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Everything posted by DragonAvenger

  1. Greetings! I would like to submit the following track to contribute in the amazing collections of OC Remix. Contact Information Ibrahim Chakaleidos chakaleidos@live.com Ibrahim Chakaleidos http://ocremix.org/forums/member.php?u=51724 has the userid of "51724 " Submission Information Journey to Silius Rise of the machines Stage 4 Link to the original soundtrack: Composition is by most parts in original key. Some minor chords are by parts changed into major for added versatility. Strongly reverberated atmosphere is contrasted to the intimate lead sounds in order to take the listener to a long journey to a remote planet. Stage 4 theme from the game Journey to Silius. Yours, Emoji Ibrahim
  2. Remixer Names - Tuberz McGee and therex Your Real Names - Callum Kennedy and Ethan Rex Your Email Address - User ID - Tuberz: 44165 therex: 45328 Game Arranged - Final Fantasy 12 Name of Arrangement - Progus Bunansa (OCR Edit) () Name of Individual Song Arranged - Desperate Fight ( )Hey guys, therex here. Tuberz and I were already a part of Mirby's Cid Tribute Project when the FF12 Cid track got dropped. Tuberz stepped up to fill the gap and I chimed in about a collab. Fast forward a few months and here we are.The only difference between this version and the album version is that this one is mastered by myself as opposed to Flexstyle. Tuberz did the bulk of the arrangement and the RAWKIN guitars; I did production, drum track arrangement, and an egregious synth solo. The track has been great for my production chops, and people like ectogemia and Phonetic Hero were great for advice and an extra set of ears when I needed it. tl;dr Tuberz is a god, everyone worship him, 10/10 would collab again Tuberz - I would love to thank my cat for keeping me up late at night with its irritable noise to work on this track. P.S. This is for Mirby's Cid Tribute Project, so if by some act of the gods this gets to/passes the panel before it releases please hold it. Thanks Ethan "therex" Rex and Callum "Tuberz McGee" Kennedy
  3. Hooray! Congratulations to the new parents!
  4. Got my package today from Mr. Doulifée! I got a super cozy hat, a tin of cookies (I think they're cookies >.>), a classy mug for tea, and this adorable plush lion that you can put in the microwave for warm snuggles! Love it! Or you can view the more amusing (and less flattering) picture here
  5. At the request of a friend I've remixed the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon theme Through the Sea of Time. I'm not sure if it counts as the first part of the song is more of a cover and the latter is remixed. Contact Details: Dj Exias Shawn Badolian http://exias.bandcamp.com/ 25296 Submission Info: Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Through the Sea of Time Timeless Sea of Verdure As stated, it was a request by a friend to remix the song into an orchestra. Meant to capture the feeling of Grovyle's Sacrifice. ------------------------------
  6. Contact Information Your ReMixer name = RJ remixes Your real name = Jonathan Lemethy & Richard Földhazi Your website = https://soundcloud.com/rjremixes Your userid = 51359 " Submission Information Name of game(s) arranged = Final Fantasy Mystic quest Name of arrangement = Ffmqbossbattle Name of individual song(s) arranged = Final Fantasy Mystic quest Boss Battle Additional information about game including composer, system, etc. (if it has not yet been added to the site) = Super Nintendo, Ryuji Sasai is the original Composer Link to the original soundtrack (if it is not one of the sound archives already available on the site) = Your own comments about the mix, for example the inspiration behind it, how it was made, etc. = We think that the original deserves a good dance remix. So we aimed for a good techno track. Inspiration from the Game. Mastered and ready to go We hope you enjoy! -----------------------------------
  7. Remixer Name: Darangen Real Name: Michael Boyd Email: Website: www.darangen.com UserID: 8948 URL to Remix: Game: Lufia and the Fortress of Doom Songs: Fear and Courage (sometimes known as The Final Decisive Battle) Original Soundtracks: Comments: I've done this theme so many times, but I still get so many ideas for it... Anyway, this is a more laid back interpretation of the song. I was experimenting with the idea of having a phrase that was maintained pretty much through the duration of the song, only being modified slightly to match the chord progression. I like how it turned out, though I know it's not everyone's favorite musical idea. Either way, I learned from the experience and that's what really matters. As always, I hope you enjoy it as well! -Michael 'Darangen' Boyd
  8. RM Name: ZackParrish Real Name: Zack Parrish Website: http://zackparrish.com/ User ID: 50456 Game: Final Fantasy VII Arrangement Title: Captain of the Skies Original Title: Sending a Dream into the Universe Comments: I have always loved the melody from Cid's theme in FF7 and decide to expand on the idea of the original, by adding new textures, pushing more dynamic variation, etc. -------------------- I think Cid's theme is a better matchup:
  9. Remixer Name: Brent Wollman Website: https://soundcloud.com/brent-wollman UserID: 41181 Game arranged: Metroid Name of arrangement: Dex Individual songs arranged: Title It’s a strange take on the theme, but I think it’s cool. Breakdown: 0:00-0:17 Source 0:17-0:45 No source 0:45-0:59 Source 0:59-1:12 No Source 1:12-1:53 Source 1:53-2:00 No source 2:00-End Source This track is another victim of the wretched loudness wars. though it is flawed from a mixing/mastering perspective, i don't think that detracts too much from the goal of the track. I am cool with having it posted the way it is if you all are war is hell
  10. Hello, here's a rearrangement from Shell Shocked project for consideration as an individual release. ReMixer & real name: Eino Keskitalo e-mail: eino.keskitalo@gmail.com forum id: 20708 ReMixer name: Tuberz McGee Real name: Callum Kennedy e-mail: tuberzmcgee@gmail.com forum id: 44165 Names of games arranged: Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Hyperstone Heist (Mega Drive), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time (SNES) Name of Arrangement: Aim High Names of individual songs arranged: High Score Display (THH), Warming Up (TiT) Youtubes for High Score Display: Youtubes for Warming Up: Source usage: Main source is High Score Display. I've deliberately killed the swing feel and slowed it down to make it more heavy. The lead melody writing is much rewritten, though it should still be recognizable. Warming Up makes the basis of the bridge section. Warming Up chord progression is slightly modified so that the key matches to HSD. 00:00-00:21 intro (original) 00:21-00:50 HSD parts a & b, fairly straightforward 00:51-00:55 "proggy bit" 1 (based on last bass notes of HSD part 00:55-01:14 HSD part a with slightly modified Warming Up chords used on the clavinet to the right 01:14-01:24 HSD part b 01:25-01:37 proggy bit 2, with original chord changes 01:37-01:41 lead-in to Warming Up bridge (original) 01:41-02:21 Warming Up bridge, chords and bass used (slightly modified), with original synth solo 02:21-02:31 lead-in back to HSD (original) 02:31-03:01 HSD parts a & b 03:01-03:33 proggy bit 3, definitely goes into original territory 03:33-03:42 HSD part a + TV-theme outro Shell Shocked project had been going on for a while when I thought trying to make a rearrangement for it might be fun. I had after all played and enjoyed Turtles in Time back in the day, plus as a KNGI forum regular the project was kind of dangling there. The "major" sources were gone by then, so I started listening through the smaller ditties. I thought I could take the bassline of Hyperstone Heist's High Score Display and develop it into some sort of nasty dissonant proggy progression. I fired up Renoise, transcribed the bass, killed the swing feel, reinterpreted the lead line to the new ryhthm, wrote the first "proggy bit" and had the basic idea for the piece. I added Warming Up as a source to have a bit more material to work with, and sent the first version to Kyle. From there on it was a long iterative process of first completing the structure, then working on the instrumentation, layering sounds and mixing to flesh it out and polish it up. I've got to thank Kyle for demanding quality here! An important point was when Tuberz offered to contribute guitar, adding a rhythm track, a tasty solo at the end of the bridge, and a key moment to the track, the guitar scream in the beginning. Mr McGee brought a lot of life to the piece and was great to work with, responding very well to my feedback and concerns and improving the take greatly with each iteration. His contribution inspired and pushed me to put a lot more effort to polishing the track than I would have otherwise. I also was inspired to record a little of my own humble guitar playing - a little solo at 01:15-01:24 and a little riff that plays throughout the Warming Up bridge. Thanks to Kyle, Magellanic and Monobrow on the KNGI forums, and Pleiade, Rami and my beloved Pirjo (always with the key insights) in real life for feedback during making the piece. Extra special thanks to our daughter Pihla, for enjoying the tune and for the wonderful dances! Brace yourself for The Word of Tuberz McGee: "When I first heard the track in its original form, I found that it was exciting... yet bare. There was something missing. Something that I tried to contemplate a fix for. After several hours of recording cat meows it dawned on me that perhaps cats WEREN'T the answer! It was guitars! So I threw together a sloppy punky rhythm geeee-tar to chuck into dat mix. Turns out that it was just what the mix needed. And after Eino here loaded up his 'anti-bad-ify' plugin into his mixer, my guitar part was good to go in his excellent mix." That's all for now. Cheers!
  11. Contact Information SecretPiano Justin Marshall Elias http://www.justinmarshallelias.com/ Submission Information Earthbound My song title... Faint Memories Original song title... Eight Melodies Hirokazu Tanaka, Hiroshi Kanazu, Keiichi Suzuki, Toshiyuki Ueno EarthBound (Nintendo, 1994, SNES) Earthbound is my favorite game of all time. Eight Melodies is able to bring me to me knees in awe; the memories of playing it with my sister, and best friends. I truly love the game, and the music. I also love ambient music, and I was very much hoping to bring my own style of music to a brilliant little melody. The idea is that - the sounds are falling down a hallway like a distant memory, but you can still make out certain elements in the wash of age and distance. Thank you for your time. I am brand new to this site: You have my apologies for any miscommunication or faulty file formats. ----------------
  12. So yesterday I apparently missed getting my gift from the postman, and today is not good driving weather, so I will have to wait until tomorrow to get my gift . It's OK, though, I can handle the wait. >.> <.< In other news, I did ship my present out yesterday, as promised!
  13. Also: [14:53] <@DarkeSword> first day on the job and she's already running things [14:53] <@DarkeSword> you heard the woman, will [14:53] <@DarkeSword> get on it. [14:54] <Chimpazilla> Gettin' shit DONE [14:54] <@DarkeSword> this is the matriarchy. [14:54] <@DarkeSword> deia and chimp [14:54] <Chimpazilla> damn straight [14:54] <@DarkeSword> we're doomed. Also also Jooj-cat for judge! Sign the petition!
  14. So to my person: I have everything I need to get your gifts together this weekend and will hopefully be sending it out Monday! Rejoice!
  15. Remix: Original: Final Fantasy 3/6 Umaro's Theme Remixer: HoboKa Composer: Nobuo Umetsai (I think? Correct me if wrong) Description: Hey all, this remix was for the FF6 Balance/Ruin competition a while back. Probably should have submitted this to the panel thereafter, like 8 months ago or so, but finally got around to it. Anyhoo, I went for a more campy feel that's borderline OLR material I'm sure, however, I did put a lot of attention to detail and lots of cool percs 'n stuff. Gario described the mix as kind of a sexy feel, not really what I intended but hey, sexy is a good thing right? --------------------
  16. Yeah, this would be killer live. Love how you adapted this, loving your original sections. Good transitions, and good dynamics, nice time signature change! Samples aren't amazing, but as Larry mentioned, I never really felt like it was a huge issue or that noticeable aside from the trumpets at the end. Minor, in the big scheme. Nice work! YES
  17. I'm pretty on the fence on this one myself. I see everyone's points, and I don't feel that I'm firmly in one camp or another. For me it comes down to what Will said: I could naturally see Gorons adopting the vocals and lyrics, and the song still hold a decent connection to the source and adds plenty of interpretation. I think there could have been a stronger connection between the to separate ideas (source/vocal), even if it was small phrases here and there, but in the end I think this does get over the bar. YES(borderline)
  18. Yeah, I'm in agreement with OA and Vig on this as well. I think there should be a little more variation and interpreatation to the mix. Just a little more in terms of change-ups would make the first half a lot more interesting. More drum fills! I also agree on the strings being a bit too loud, and being a little bleedy down low. This is coming down to little things, but they are adding up. Definitely want to hear this again! NO (resubmit)
  19. Yeah, the arrangement overall is pretty sweet. The 3:55 section in particular is really awesome and unique, love it! I agree that overall things are a bit too much on the muddy side now, but I (1) appreciate that you worked hard to fix it from being too dry, and (2) think it's still acceptable as is. The other area for you to work on in future mixes would be the transitions, but again I think they are acceptable as is. Overall the mixing between the parts is more balanced, nice improvement there. I'm down. YES
  20. I can see the all the above mentioned crits, but I think this has a lot of fun energy and is a unique take on UNACTO. I'd say the positives make up for the crits, though I'd definitely suggest Eino apply the crits to his future works, because they are all valid. This one is a pass for me, though it's a bit close. YES
  21. Justin's vote is gold here: there's definitely some personalization you've put into this, but overall it feels very repetitive and overall a bit simplistic. That being said, the source is really short here, so you don't have a lot to work with, but even with that consideration I felt like the mix was dragged out a bit too much. I also wasn't feeling some of your synth choices. I didn't mind a little of it here and there, but overall it feels pretty piercing as well as thin, which contributed to the sparse feeling overall. I think some more divergence from the source, or expansion would be the right track to go here, or as Shariq suggested, bringing in another theme to augment your material. Good luck, Shaun! NO (Resubmit
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