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Everything posted by about:blank

  1. Alright I'm getting close to the point where I think I'm ready to resubmit this. I'd like to know if you guys think it'll get submitted by the judges this time around. If you don't think it will get submitted, please explain why so I can fix whatever problems there may be. You can find the latest version here: http://boosherd.googlepages.com/Acrophobia.mp3
  2. A couple centimeters above the Y in "Whitey."
  3. This is nice, and your performance is good as well. I don't have many complaints with this other than the fact that this is pretty close to the original arrangement. I noticed a few things that you did differently, but for the most part it's fairly close. Once you create a more original arrangement, I don't think you should have too much to worry about from there. This is a pretty good quality recording, other than the fact that piano seems to be out of tune. I can't think of any names for this, but I really like the title that Gimgak suggested.
  4. Wow, this is a huge improvement when compared to your last version. Everything sounds a lot better overall, especially the main part. I also didn't get the feeling that it was dragging on and on and on. I can't really judge how you interpreted the orignal song, considering that I haven't heard the orignal song. I'll give some more suggestions and such when I listen to this one some more.
  5. This isn't too bad. I'll point out a few things that caught my attention. The introduction is way too long and repetetive, the melody doesn't come in until 1:14, which is way too long to wait IMO. I like the change at 2:13, but it sounds very trebly, if you added some more low end to that section, it would sound even better. After that change it seems like you're right back to where you were before, except with like, a snare hit. You're gonna need a lot more than that to spice up the second verse (2:28 - 3:57). Try adding someting more to that section to make it interesting. After that you go back to the same thing you did at 2:13, then onto a drum solo (4:11 - 4:41). I'll admit that this is making things less repetetive, but after 15 seconds it starts to get repetetive itself. After this you go right back to where you started, more or less. All in all this is very repetetive and the ending isn't very satisfying either. However, the production isn't too bad, but it still needs some low-end in some portions. Here's what I think you should do: Make the intro shorter. Add a lead melody to the verse sections (1:14 - 2:13, 2:28 - 3:57, 4:41 - 4:56, 5:25 - 6:10) These sections take up a huge portion of the song and there's practically nothing going on in them. Everything that you do have going on sounds like it's just backing up a lead instrument. Add some more sounds in general, this is very minimalistic, and, while I love minimalistic music, this is also repetetive, and repetition and minimalism don't go together well IMO. That's just about all I can say on this at the moment, it's not too bad, but it still needs a lot of work.
  6. Some pants Metroid Prime 2: Echoes Megaman Anniversary Collection Some new headphones A new MP3 player A DS with Final Fantasy III And... A violin!
  7. It's coming along quite nicely. I've made an update, and you can find it in my first post. This version is very close to the version I'm gonna resubmit. I put a lot more work into making the percussion less repetetive, maybe it was just because I've listened to this a thousand times, but I was starting to think that the drums in the previous versions were kinda boring. Aside from that, I've made some other small changes, such as adding a new ending. I think I might have solved this problem, but I might have made them a bit loud as well. I toned down the bass drum, low end, and bass sounds slightly. If that didn't help, then I'll run the finished song through the equalizer in Adobe Audition and try to fix it that way. Actually, I got that sound that swells up from that folder of sounds you sent me for my xenogears remix. I can't remember what it was called, but I reversed it and it sounded pretty awesome. Anyways, I tried to make it a little longer, but slowing it down changed how it sounded and IMO it didn't sound half as cool as it did at regular speed. I also made changed the ending a little bit as well. Overall I think that this needs just a little bit more work before I resubmit. Thanks for all of the feedback so far, guys!
  8. Here's my two cents. I definitely think that another production tutorial would be the most helpful. I liked the first one, and while I learned a lot from it, I still feel that I have a lot to learn in terms of production. Another tutorial would definitely help me (and just about everyone else who reads it) out with production. I'm not too crazy about the idea of a tutorial on interpretation though, as I think that the concept for a remix is something that should come to the musician naturally. In my opinion, creativity isn't something that can be taught. I'm a big fan of all of your tutorials so far, in fact I have them all printed out, and usually read them (along with other tutorials) in my spare time, or while making music. I know that this next one is going to be just as good as those, if not better.
  9. I tried that out and your advice seems to have fixed the problem. Thanks for the help!
  10. Ok, here's my problem. I'm having trouble with volume automation. I'm making a song, and in one part, I want a specific layer of instruments to fade in. So I clicked record, and then dragged the channel volume knob upwards to the part where I wanted that instrument to fade in. When I played back the section in pattern mode, it worked fine, but when I switched to song mode, the volume stayed down, causing the instrument to not come in at all. This is funny because I recorded myself moving the knob while I was in song mode. At this point, I tried right clicking the channel volume knob and going to "Edit Events", so I could get a good look at where the volume was at. It was fine, and just as I had dragged it during recording, there should have been sound coming from the layer, but no. Then I did the same thing with the two instruments under that layer that I wanted to hear, and everything was also fine, then I checked the mixer channel that the instruments under the layer were put through, everything fine there too. Everything sounds just fine when I play it in pattern mode though. Here's a picture illustrating my problem: As you can see the volume in the Events window is up about halfway, yet the very volume knob I was controlling through that window is turned completely down. I'd be more than greatful if anyone could help me out with this. I realize that I'm probably making a very stupid mistake, or I'm overlooking something minor, but I've been trying to fix this all day, and I've had no luck. Thanks in advance.
  11. Holy shit! The voice samples that you've added to this are so awesome. It seems like you've added some more scratching too. My only complaint is that I don't really like how it ends, but I'm still very happy listening to this, and I've had it looped for like 10 minutes, as a matter of fact I'm listening to it right now. Good stuff.
  12. Hmm... I'll have to try that and see what I can do. I'm still debating what to do there. On one hand I want to do like you said and make the end have more "drive", but on the other hand, I think that everything would sound cluttered if I added anymore to the end. I know what you mean. Other than the fixing the bass and potentially extending/changing the ending, I think I'm going to go and mess with the percussion a bit so it sounds less repetetive. Thanks for the feedback so far! Any more comments/crits are welcome!
  13. This is way too short is it is. But, being a fan of CotMM, industrial music, and Yasunori Mitsuda, I really like what's been done with this so far. It's a very interpretive take on the theme. I really don't like the synth used at 0:27. It doesn't seem to fit in with all of the other instruments used (which sound great btw). For an early CotMM mix, this isn't bad, but it doesn't hold a candle to his newer mixes.
  14. I couldn't agree more. This is absolutely filled with emotion. Everything in the intro builds up very nicely, and the slight breakdown at 0:30 with the acoustic guitar is very nice, and when everything comes back in at 0:33, it joins everything else without sounding cluttered at all. The next breakdown at 0:48 was very well executed, with extremely well performed and emotional vocals by pixietricks. When things kick back in, we're treated to a guitar solo that carries just as much emotion as pixie's voice did in the previous breakdown. The bare guitar at 1:49 gives me goosebumps everytime I hear it. As great as everything else was in the song, I think that the guitar in 1:49 to 2:00 has to be the highlight of the song IMO. Amazing work guys.
  15. Being a big fan of experimental music, I like the mood of this. This is very minimalistic, and as a fan and creator of some minimalistic music, I think that if you were to just add some weird sounds (i.e. people laughing, talking, screaming, crying, crows, rats, doors slamming, footsteps, etc.) this song would sound way creepier than it already does (and it's pretty damn creepy as it is). That being said, I like this, but if you added some sounds and tweaked them, I'd love it.
  16. Hey, you're in luck! I've been working on a remix of this theme for about three or four months now. It's definitely my favorite song from Earthworm Jim. Anyways, I submitted it, and it got rejected, so I'm working on a resubmission. Feel free to check out my WIP in the WIP forums here.
  17. Yeah, but back then I had much different ideas of where I was going to take it, if you remember some of the early WIPs, I tried making it ambient/orchestral among other things. When I finally decided to take it in this direction, I decided to change the title too. A very big portion of the time I put into resubbing this was mostly just me playing with bass patches. After trying about 10 - 15 different bass synths, I found that the one I have now is the least bad sounding, but if you, or anyone else has an idea of a better sounding bass sample/soundfont/synth/vst don't hesitate to tell me! I've had a lot of trouble finding the right sound for the bass. Thanks for all of the feedback so far guys! I've made an update and posted a newer version at the top of the thread, let me know what you think!
  18. This is pretty good, especially for something that's not finished. I'll adress your questions in the order you asked them: 1. I'm pretty happy with the instrumentation here, I think the organ fits in well with the piano, and though the piano does need some work in the production department, the reverb on it makes it sound very nice, even when bare. I know it's not part of the remix, but the when the piano is bare around 2:45 it sounds slightly similar to something by thewingless. 2. I'm not familiar with the source, but I did listen to the spc and it seems like you still may have a lot to work with, I think you should move on to the next part, and then work on mastering/production when you have a basic framework for the entire mix. 3. Around 2:15, a bass part comes in, I think this would be a perfect opportunity to add some percussion. I think maybe using some hand percussion would sound nice with this. 4. I can't really help you here, I've only listened to your mix three times, and only heard the original once. All I can say is that from hearing the source, it sounds like you haven't touched certain parts of the arrangement, and I'd work on those if I were you. 5. Nothing else really comes to mind. I'll post again if I get any ideas though. Hope this helps!
  19. ------------------------------------------------------ After reading the judges decisions, I made an outline of the things I should work on, some of them I think I've accomplished, and some of them I think I still need work with. 1. Piano and synthetic instruments sound mechanical/fake. This is something I'm having a bit of trouble with. I've read tutorials about how to make samples sound more realistic (zircon's was especially helpful) but I still seem to be having trouble. I'm adjusting the velocities of every note, not to the point where there's a huge difference between them, but enough so they don't sound all exactly the same. I've also added reverb/stereo separation to some of my samples, which can also potentially make a more realistic sound. Even though I've done all this, I still think they sound fake. If anyone listens to this and sees what I'm doing wrong, or what I should do in order to make them sound more realistic, it would be much appreciated. 2. Add more low end to the drums and create a better supporting arrangement. I'm pretty confident that I've accomplished this goal for the most part. I've added a really low bass part, as well as a string part, and fattened up the drums a bit as well. Still though, I've listened to this countless times, and it would help to have an opinion from someone who hasn't heard it as much. 3. The drums are repetetive, and at times, off-beat The part that I think the drums were the most off beat was where the guitar first starts to stutter. I stripped down the drum part here siginificantly, so it doesn't sound like the two are clashing/offbeat. Other than that, though, I haven't done too much, and plan on making the drums a little less repetetive once I'm happy with everything else in the song. 4. The transition between the main part of the song and the breakdown with synths/piano/strings is awkward. Well, I think I've made it a little smoother, but then again, I've listened to this track countless times, and some outside opinions would be really helpful. 5. "When the track ends, it feels like it could be only half done. It's just begging for some lead to come in and rock you right in half." Those that have heard the first version of this should be (hopefully) pleasantly surprised with the new ending. I've also added about 50 seconds to this newer version. ------------------------------------------------------ I'm actually still working on this, and this latest version is by no means my "final" mix. I'm just posting it here in hopes of getting some feedback/advice in terms of what I should do next, or if there are any problems with the mix.
  20. This isn't bad. The volume is my main concern with this. I think that the intro lasts a bit too long, but still, I love the overall mood of the piece. Taking this theme in an ambient direction is one of the last things that I would've thought to do, and I think you succesfully pulled it off. That being said, this would be a lot better if you added some more sounds, not a whole lot, this is a minimalist piece after all, but just a few would go a long way here. I liked the sound you used for the lead, but it became hard one the ears around 3:30. I'd have to say that I'm about half and half on this one, I love the theme, mood, title, and concept. However, I think this just needs a boost in volume, as well as a few more sounds thrown in around the piece so some parts (your intro, for example) don't drag on as much.
  21. 06:57 - 07:48 is the Title Screen from Jim Power and the Lost Dimension in 3D. I'm kinda surprised nobody figured that one out, Jim Power has an awesome soundtrack.
  22. I'm glad someone's remixing something from Duke Nukem, OCR definitely needs some more Duke Nukem love. The Good: This mix gets props for covering a game that has an underloooked soundtrack. I also liked the breakdown part around 1:30, pretty cool stuff there. The Bad: The main melody seems buried underneath everything else, your samples/synths seem like they're all FL presets, there's not much going on with the drums, and for the most part, the arrangement isn't very interpretive. The Ugly: The synth that starts off the song is very ugly sounding, and stays throughout almost the entire piece. If you plan on updating this song, taking that synth out or at least toning it down should be your first priority. Cool idea remixing something from Duke Nukem, but it's gonna need a lot of work if you want it on OCR.
  23. Oh man, this is awesome, I haven't heard much of your stuff, but it does seem like you're imptroving. IMO I don't think that the scratching should be toned down at all, the song wouldn't be the same without it. I like the audio clip you put in at 0:37, it kinda reminds me of the "Get offa me!" voice clip in Sixtyten by Boards of Canada. It sounds vaguely familiar to me, I even put it through Adobe Audition and slowed it down and looped it for a few seconds and still had no luck in guessing what it was. The bass and subtle strings at 0:55 are very nice as well, and I honestly don't think I have any real complaints with this one. I'm looking forward to the next update!
  24. Wow... I can't believe that I didn't listen to this sooner. This is definitely a creative interpretation of the original. Just when I thought that the crazy beat and the low bass was awesome enough, the voice samples came in and made it even better. I can see how some people could be turned off by them, but IMO, they fit well with everything else going on in the song. I've probably listened to this about 7 times so far today, and I don't typically do that often. Good work! You should be proud of this.
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