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Everything posted by KingTiger

  1. Great, thanks! I too am quite impressed with the turnout, how easily I forget how much people love their Sonic muzak Can't wait!
  2. Okay, here are my picks... 1. Panic Puppet Act 1 (Sonic 3D Blast GENESIS) 2. Ice Mountain (Sonic Advance) 3. Stardust Speedway (Sonic CD US) 4. Lava Reef Act 1 (S&K) 5. Launch Base (Sonic 3) I'm only semi-surprised that someone else picked Panic Puppet Genesis version. Well you're on SuperiorX's list of people for whom he's holding the entries, so go ahead and post your draft picks! I, on the other hand, may be out of luck
  3. I love this remix. The guitar production sounds amazing, and of course the "shredding" is flawless. The drum track is incredibly tight, and I love all the syncopation that I hear. Great job. Also, I noticed that the opening ambience is actually a piece of the Bleach soundtrack. It fits very well
  4. Why thank you! As far as the restriction against non-platformers, I think I can live with that I'm a little bummed about not being able to do boss themes, but I think I'll survive.
  5. I'm interested in this. I'm not usually on the forums here, and I don't have any of my mixes on OCR, but I would like to participate in this. I know the dates are already set, but they do work for me and I don't know how much of the thematic stuff has been set yet, but I don't really care if there's a story or not... I just hope we include boss themes, special stages, both versions of the Sonic CD soundtrack, etc.... I would like it to be as all-inclusive as possible ...again, don't know how much of that has been decided, but I wanted to throw my two cents out there.
  6. This is definitely my favorite album. I especially like the distorted, crazy synth/beat work on "Bubble Junkie."
  7. Finally! I'm sitting at the dentist's office while my wife gets a filling, waiting impatiently for my Droid to download the zip file!
  8. Maybe a Game Gear Sonic Album? East vs. West is a cool name.
  9. S1GG would be pretty cool, or even S2GG. I would absolutely LOVE a SONC CD remix project. I support the 2 discs idea. EIDT: ok so I'm waiting anxiously to see if the album is released at midnight EST... EDIT AGAIN: ...but I guess not
  10. I just checked it myself. Apparently we do! I had a feeling it would be out this week...
  11. So since The Robot Museum just came out, does that mean we have to wait another 3 long weeks for The Sound of Speed?
  12. ah bummer I didn't win. But congrats to those who did, and to the honorable mentions! I can't wait to hear them EDIT: BTW here is a link to mine: link!
  13. I just submitted mine. Are we allowed to post our entries here for others to listen?
  14. Aargh, I need to be better about not being a lurker around here. (i.e. actually participating) Anyway, I started my remix of Mindbender about two weeks ago and it's now done. I will be submitting it tomorrow, after I've had time for a couple more critical listens.
  15. was it earthseige? (I don't remember if it sucked or not, I just remember it being like MechWarrior)
  16. lol. I'm just happy it's back.
  17. I thought the update was all about better functionality, not design?
  18. Hey, good news! Now that VGMix.com is finally back, I've uploaded my mix there and I've already got some plays and downloads! Go check it out! (I would give you a link, but apparently the server is overloaded again... my artist name there is the same as my username here) EDIT: Yay linkage! http://www.vgmix.com/members/149/
  19. Yea! I've already got one of my mixes up, check it out! (I would give you a link, but apparently the server is overloaded again... my artist name there is the same as my username here)
  20. Has everyone seen this? It's a fan-made hoax, but it's really good-looking and fun to think about. WARNING: MINOR CHARACTER SPOILERS
  21. Got it. Oh wow this is so much better. I think the Mac version of BitTorrent must just suck or something. Thank you.
  22. hm. I thought something seemed wrong with 0...I guess I'd better figure out what's wrong with my copy of BitTorrent
  23. It looks like there are some unfaithful peeps out there... "0 seeds in 0 peers" More people seed this please! I want to hear it...
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