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Everything posted by Malaki-LEGEND.sys

  1. Bro just let it rest. The internet armchair "experts" have spoken. If anything however, FFXIII was quite the miracle considering that the devs themselves have admitted that they themselves didn't know where the hell they wanted to go with the game until way late in the game's dev cycle. Hell, if it wasn't for the fact that the game is named "Final Fantasy", then it might have had the same fate as Metal Gear Rising before Platinum stepped in. I think the game came out rather nicely despite the rush job. From all sources however it seems that Final Fantasy XIII-2 is a much, MUCH better game than its predecessor, so to put the game down because of one terribad(which makes it unbelievably awesome) track is a bit extreme. At least it isn't as bad as the My Hands debacle. Of course hating on Square-Enix is still in vogue and probably will be for awhile, so do your thing internet.
  2. Did you guys know that "wark" is just an anagram of RAWK!?
  3. I think the one thing that disappointed me the most in Skyward Sword was the fact that they didn't seem to do much with the whip, which to me would have been the most fun to use in the game. Granted I don't know what sort of mechanic they could have added other than what they did(stealing horns from bokoblins, grabbing jutting poles and swinging with 'em, flipping switches), but I feel like I didn't use it as much as I'd have liked.
  4. I think Kureeji mentioned that a few pages ago, but just in passing. I didn't know what she meant though since I'd never read it. Hurray new perspective!
  5. I dunno, I'm going through the game once again to try to get a gold flag and all star coins, and I've gotta say that I'm enjoying it more going through it a second time. The 3D effect really is great for some tricky platforming, and trying to perfect your runs through each stage using it is pretty satisfying. I can agree with the sentiment that the game seems a bit formulaic in structure, and it really feels like a "best of Mario" compilation(that would have been great as a release for Mario's 25th last year), but is that necessarily a bad thing? After all, Mario at his best is pretty great. Also DJP, (spoiler for anyone who cares I guess)once you get through the game the first time, you unlock the 8 special worlds and the chance to rescue and play as Luigi. The special worlds(which are sort of nega-worlds) offer a bunch of different and more challenging levels, some of which with several frustrating obstacles to make things a bit more interesting.
  6. Hey Overflow, anyway you can change the community to 150cc? Also we're in a lobby waiting for you guys.
  7. I'll get my bud to join the community with me once this race is over. Still need to grief some people.
  8. I've got 2 othesr playing with us from my list. Shit just got real
  9. Gamebird, I KNOW that blue shell was you, you giant douche!
  10. Neo Bowser City feels like Yoshi Circuit from Double Dash; lots of crazy turns over cliffs. Love it along with Wario Shipyard and the new Rainbow Road. From the older tracks, I've gotta say they picked a bunch of winners in my opinion. Kalamari Desert and Koopa Beach where some classics to me, and I love Airship Fortress and of course SNES Rainbow Road.
  11. I'm all up ins for this. We needs to get some races and battles in.
  12. Someone revive the clan thread and let's get to playin'!
  13. I'd also rather have no voice acting instead of terrible voice acting any day of the week. There's hardly any reading outside of the actual story narrative that impacts gameplay, and if you're the kind of person that can't be assed to read, then you're probably the kind of person who doesn't care about the narrative in the first place, therefore non-issue. I'm almost hoping that The Old Republic bombs so that people will get it that voice-acting a game does not make.
  14. So I finally finished the game, and what an amazing ride it was from start to finish. I can probably say without a doubt that this is my favorite Legend of Zelda by far. Sure, the general structure hasn't changed much since Ocarina of Time and even A Link to The Past, but maybe it's OK to accept that as long as Nintendo does enough around that to breathe some life into it, and I feel that Skyward Sword manages to achieve just that. It feels familiar, but the way you progress through the game, the organic and tightly-developed puzzles that are EVERYWHERE, much more useful items and a very intuitive UI, and of course the excellent motion controls make it feel fresh the whole way through. One of the largest problems I've had with Legend of Zelda since even the N64 entries has been "travel and game fatigue" in that after a certain point of the game, I'm just sick of having to ride around the overworld or sail around the damned ocean looking for heart pieces or other collectibles, or just travelling from area to area. Not only does this game alleviate that problem by finally allowing us to choose and travel to destinations easily, but with the way the areas are designed, I'm constantly engaged and I never felt that fatigue as well as I can remember through the game's entirety. It goes without saying that the MO for this game's creation was "make a Zelda game with Wii Motion+ 1 to 1 accuracy and controls", and there are a few stumbles here and there(though it might be related to my wiimote+), but the motion controls really do add a whole new level to the immersion. To me, it didn't feel like my success was dependent on Link's stash of hearts or the gear he had; Link's success felt directly related to my skill and creativity with items as a player. Due to this, every puzzle and combat encounter felt incredibly satisfying. When I was fighting Ghirahim in the first temple, I didn't feel like Link was my avatar, I felt like I was fighting him directly. I don't think traditional controls can offer this type of feeling. Had Wii Motion+ already been integrated into the Wii at launch, and had Skyward Sword been released alongside a Wii Sports, I think people would be thinking about motion controls very differently today. Playing this game really strengthened my belief that motion controls done well can really heighten the level of immersion in a game by far. I think the next generation of videogaming is going to be pretty incredible if they can build on experiences like this. I think I'll be able to discuss game content like the music and story once I get off this completion high, but I have to say that on a whole, the game just keeps ramping up, getting better and better the further in you go until a very climatic(and awesome) finish. All this talk of jaggy looking graphics makes me actually fear playing this game on the Wii though. Thank you, Dolphin team for allowing me to experience this game how it was meant to. Edit - I think the next Zelda should involve Link(or maybe a side story where you play as Zelda or Impa) having a focus on magic. Use the Wiimote to draw different signs to equip different magic, then once equipped, use whatever motion to activate. Fire, Ice, Gravity, Lightning, Earth, etc. In addition to swordplay.
  15. I love how we've basically migrated any Skyward Sword on Wii discussion to how to get the game to work properly on an emulator. XD
  16. I don't see how that's lacking in logic. The only thing you as a consumer should be concerned about is whether or not the game is fun, not about the contents. That kills any creativity that the dev team may have. Why can't The Legend of Zelda have totally different characters in a different country/world doing totally different things? "Then it wouldn't be Zelda!", you say? Bullocks. Zelda is whatever the devs want it to be, as it means the sky's the limit on what kind of experiences you could have. Force Zelda or any other series into the expectations corner, and you'll be eating that same cold green bean casserole you've been eating for years.
  17. I need to invest in a better cooler so I can OC my 3.5 ghz Phenom II quad to 3.8 or something. Right now I'm running the game at 2x native and while it doesn't have any jerky framerate drops or stuttering, the game slows down a bit in areas such as Skyloft or Faron Woods.
  18. Use revision 7719, DirectX11 if you can and set AF to x2 or higher.
  19. Third area is when things get different.
  20. Or you could just buy a cheap IR sensor for like a buck off Amazon. Of course that solution is more immediate I guess. At any rate, man oh man this game keeps getting more and more epic. SPOILERS I just got through the Water Dragon's trial, and holy crap. Seriously? The ship I'm on being capsized by a giant rastakraken? Burrowing underground and being able to have a very satisfying battle with Ghirahim? Potential story connections with Zelda II!? I just fought my way to and then on top of the bloody WIND FISH!? Why is Faron Woods flooded!? Yes, caps was necessary, as this game has made me soil myself proverbially on many an occasion.
  21. Well I can definitely agree that if you're running the game on 2x native resolution using Dolphin(which I just found out I can do reliably), then you're definitely getting quite the experience. It shouldn't look terrible on an HDTV however unless you're using composite, in which case you should switch to component ASAP. I bought 'em same day I bought my Wii I don't think I've ever even bothered touching my Wii's standard composite cables. They won't make the system look amazing, but they'll definitely remove a lot of the blurriness. I've got probably two dungeons left in the game, and I've gotta say that I agree with a previous poster, and it looks like my comment on "linearity" being an OK thing was spot on: while the dungeons are definitely smaller than something out of say, Twilight Princess, the puzzles within each are so tightly designed and satisfying to make my way through. I think *Spoilers*both dungeons in Lanayru Desert for example were pretty great with their use of time traveling, and the Sandship in particular had a pretty cool set piece for a boss battle. I also loved the ambiance of The Ancient Cistern. All and all I'm enjoying the game immensely. It feels much larger than Wind Waker, but there's much less fluff that you have to get through. Definitely in my top 5 Zelda's for sure along with the Oracle series(count as 1 to me), Link's Awakening, Majora's Mask, and Twilight Princess. Also, I've noticed the Wiimote+ problem with Dolphin as well. If I don't have the controller centered along with the sensor, it can mess up the calibration something bad. I don't know if it's just that this Wiimote+ is goofy in general or if it's an issue with Dolphin, but if anyone has an idea/fix, that'd be great.
  22. Like I said, I'm playing the game at twice the native resolution and it's running pretty smoothly thus far(12 hours in) with a GTX 460 which you can grab for around $150. Of course for maximum compatibility, you can't go wrong with playing it on your Wii, but man, HD is so nice.
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