad, and did serve to give the mix a feeling of closure.
  21. Wow, I can not believe that this has so few reviews. Prisoners of Fate is definitely one of my top 5 compositions by Yasunori Mitsuda. It's minimalistic, but it carries so much power and emotion. This mix provides us with an excellent interpretation of said source. It completely changes it around without losing the feel of the original, and it's anything but minimalistic. Deciding to do a mix of this song in 4/4 electronic could have gone wrong in so many ways, but thankfully, this one didn't.
  22. Whoo! More flanged percussion! When I was younger, I'd always play this game with my cousins at family Christmas parties, but still I only vaguely recognize this source. The drums are very hard hitting, which I like. The synths sound pretty cool, but sometimes things get a little cluttered. The reverse flange thing around 1:45 was pretty damn cool IMO. All in all, while this did tend to get repetitive, there were quite a few cool things along the way that prevented it from getting boring.
  23. Very cool. I love the flanged percussion. The only other time I've heard percussion with effects like that was in "Kiss of Life" by Peter Gabriel. While this is a completely different type of song, I still feel that the flanged percussion works very well and gives this a very funky feel. It's great to see that even back in the day, DJP had the ability to create some truly funkalicious grooves.
  24. I feel bad for not really getting involved with this last year. However! I'm going to try to make up for it this year. Personally, I know I know I'd hate it if I had a mix up here with only like 3 reviews. So, hopefully we can give those 3-to-4-review mixes a well deserved boost in attention.
  25. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude this is so trippy. Thanks for finding this, and everyone else for finding all of the other freeware in this thread!
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