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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. PC Version is May 11th U.S. and May 14th Europe. Vita Version is hitting sometime in the Fall, and it'll have 12 new characters(6 from each side) including Guy, Cody, Sakura(!), and ELENA! ...Don't really care much about her addition, but I'm sure someone here is excited at the prospect. Capcom's not wasting time on the nickle and dime shtick, but as long as they're confirmed as DLC for all versions(I think they were), then I'll be maintaining my excitement. Sucks because outside of that minor faux pas(although given the state of the industry I guess it isn't really), the game's systems look really great.
  2. I would be if I didn't have to wait for May's PC version. Of course having Ibuki, Juri, Sakura, AND Asuka in there is going to present a huge problem.
  3. The reimagined Evangelion movies are pretty good. They do a lot to make certain plot points and character interactions more coherent, add a new character and a few scenarios, and if nothing else the redone action scenes are so pretty. Still waiting on Quickening.
  4. I'm actually in agreement with Sword Breaker on this one. Should the game be censored? No. Does it add any artistic value and an entry point to an interesting discussion? In my opinion, not really. It just seems like another needless slam at religious faiths.
  5. Resident Evil has consumed me... Haven't thought up new Swapnotes yet, although it DID make me actually want to get into drawing and art in general, so hopefully for creative endeavors soon! I also think I'm going to grab MGS3. Also so after dabbling in Raid Mode on RE: Revelations, I can say that I enjoy it quite a bit. Essentially it's just another name for mercenaries, although instead of trying to rack up points and extra time in the same area, you're going through different areas present during campaign episodes(did I mention campaign was longer than RE5's?) taking out all sorts of baddies either solo or local/online coop. After clearing an area, you're graded for stuff like accuracy, time, etc., and given BP to buy weapons, weapon mods(upgrades), herbs, ammo, you name it. I haven't played Mercs 3D yet, but from what I hear, it seems like the upgrading in Raid Mode seems to be inspired by that(minus the permanence). I think what I enjoy most about it is the fact that you can scale back your character level and gear if you have a friend who just got the game and wants to go for the challenge(of which there is plenty). In addition, raid mode has extra characters, outfits, weapons of varying strengths, awards(basically achievements), plenty of levels, the usual RE: Mercs deal. Somebody play with meh! Edit - Oh wow. Apparently you can get different missions and awards in raid mode by either street/spot passing or by playing coop online. I just got a mission to take out a specific target in one stage and a handgun ammo supply crate from a guy I played with. Sweet. OK I'm done gushing over RE now. Go buy it if you haven't!
  6. There are a bunch of potential reasons. I just don't think "questionable religious content" is the sole reason, or that it's well articulated as to what they mean by that. I do however think that the game doesn't seem as hot as so many people make it out to be, and that Nintendo probably didn't stand to make a huge amount of money on the investment anyway so it's no real loss for them not to publish a very off kilter game in the first place.
  7. Well then please enlighten me, because most comments, reviews, and Let's Plays I've seen over the past hour lead me to believe otherwise.
  8. This is a company that had Manhunt 2, Resident Evil 4, No More Heroes, and Madworld on the Wii. I highly doubt they're going to give this game a no just based on "questionable religious content"(although I personally think they could). I'm sorry if I offended a game you like, but derivative Zelda clone is derivative Zelda clone. Doesn't matter if there are differences here and there, the foundation just screams it. Plus I don't really think that there'd be a huge audience for that type of game outside of the platforms it's already on, and those people already bought the game.
  9. A game set around the American Revolution!? I'm playing this now.
  10. So I decided to watch a few gameplay vids and read up on the plot for Binding of Isaac. I can see why it was denied, and it probably isn't just due to "questionable content". For sure the game is grotesque and morbid, but not only is the message of the game too oblique and up to interpretation, it would also probably make any normal person more than a bit uncomfortable. That's probably not the biggest reason why Nintendo gave it the thumbs down however, as the game looks far, FAR too much like a derivative and poorly realized Zelda clone. Fair use and parody and all that, but honestly the game doesn't look like it adds any real artistic value to anything IMO, and I think Nintendo really just wanted to distance themselves from that. Also I finished Resident Evil: Revelations earlier today and I've gotta say that I'm really impressed that Capcom managed to bring what definitely feels like a console experience to the 3DS. It felt pretty solid overall. Also adds a lot of context into the "lore" of the Resident Evil series. Pretty good stuff. Now I'm not sure if I want to grab MGS3D or Tales of The Abyss before Kid Icarus...
  11. That sort of reasoning didn't keep Manhunt 2 off the Wii, and while I haven't played The Binding of Isaac, regardless of creative content or license, some subject matter is just way too out there. Good on Nintendo.
  12. This is exactly the reason why I hate guys like Spooky. If anyone has ever watched some of the streams his team runs that he commentates on, then you know what I'm talking about. And now back to my hiatus from the thread.
  13. Well this is definitely an interesting development. I wonder what kind of new features they'll be adding to the gameplay in these revisions? Before dabbling a bit in Diamond, my Pokemon experience was limited to Blue. It wasn't until Black that I started getting interested in the series again. Still have to grab a copy though. Here's to good times. On a semi-related note, apparently The Pokemon Company had priority on 3DS dev kits, so I'm excited to see what they've got going there. No doubt expanded Street and Spot Pass functionality, but it'd be pretty sweet if they went for the cel-shaded graphical style. I think the 3DS is more than capable of pulling that off nicely.
  14. Well I'm going to be grabbing MGS: Snake Eater 3DS in a bit, and looking forward to Kid Icarus, Bravely Default, Kingdom Hearts 3DS, Luigi's Mansion 2, and potentially Fire Emblem.
  15. My family knowing me all too well, opted to get me some pumpkin pie instead of traditional cake. Most excellent birthday desert ever. Also, happy birthday to the 3 of you as well, and thanks people for the well wishes. Now gimme some of that bonus cake!
  16. So I grabbed Resident Evil: Revelations earlier today. Capcom wasn't kidding when they said this game is a near console experience. I'm pretty impressed with what they've managed to achieve with the game. I'm only 2 "episodes" in, but I'm enjoying the tense feeling on the ocean liner and the plot filling they're doing thus far. Don't know how the online works since I haven't gotten into it yet, but assuming we can all get some playing going, then let's! Edit - And now I can't sleep. X-/
  17. Can I also claim some confections? Today be my birthday as well.
  18. The idea is semi-believable stuff. We haven't quite mastered the tech to create a singularity just yet. Of course "semi-believable" is pretty much thrown out the window with robots with names and designs like Quick Man or Toad Man, so there's that.
  19. You read my mind, Hamster. That's how I pictured him. Working with the Magnet Man idea, he could probably use localized EMP blasts to disable/destroy transports and other combat vehicles. Honestly? Humanity's fucked.
  20. I like the responses, but explain why each robot master's abilities would cause mass scale terror and panic in a realistic sense(ie. is Wood Man REALLY that menacing?). In a certain class of robot master, fire for example, who would be the head honcho? Would it be Fire Man as the "archetype" model, or would it be Magma Man or Flame Man? I'm trying to stay away from one offers like Cutman and Bubbleman though, because either they can't really orchestrate mass terror on their own or they'd be someone else' underling. Napalm Man is definitely in there, since he's essentially a Metal Gear minus the nuclear capability(though artistic license could say he is!). Mega Man V for the GB is one of my favorites, so naturally Star Droids could fit in as well. I worry however that they along with any space-based Robot Masters like Star Man or Galaxy Man might be a bit OP, but go nuts! Mavericks are definitely awesome, and while I'm framing this as containing mostly classic robot masters, stuff like viruses, the near- or post-apocalyptic setting, and not just Mega Man, but an entire force of "allied" robots could be present. Like I said, go nuts!
  21. So while listening to The Annihilation of Monsteropolis by The Megas, I got to thinking, "If we were to create a 'believable' Mega Man story with threat levels all up ins, what Robot Masters would realistically cause the most damage to human society and Earth?" My original premise is that Dr. Wily went rogue and after acquiring enough capital and resources was able to create 8 robots and you all know the rest as that's pretty much business as usual. What I'm thinking though is that contrary to what always seems like a conflict restricted to a specific warzone, I want this to be some near post apocalyptic shit. I'm talking Dr. Wily has almost won, humans are living at the fringe of the planet, continents are blasted barren, etc. What 8 robot masters from all over the classic series could accomplish this realistically and how would they do it? I already have a few ideas to get us started. Air Man - Could create large scale atmospheric disturbances to take out strategic locations. Sheep Man - Could hack into diverse networks to bringing them down, disrupting communications, and disable power grids. Shadow Man - High-class assassin disrupting chains of command by taking out VIP targets. Wave Man - Disrupt oceanic supply lines by causing tsunamis, whirpools, and other aquatic disturbances. Have at it, OCR.
  22. Ultimately, it all goes back to the argument that the media caters to its audience and sex sells, therefore you're probably going to see sexualized female characters in videogames. Does the media as an aggregate have a social responsibility to deal with this issue? I don't believe so in the least. The media can only respond to what the general public wants, otherwise they wouldn't be making money. When people stop caring about sex, the media will as well. Also Monobrow, I would think that if a certain group of people care enough about something to give it some thought, then they wouldn't mind voicing their opinion on said issue. If the girls Darangen or I or anyone else for that matter speak with don't feel like voicing that they felt that over sexualization kept them away from games for example, then they must not have cared much about it unless they did, in which case they missed their shot, and Darangen can't be blamed for what he came back with. It also isn't like he's saying "well that myth's debunked, sexism doesn't exist in gaming and the gaming industry!" It sure as hell does, and to the best of my knowledge, I don't think anyone posting here is implying otherwise. What most of us are questioning(save for that little sidebar) is what constitutes sexism in videogames, which is where people are getting cross-eyed. My original point is that on an aesthetic level, I don't mind seeing dudes and ladies wearing improbable stuff if it's appealing. To me it makes the character more interesting and provocative. Naturally there are going to be some blatant offenders such as Ivy and Rachel, but is that really making a statement about what YOU should look like? Just because some internet degenerate makes some nasty comment towards you, it's obviously because of the media and we need to eliminate it entirely?
  23. I was asking all the right questions regarding a specific point that was made earlier in the thread, which was slated as a big reason as to why girls are opposed to gaming. My evidence thus far says no. You're definitely right however that games not being designed with women in mind is a factor. It WAS one of the additional responses I got after all. Those responses weren't to any question I made though, so I could(and probably should) create several more about it. I think however that Zircon hit the nail in the head earlier that women just need to get more involved in the industry, and bit by bit that is happening. I do think however using a blanket statement like "women aren't into game design because sexism" is pretty naive though.
  24. I should also point out that I'm in the process of asking several of my friends via the facebook messenger(from several different cultures, PRican and American) several questions. 1. Have you played or do you play video games and do you enjoy them or not? 2. If so, do you feel that the sexualized look or oversexualization of female characters makes you uncomfortable or prevents you from playing certain games? 3. If not, is it due to the previously mentioned reason(I gave a short preamble of our discussion) or for any other reasons? The general response from 4 girls I've asked thus far not including 3 friends I had dinner with last night was that over sexualization doesn't bug them. In fact, some of them LIKE the oversexualized female fantasy characters. After I asked them, 2 of them offered that they feel that they'd play more games if there were more that were designed for female players, so there's definitely some sentiment that games are designed for males however. More study is required.
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