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Everything posted by Master_Yoshi

  1. I've listened to pretty much the whole thing, and I am now resenting the fact that I cannot find my MP3 player to put the whole thing on to... As far as this song goes, I love it! Great take on the song, extremely expansive and I love how hard it rocks out. At the moment the awesomeness of this song leaves me without words, so all I will say is great work!
  2. This song is the very definition of coolness. It's chill, relaxed, and takes something that I would normally find quite boring (Tifa's theme) and makes it enjoyable beyond belief.
  3. Hmmm this was an interesting mix. At first the Chiptune-ish aspect of it was a turn off, which was surprising since I am a huge fan of Mazedude and Shnab... But eventually this grew on me. Honestly though I consider this to be more of a Zelda remix, just because I really didn't hear too many references to the FF5 piece. It was a good mesh of the two, but for me I was definately feeling the Zelda-ness of it more.
  4. This is a great mood piece, and deserves a bit more recognition in my humble opinion. Probably one of my favourite mixes now, kudos to K. Praslowicz
  5. Why is it that every time Zircon releases something new it becomes one of my favourites instantly? All I can think of when I hear this is "Wow! I never knew that this is how I always wanted to hear this, and he just nailed it!"
  6. Wow, what an awesome remix this is. Perfectly captures the feeling of not really caring about anything else except what is here and now. Kinda gives me that feeling that the world could be burning but everything will be ok.
  7. I really liked this, it develops nicely, and the Malcolm X samples add a lot. All in all, I'd say it is good and solid, but I do wish the vocal part was a bit longer, and... developed a bit. It's just this one really awesome section but then it is over, and I am left missing it.
  8. I was going through the torrent file trying to see if there were any interesting songs and found this beauty! What a find it was! Have had it on repeat for at least the last half hour just letting it take me away. Very excellent work, well worth any and all attention it gets.
  9. Great song, very befitting of a man who's sole purpose was to desecrate nature and bring it all to a world of metal. Also, I love the arrangement on this. You've done some pretty interesting stuff with the source tune to keep this interesting and fun.
  10. I for one did not find myself getting bored of this. I don't know why, but something about the atmosphere and groove of it just keeps me interested. Each of the repetitions of the theme seems to be a little different every time, and I thoroughly enjoy this piece.
  11. Hooray more love for "Battle on the Big bridge" And I was really hungry for more of "World revolution." But that doesnt matter cause this ReMix still manages to kick a seriously large amount of ass nonetheless.
  12. The Underwater theme was so short and repeditive. So glad you have given us all a song that isnt the same. While repeating the theme over and over again, I'm still digging it every time. Good job on not letting it get boring
  13. Hey all. I've been visiting this site for years now, downloading remixes. Got led here looking for a remix of Shadow's theme from FF6 and lo-and-behold here I am. Just wanted to say hi, and figured this would be an OK place to put a big "thank you" to all the judges and remixers that have worked hard to make the music aspect of this site what it is. Hell, I've started playing games just based on a good remix Anyways, I figure I might as well join the forum aspect a bit cause I get bored at work and feel like I could stand to fill the gap.
  14. Downloaded this, not having ever heard of "Day of the Tentacle," which does sound like a cheesy hentai title. Cheesier than most. In fact it sounds as though it was baked in cheese, with a cheese dressing. But I digress. I did download it under the pretense that it was a Mazedude product, and yay I was not dissapointed. Good stuff, very fun to listen to, had me tapping my foot for the most part, which Piano pieces rarely do for me. Good stuff
  15. You guys cracked down on a lot of stuff that followed the source pretty closely. Well I guess a lot of it was MIDI rips which this is NOT so perhaps my fears were unfounded? Edit: Not trying to start a debate on the lockdown or anything, just an expression about my joy for this song being on the site
  16. I'm quite surprised, but ever so pleased that this song survived the lockdown. Such awesome production value, kickass playing, and its nice and leaves you in a calmed state. Well it does to me anyways
  17. I love how you interpret the music and still keep that Metroid Prime-y feel. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside. Definately up there with your Prime 1 mix, both are nice to have in the background while I'm doing whatever. Good stuff, keep it coming!
  18. I have to disagree with a bunch of people, I liked the vocals. And the Chorus... I didnt like it at first but now I'm really digging it. Had a nice harsh feel to it, I could so imagine Link kicking some serious ass to this music. And I loved the end part where the "low life" sound effect started to kick in. Nice touch
  19. Wow cool stuff. Never thought this would make a good piano piece either, but it works. I love the feel of this, such a different feel from the original but oh so good. Very good stuff!
  20. First time listening to it I didnt like it... at all. But I gave it a second listen and I started picking up stuff about it that I really do like, the sort of old-rock-ish feel, the laid-back ness of it... it all combines very nicely. After that, I started to appreciate what was going on with the rest of the mix, and now I absolutely love it. Good work!
  21. I cant believe I missed this song when I was going through all the mixes in the torrent... Its just... amazing.
  22. Such a good mix. Can... not... get... out... of... head! Seriously though, awesome work
  23. If Zircon keeps putting out tracks of this quality, I'd definately place his name among the great Remixers, such as McAfee, DJP, and The Wingless. Keep it up man!
  24. Wow, killer intro, kick butt ending. But that guitar solo (1:27-1:52)sounded too thin and almost midi-esque to my untrained ears. Sounded like someone just pressing the right notes on a keyboard, it lacked soul and substance and texture, as though the artist wasnt really... into it. Most noteably the section from 1:42-1:52. The contrast was pretty detrimental to the mix in my opinion, as the other 3-ish minutes of the mix showed attention to setting up a nice gritty feel. Even the few seconds as a precursor to that solo sounded awesome, I would have liked to hear more of that in the solo.
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